Loom Knitting Stitches – A Guide by Isela Phelps

Loom-Stitch-Guide-CollageLoom Knitting Stitches An Easy to Follow Guide

I am always researching loom knitting stitches to put together a comprehensive list. While online I bumped into a guide in a downloadable pdf format. It was written by Isela Phelps, author of  “Loom Knitting Primer”, Amazon’s best-selling loom knitting book, pattern designer, online moderator and blogger.  If you like to loom knit you know that this lady is a loom knitting genius.

She is also generous  and in her generosity she has given us loom knitters the gift of this great resource. I can’t believe it’s free! It has such easy to read instructions. Personally I love the diagrams of the  stitches which I can follow so much easier than a written list of rules. This list can be used for any project you might have in mind from hats to scarves, socks to sweaters. They are all are awesome!


To Download the Guide (Scroll Down)

The guide is in a pdf format so you can easily print and keep a hard copy. Like having your own free book. I put mine in plastic page protectors so that I could share it with my students.  If you don’t have the ability to download in this format there is a free software download available through Adobe. If you need this: Click Here  and look for the Reader. If not, just lick the picture of the cover below the list of stitches for a link.

The stitches included in this Loom Knitting Stitches Guide are:

Loom Knit Stitch StitchesBox  , Basket-weaveDiagonal Rib

Double Moss , GarterMoss / Seed, Rib, Zig-Zag

For MORE Stitches that are NOT Part of the Guide…..

 Click the Picture to the left : Click HERE

FOR A YOUTUBE Stitch Pattern Playlist: Click HERE



Note: That the cover says Guide I for Guide II Click HERE



Start using the loom knitting stitches guide with these great books by the author.

You’ll learn how to make some really awesome stuff. The stitch guide gives you a head start on a lot of the patterns. The books that say ” LOOK INSIDE”, give you a sneak peek of the content and what kinds of projects you can expect to find. I have great appreciation for this feature because not every list of projects is for everyone.



Over 30
Fun Projects


40 Simple


38 Easy


30 Easy


50 Fun


30 Fun
















.Loom Knit Stitches

All the books are not just great pattern resources but also great for loom knitting stitches. I am a huge fan of the Loom Knitting Socks book for this exact reason. I don’t enjoy knitting socks maybe it’s because I haven’t made enough of them or maybe it’s because I have made enough of them. I can’t exactly decide but I do love interesting stitches especially for hats, scarves and squares and this book is chuck-full of them.


Loom Knitting Stitches


Name of Stitches you’ve always wanted. Am sure that like me everybody has had a stitch they wanted to learn but couldn’t ask for help because they didn’t know the name. I have seen so many beautiful hats and scarfs where the knitter just takes a picture but never tells you Anything about how to make the darn thing. If they would at a least give you the name of stitches you would be one step closer.

Note that this list was compiled for needle knitters but it can be of great use to us loom knitters because although the technique may be different if it looks like a rib stitch in a needle knitters photo gallery – it will most likely look like a rib stitch in the loom knitters photo gallery. In other words Loom Knitting Stitches made be done differently from those that have been done with needles but the end product generally looks the same. I hope you can understand what I mean.

Well while trying to translate a stitch from Spanish to English I pumped into this website called Knittingfool.com. WOW.


To Read More :Click Here

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Comments: 25

  1. robin linn February 9, 2015 at 4:42 pm

    I’m trying to do the three stitch on a flat,how do I go back the other way? My two peg is now on the end so there is no three peg I can go to peg one but not three thanks

    • Denise Canela February 9, 2015 at 11:24 pm

      Hi Robin, I’ve never done this stitch on a flat panel… sorry

  2. Colleen Dalo February 4, 2015 at 7:29 pm


    How do you bind off a blanket made with the tiny heart stitch?

    Thank you,

    • Denise Canela February 6, 2015 at 8:14 am

      Hi Colleen, it’s a good idea to do a few rows of Knit stitch and then you can use a Basic Bind off – or the Stretchy Bind off. Look on Youtube for a video – there are lots of them.
      Hope that helps,

  3. Nathalie Breault December 28, 2014 at 8:16 pm

    thank you so much . I don’t have any loom yet but I found my teacher.. you…..

    • Nathalie Breault December 28, 2014 at 8:17 pm

      sorry I thought the first email did not work. Happy new year

  4. Nathalie Breault December 28, 2014 at 8:15 pm

    Wow I’m watching some videos to learn about Knit loom… and I found you….. I have to buy some loom and I think I will buy from michael. and a 12 peg from ebay. thank you so much for all your videos. I’m sure I will use them as I will try all the stitches. thank you very much

  5. Barbara Leigh October 13, 2014 at 1:57 pm

    your web sit is amazing. I always find something useful on there. You are amazing,

    • Denise Canela October 13, 2014 at 5:59 pm

      THANK YOU Barbara !!!

  6. Pamela knox August 21, 2014 at 12:53 pm

    I need a loom knitting zigzag a baby beanie pattern

    • Denise Canela August 26, 2014 at 10:20 pm

      Hi Pamela, sorry for the delay in responding I’ve been ill for a bit.
      I would tell you that you don’t need a specific pattern – a basic beanie pattern would work. Just substitute the stitch used by the designer with a zigzag stitch.

