Garter Stitch on a Loom Pattern and Video Tutorial

Two Versions of the Garter Stitch on a Loom

Garter Stitch

A great stitch for brims and to stop rolling edges on your project is the Garter stitch. But did you know there’s more than one way to knit this awesome stitch on a knitting loom. Depending on the version of the Knit Stitch you use you will get a very different look.

One is more a bit of a curvy curly style and I would even say more feminine and the other is more of a flat look. That is the one I choose when I need to add a brim to a man’s design or a low-key edge to a square of blanket.

Below is the real easy two stitch pattern and a step by step video tutorial with lots of details just for beginners or those that thought this stitch could only be done one way.

If you know of any additional versions tell us in the comment section of this page.

The Garter Stitch Pattern

Row 1: Knit

Row 2: Purl

What makes the stitch look different is the version of the knit stitch that you use. For a complete explanation of each version: Click HERE

The Curly Version: is done using the e-Wrap version of the knit stitch.

The Flat Version: can be done using any of the 3 other versions of the knit stitch such as the Flat, U-wrap or the True knit sometimes called the Classic knit stitch.  Remember that some versions are a lot tighter then the others. If you’re not quite sure which one you prefer read this article for more detailed information on each individual version: Click HERE


The Step by Step Video Tutorial

Please watch the video completely before starting on your project. Doing so makes the you more confident that the pattern is doable.

Don’t miss any of my videos – Subscribe to my channel: Click HERE

To see more stitch patterns. Check out the Loom Knitting Stitch Play List: Click HERE



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Comments: 13

  1. Marcella November 12, 2016 at 11:24 pm

    Denise ~ I’ve learned SO much from you, your *awesome* guidance, tutorials & posts. =~) I learned very recently to loom knit from your vids alone, and have SO much more to learn and really, deeply enjoy the process of learning, especially as one of your students. I am of course branching out to other sites, vids & blogs slowly yet surely, yet you are my go-to teacher right now. So thank you *immensely* for all your time, effort, tutorials, posts, responses, patience & education – it IS all *greatly* appreciated & beneficial. <3 ;-*

    Now in addition to props, I have a question about this garter stitch brim:
    Is this the type of brim that's doubled/folded over? It looks like it's not, but as it's my first time doing it and I can't quite tell from the picture, I had to ask.

    Also – how may rows do you recommend for the brim (standard 16-20?) and should I end with a purled row? I appreciate any & all feedback on these questions, thanks so much for your time & attention. :~)

    • Denise Canela December 8, 2016 at 8:26 am

      Hi Marcella – first soooooo sorry for the delay in responding. I’ve been a bit overwhelmed these last few weeks. Thanks for all the great positive feed back I really appreciate it. Now to your questions – first the post was only for the stitch – there is no project. I used the hats to help with visuals – cast-on (starting) and cast-off (end) are best decided by the designer of a hat. I would suggest finding a pattern that includes a garter stitch brim in the size of the recipient – the number of rows will be different if its a newborn as opposed to a toddler and of course an adult. – there is the size of the loom to consider as well. Again I think your best bet is a pattern. Currently – I don’t have a pattern with a garter stitch brim…. sorry – BUT I do have a list of patterns available for free on the internet: Click HERE

  2. Angee November 4, 2016 at 3:12 pm

    Hi Denise, I feel like I am an loomed friend. Lol. Well I have an confusion issue. I brought the Infinity Loom from Michaels. I want to make a blanket. Do you have an instructional video for different types of stitches and working this loom. Also, I would like to show u some of the stuff I made from your Great and Detailed instructions.


    • Denise Canela December 4, 2016 at 11:05 pm

      Hi Angee – very sorry about the delay in responding – thanks for the question – No I don’t have any video or patterns with that loom. I try to use the looms that come in the set of fours or looms that can be easy substitutes for those looms because they are so common. As for the pictures – I LOVE PICTURES – this is my email

  3. Mary April 14, 2016 at 5:47 pm

    Hi Denise! I am looking for a stitch called garter stitch checks. Do you have a tutorial for that?

    • Denise Canela April 17, 2016 at 8:27 am

      I don’t – but I do plan to one – But is a simple pattern – Remember to add your edges

      Row 1: p5, k5
      Row 2: k
      Row 3: p5, k5
      Row 4: k
      Row 5: p5, k5
      Row 6: k5, p5
      Row 7: k
      Row 8: k5, p5
      Row 9: k
      Row 10: k5, p5

      • Mary April 17, 2016 at 9:50 pm

        Awesome! Thank you so much!

  4. Kathy Gleason January 18, 2016 at 11:05 pm

    I have more of a question Denise. ….I’m making a TMNT Hat for my 6 yr old grandson,I’m not good at reading the instruction,so I more or less just go by the picture so I picture read,strange,I know,anyway I’d like to make the eyes kind of mischievous looking instead of being just round,is there anyway u can tell me how I can go about that?? Thank you & God Bless You For Being There For All that loom knit!!❤,Kathy Gleason,1/18/2016

    • Denise Canela January 24, 2016 at 12:20 am

      Not sure what TMNT means – sorry…

      • Leiza September 16, 2016 at 4:55 pm

        TMNT means Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. 🙂

        • Denise Canela September 17, 2016 at 12:06 pm

          Thank you Sister !

  5. Teresa Matson May 16, 2015 at 8:09 pm

    Wow! It really surprised me to actually see the comparison! I love the garter stitch! I will be using an u wrap on the guys hats and such! Thanks! You Rock!

    • Denise Canela May 17, 2015 at 9:26 am

      Thank you Teresa – glad I could give you another look at the great stitch.

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