Celtic Knot Baby Hat by Yunus

Celtic Knot Baby Hat by Yunus Shariff

Celtic Knot Baby Hat by Yunus I found an awesome comment in my inbox this morning that made me extremely happy. It was a pattern for a VERY cute  Celtic Knot Baby Hat by Yunus, one of my webpage readers. I am sooooooooooooo grateful that he shared this with me and has given me permission to share it with you.

He used my Celtic Knot stitch with some smart adjustments. I must admit that the stitch detail shows up really well on his version. I am thrilled to see how my design can be tweaked for the better. I put the video of the stitch below the hat pattern. But don’t deviate from Yunus pattern if you want your hat to look like his.

Please take some time and say Thanks to Yunus Shariff for his generosity. I hope he will give us more detail about himself at some point and that some day I can link to his own webpage with LOTS of new loom knitting designs. I got both my eyes on you dude !

En español: Haz clic aquí 

A Few Personal Notes for the Pattern

The Loom:

Celtic Knot Baby Hat by Yunus

He used the KB Adjustable Hat Loom (which I love) in the small setting.

But you can make this little hat with any small loom like the Knifty Knitter, Darice, Boye (which I don’t like read my product review for details: Click HERE) or Michael’s Loops and Threads, 31-peg loom.

The KBAH can be put in a configuration for a small or large gauge setting. There are others a bit more costly than the one’s name above that are similar with a small gauge like CindiLooms and Cottage Looms. Both are high-end, high quality looms.


The Stitch Pattern:

Celtic Knot Baby Hat by YunusI mentioned this above but for those of you that like to skip to the Knitty Gritty, make sure to follow Yunus pattern and not the stitch video below. I put it there to give you baseline because it is the original stitch pattern. But if you want your little hat to look like hers then follow her pattern exactly.

For more the FREE Pattern and more information on the Stitch: Click HERE


The 4 Different Versions of the Knit Stitch:

If you’re not sure what Yunus means when he says Flat Stitch I have a post with information and a video tutorial with an explanation of each version of the Knit Stitch including the Flat. Click HERE

Now lets move on to The Celtic Knot Baby Hat by Yunus pattern


The Pattern

Hello Denise!

I made this hat in baby size on KB’s Adjustable Hat Loom with 2 strands of 4 ply (worsted weight) yarn. For the body, I tried doing 3 rows of purl, 1k,1p, purl followed by 4 knit (all knits are flat knits) like you suggested but the band of rows created were too narrow so I did 7 rows of p, k1,p1, p alternating with 4 k rows.

For a FREE Printable PDF Click HERE

 Celtic Knot Baby Hat by Yunus

Following is the pattern in detail:


20 rows- 1 k(ewrap) 1 p all the way (rib stitch)


*row 21, 22, 23, 24 k (flat)
(4 rows of flat knit)

row 25 p
row 26 1k(flat) 1 p
row 27 p
row 28 1k(flat) 1 p
row 29 p
row 30 1k(flat) 1 p
row 31 p

repeat from * till row 59 or desired length is reached.

Row 60 k E wrap and gather the hat.

Original Pics

Picture 1: Click HERE
Picture 2: Click HERE
Picture 3: Click HERE


Stitch Video

Please keep in mind that this is only meant to give you a baseline. Again, if you want you hat to look exactly like the one in the picture you must follow the pattern above.

To Subscribe to the YouTube Chanel: Click HERE

To Watch my YouTube Stitch Pattern Play List: Click HERE

For MORE Stitch Patterns: Click HERE



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Comments: 31

  1. Pepper przlomski October 17, 2015 at 12:03 pm

    I am so excited to try his hat pattern, thank you

  2. AnnTheresa July 8, 2015 at 11:12 am

    I have the same question as Lisa Nelson. I did count 59 using the four rows of flat knit stitch. My hat has bigger spaces between the “round” part of the pattern. The hat looks ok but not like the one in the picture. I have not closed the hat yet; wondering of I should start over. Thanks!