      Here is a link to 65 FREE hat patterns: Click Here

      Here is a link to a few Free Patterns for baby hats: Click Here

      Hope that helps is only a little

  7. Esther July 29, 2014 at 7:26 pm

    Hi, I have made about 15 hats,, all sizes. My problem is the largest loom is to large and the next size smaller is to small. Is there any way I can make the largest loom hat a little smaller. We make them for
    men and women and children with cancer….God Bless and thank you

    • Denise Canela September 1, 2014 at 12:54 pm

      Hi Esther, sorry for the delay in responding I’ve been ill for a bit. Just trying to catch up.

      About your question: I found that the BEST loom , or the “Happy Medium” size loom that works for men, women and children is the Green 36-peg from Knifty Knitter. I have a Loom Size/Hat Size chart that might help a bit more: Click Here

    • Debbi Cannizzaro November 17, 2014 at 6:06 pm

      Hi Tracey, I saw your post about the yellow knifty knitter loom being too big and the green one being a bit small. Well I felt the same way. So I found a kk purple loom. The pegs are closer together for a tighter knit, little bigger than the green and smaller than the yellow. They are hard to find. Someone said Provo Craft doesn’t make them anymore. I found mine on Amazon. Advertised as “The perfect adult-sized hat loom”. Good luck…

      • Denise Canela November 17, 2014 at 8:22 pm

        Debbi – I agree BIG -time

      • ESTHER November 25, 2014 at 11:07 pm

        HI Debbie….many thanks for the suggestion. Will keep my eyes open at ebay and Amazon ..Enjoy reading your post and constantly picking up ideas. Have Blessed Thanksgiving to all you “LOOMRS”

      • Kristi February 9, 2015 at 12:35 pm

        I concur as well, Esther. I never use the yellow KK for hats – too big imo! I have used the green KK for me but it wouldn’t work for my hubby probably.

        However, the purple KK hat loom is PERFECT! And the added bonus is the tighter knit you get from the somewhat smaller gauge (same gauge as the blue KK)! It is my all around favorite round loom that I use for a LOT of things. Even when a pattern calls for the yellow, I convert to the purple.

        If you can’t find one on eBay or Amazon, I understand that CinDwood looms makes an equivalent round loom (with same peg count and gauge). That is more expensive than the purple KK once was but, with price gouging (since the purple KK is discontinued), it might not be much different now.

        A quick search didn’t find it anywhere on Amazon (don’t know about knock-offs but can’t be sure about quality of those) or on eBay.

        To make sure you are getting something equivalent: The peg count is 48. Peg spacing (center to center) is 5/8″ I think the diameter is about 10″ but that could vary slightly with a different loom.

        Here’s the CinDwood link. I’ve purchased a couple of their tiny looms recently and I can attest that they are nice and lightweight.

        http://www.cindwoodcrafts.com/products-page/looms/shape/round-looms/adult-hat-loom/ (Select the 5/8″ gauge option) It is $22.00, which isn’t dramatically more than the $15.00 I paid for the purple plastic one.

        And if, like me, you ever find yourself wishing there was a round loom BETWEEN the 24 peg blue KK (5/8″ gauge) and the 12 peg KK flower loom (3/4″ gauge) size, there IS! I found that, to make fingerless gloves, the flower loom was too small and the blue KK was too BIG so I scoured around looking for the perfect in between.

        Lo and behold, the CinDwood Child Slipper Loom fits the bill. http://www.cindwoodcrafts.com/products-page/looms/shape/round-looms/child-slipper-loom/

        I got the 1/2″ gauge (since the blue KK is already 5/8″) rather than get the 3/4″ gauge. At ten bucks, and for my sanity (since I was going crazy trying to find SOMETHING that would be a halfway size), it was totally worth it!!

    • Misty December 13, 2014 at 7:22 pm

      I’ve had the best results using kk long looms to make those in-between sizes.

      The gauge is the same (for the regular yellow, green long ones at least) so patterns still work.

      I Bought a set of loom size adjuster pegs from kk, mine are purple. It’s a loom peg on a plastic base that clips onto the long looms.

      With those I can adjust the size of my loom to make a smaller hat, using the number of pegs I want to- it’s also how I make sleeping caps….

  8. Tracey July 22, 2014 at 9:08 am

    Here is the link from Isela’s page for all the pdfs, there is no 2 so I’m guessing she hasn’t got round to writing it yet – http://isela.typepad.com/loomknitting/tutorials.html

    Which stitch(es) are the best to use for a rug where the edges need to be flat and not curl up?
    I love your site, thanks so much 🙂

  9. Jenny July 30, 2013 at 10:19 pm

    I have just discovered the delights of loom knitting but I cannot work out how to do a purl stitch! I have tried wrapping around the other way but I just get into a muddle! I would love to make the mens’ hat, have all the equipment except the right stitch! Please could you help?

    • Denise Cenela July 30, 2013 at 10:52 pm

      Hi Jenny, Go ahead and take a look at the men’s hat page it includes a video for knit and purl. I believe it will help. Let me know.
      Here is a link for the Knit and Purl post https://www.loomahat.com/knit-and-purl

      • Jenny July 31, 2013 at 1:09 am

        Thank you Denise, the video was perfect! Love your site.

        • Denise Cenela July 31, 2013 at 7:49 am

          You are very welcome Jenny.

  10. Debra O'Brien June 18, 2013 at 2:56 pm

    I am so excited to see this! I can’t wait to finish the baby blanket I am working on so I can get started on something new! Thanks for all your hard work!

    • Denise Cenela June 18, 2013 at 3:59 pm

      Thank you so much Debra for your kind words, always needed and appreciated – but the Hard work was done by Isela Phelps who put this great resource together and was kind enough to make it available for FREE. This lady is an enormous talent with lots of loom knitting information.

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