How to Make Shoelaces

How to Make Shoelaces on a Round Spool Loom


How to make shoelaces was a question I asked myself because I wanted a particular color of shoelaces. Loom knitting a set just seemed like a really cool idea. Especially because kids wear them out like there’s no tomorrow. Might as well put them to work and let me them enjoy making their own.

Not to mention how often I have been wanting a pair in a particular size and a very peculiar color.

So I made a pair and created a step by step video tutorial to help those that are visual learners like me. That way lots of other folks could enjoy this really cool project as much as I do.

Note: The video is one of my first and the quality is NOT that great. But the message gets through loud and clear. Plus check out the cool trick to avoid counting rows.

Supplies Needed:

Spool Loom, Hook, Embroidery Floss, Scissors, , Small Beads, Glue
Click on the Picture to Purchase any of the Supplies Below
Spool Loom for Friendship Bracelet
Loom hook for Friendship bracelet

Floss for Friendship Bracelet

Glue Gun






How to Make Shoelaces: The Video



The Pattern: How to Make Shoelaces
The Pattern is FREE on this website. To Purchase a Printable PDF Version: Click HERE
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You will use the small 5 peg side of the Spool Loom

2 Skeins of Embroidery Floss per Shoelace (4 in total)  – you will knit 2 together as 1

Measure your Shoelace with a measuring tape. For every inch you will knit 6 rows – to avoid counting watch the video for a cool trick.


1. Make a knot to put over one of the pegs

2. Wrap 3 pegs completely around (e-wrap) – first row

3. Next row don’t wrap around just place the floss over the front of each peg like one big wrap. Keep the bottom strands well separated from the top strands

4. With the yarn hook grab the first 2 bottom strands and pull them over the top 2 strands. Loop them over to the back of peg.  You should be left with 1 row of strands on all 3 pegs. DON’T count the first row it will be loose and you will be hiding this row of yarn (floss).

5. Repeat for the number of rows needed for your shoes – based on 6 rows for every 1 inch.

6. When done use the gathering method to complete and remove work from the loom. Note that It will look short.

7. Pull and stretch on the shoelace from edge to edge until it almost doubles in length

8.  Put some tape on the edges. Roll the tape to make it round – Feed the beads

9. Make a knot on the end.  Put a glue dot with the glue gun.


Other Uses for Spool

Friendship-braceletWhat is really cool about this project is that once you have learned how to make shoelaces with the spool loom you can use them for lots of other things. They can become hair ties. Make it longer, connect both ends and turn it into a necklace. Add beads while you loom. Leave it flat and use them as bookmarks.
One cool project which is only a little different to make but is just as cool to make is a friendship bracelet. For more info: Click Here

If you have other ideas on how to make shoelaces on a loom leave me a comment and share your patterns, tips or tricks. All are much appreciated and benefit everyone that visits this site.


Other Uses for Your Floss

Triangle Shawl

You can add what I call color burst with embroidery floss. I’ve can great fun adding it into other projects like a cool purse and even a triangle shawl.

Enter to Win a Spool Loom and 12 Skeins of Embroidery Floss

If you need help understanding how to use the Rafflecopter: Click HERE

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Comments: 4

  1. mary October 2, 2016 at 11:38 am

    I have this great super bulky yarn (6) that I would love to make a hat or head wrap with. Can I loom knit with that weight yarn?

    • Denise Canela October 3, 2016 at 8:06 pm

      YEP – That is perfect for loom knitting 🙂 Here is a good one: Click HERE

  2. Lisa February 23, 2015 at 6:27 pm

    I love the idea for the shoelaces! I have a lot of bright floss that my daughter loves – she’d love having them as shoelaces. I am looming a baby blanket for my sister in law. The shoelaces are going on my to-do-next list!

    • Denise Canela February 23, 2015 at 6:56 pm

      I’m glad you like this project… I love it.. You keep them busy and they get new clean shoelaces. Cool and Cool.

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