    • Denise Canela July 8, 2015 at 12:33 pm

      Ann, I did not test this pattern – but Yunus posted a correction in the comments – see if that is helpful. I also put a link to the FREE PDF that includes the corrections

    • Yunus July 8, 2015 at 3:23 pm


      I have clarified it for Lisa in a reply. Let me do the same for you.
      1) Depending on the desired size of your hat, you can stop working on your hat at any point after completing the 4 consecutive rows of knit stitches. Just e-wrap and gather the hat.
      2) When I said row 59, I meant row 79 (20+59)….I forgot to count the 20 rows of the brim. My bad!
      3)I have posted an image file of this pattern designed as a worksheet. You can click on the link below, download it, print and share it.

      Maybe that will clear the confusion.

      Thanks for your interest. All d best!

      • AnnTheresa July 15, 2015 at 11:16 am

        Thank you so much for replying and giving me a worksheet. This is exactly what I wanted and usually have to make a worksheet of my own. I finished the hat I was talking about and it really looks cute with the “wrong” pattern. I am anxious however to use your worksheet and make another one, for my granddaughter, of course! Thanks again!

        • Yunus July 16, 2015 at 4:42 am

          I am happy that your hat turned out good! Amazing stuff one learns while loom knitting! All the best for the next project. 🙂

  3. Yunus July 1, 2015 at 7:31 am

    Hey Denise,

    EDITED Celtic Knot baby Hat PATTERN

    If you have downloaded the prev pattern. PLEASE DELETE /SCRAP IT. I made a blunder by forgetting to put alternate Purl stitch Rows in between the K1P1 rows. This is the right one.

    Apologies for the inconvenience.


  4. Yunus July 1, 2015 at 4:01 am

    Hey Denise!

    Thanks for putting my hat on your page. As many of your readers have expressed their interest in making this hat, I have made an image file of the pattern for this project. It is FREE! So anyone can download it, share it and print it! I have made this image as a worksheet so it is easier for even the beginners to follow.
    Thanks once again for your support. I really love all your stitch patterns from your YouTube videos and from this website as well.

    Here is a link to the hat pattern.


    Thanks every1 for your interest and appreciation. Happy Looming.

  5. Lisa Nelson June 30, 2015 at 8:23 pm

    I can’f figure out how to get to 59 rows, unless I leave out the 4 rows of flat stitch. and just repeat rows 25-31, 4 times. Is that right?
    Love this pattern, don’t want to mess it up!!

    • Denise Canela July 1, 2015 at 12:12 am

      Hi Lisa, I haven’t done this pattern but Linda J on LoomaHolics is doing it right now as we speak. She may be able to answer that question. Click HERE to join this very active Google+ group:

    • Yunus July 1, 2015 at 4:13 am

      Hey Lisa,

      Depending on the desired size of your hat, you can stop working on your hat at any point after completing the 4 consecutive rows of knit stitches. Just e-wrap and gather the hat.
      It does not have to be row 59 or row 79…. when I said row 59, I meant row 79 (20+59)….I forgot to count the 20 rows of the brim. I have posted an image file of this pattern designed as a worksheet. Maybe that will clear the confusion. Thanks for your interest. All d best!

      • Anonymous July 1, 2015 at 9:57 am

        Thank you! Totally love this pattern….do you have more?

  6. Mary Lou June 30, 2015 at 1:24 pm

    Thanks for sharing, can’t wait to make a hat with this pattern.

  7. Yunus June 30, 2015 at 6:14 am

    Kristi , (whispering back) Thanks! ‘He’ (the right pronoun for me) is happy that you noticed and will be more happy when Denise edits her posts reg my gender.

    • Kristi June 30, 2015 at 6:56 pm

      P.S. I don’t think it is weird for a man to knit.

      My brother-in-law is an avid knitter. His frequent knitting is what made me want to try it 🙂

  8. Yunus June 30, 2015 at 6:08 am

    All you guys, thank you so much for your nice comments.
    Debbie Gilliam, I used the small gauge (using all the pegs) on the KB’s adjustable hat loom. One could try this on large gauge looms with either 3 strands of worsted weight or bulky of super bulky yarn. I keep measuring my hat to see if it is big enough for the intended size.

    This is how I know how big the hat should be and stop knitting. Baby size is usually 6 1/2-7 inches long depending if the baby is 1 yr or older, while adult size is usually 71/2 to 8″ long depending on the head of the adult measured with a tape-measure around the temple.

    Wanda Barefoot, for a 3 year old, better use the 3+3 peg extenders with the 3+3 peg spacers(total 68 pegs ) if your are doing this on KB’s Adjustable Hat loom. If it comes out a bit loose…better loose than too tight to fit.

    Feel free to ask me anything else you want to know about this. My email id is yunusshariff@gmail.com.

    And once again all you sweet sweet loomers, I am a man. 🙂

  9. Yunus June 30, 2015 at 5:49 am

    Guys, I know it is unusual for a man to knit and my name may be new to many of you.. but I am a guy. My name ‘Yunus’ is a variant of ‘Jonas’ from the bible. Man’s name. Ha ha ha ha !!! Please correct my gender in your posts Denise….It may create some weird misunderstandings.

    • Denise Canela June 30, 2015 at 9:39 am

      Hi Yunus ! Thought is was a variation of the name Eunice .. not to worry will do… Thanks for coming back to correct me 🙂

      • Yunus July 1, 2015 at 4:06 am

        Thanks for the edit. I was much amused. 🙂

  10. Marci Ellsworth June 28, 2015 at 3:36 pm

    Thank you so much for sharing!

  11. Wanda Barefoot June 27, 2015 at 4:36 pm

    This is just so cute! I don’t have an infant to knit for so I might make one for the organization you suggested, Denise. Precious Preemies would love it I bet. Can you tell me how to adjust the pattern to make one for a 3 year old? I have a great niece that would love one too. Thank you, Yunus, for such a lovely pattern!

    • Denise Canela June 27, 2015 at 5:08 pm

      Wanda, I haven’t tested this pattern and might not for a while. Working on 2 other hat patterns right now… soooooo sorry. I can only suggest a 31-peg if the 3 year old is Very tiny or a 36 peg loom. The number of rows should work the same. The KBAH loom in the small setting is really NOT that small. It is not like a preemie size more like a larger 31 peg loom. I would say that it sits between the 31 and 36 KK loom.

  12. Kristi June 27, 2015 at 4:29 pm

    Pssst….. (whispering) just to let you know, Yunus is a “he.”


    • Denise Canela June 27, 2015 at 4:58 pm

      WHAT?- Ohhhhh no. It’s like that Yves issue that I thought was Eve. Are you sure?

      • Kristi June 28, 2015 at 12:34 am


        (Still whispering) Yes. He posted this hat on a looming Facebook group I’m in. Profile pic is male and Facebook page concurs.

  13. Karen Battisti June 27, 2015 at 3:25 pm

    Now I find the pattern written out right , Sorry for the inconvenience,

  14. Karen Battisti June 27, 2015 at 3:23 pm

    Can you put this in our terms so we can understand the pattern. It would be greatly appreciated.


  15. Debbie Gilliam June 27, 2015 at 2:48 pm

    Thanks so much for the pattern Yunus. It is really cute. With a new granddaughter coming I will be making this hat.

    Denise she said she used the KB Adjustable hat loom in the small setting. She used 2 strands of #4 yarn. Do you know if she made the small loom but kept the larger gauge? Or did she insert the other pegs for the smaller gauge? In one of her pictures it looks like she set the loom up for the small gauge but I want to make sure. I just got this kit so this will be my first hat on it. Thanks for posting this pattern

    • Denise Canela June 27, 2015 at 3:11 pm

      Wow Debbie, What a great question. Like I thought about that too but never stopped to ask. Got too distracted with another post that I’m writing. I will shoot her an email and ask her. I want to say yes it is a small setting because you can see that the pegs are in light gray and dark gray

  16. Gorro de Bebe Nudo Celta por Yunus June 27, 2015 at 1:52 pm

    […] For English: Click HERE […]

  17. Karen Aicken June 27, 2015 at 12:01 pm

    What a sweet hat – thank you Yunus for sharing the pattern with us, and for you Denise for such a great looming blog and resources

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