Yarn Giveaway

Yarn Giveaway 2014 !

Yarn Giveaway The giveaway will always have yarn but some months there will be extra’s like books, loom knitting tools, accessories , a gift card,one month will even have a mystery gift.The winner will be randomly chosen by Rafflecopter.com’s automated system. Is that cool or what.

You can enter everyday until the end of the giveaway. If you don’t win you can comeback the following month and the month after that for the yarn giveaway until you win.

Once you have won you can not enter for another 6 months. Fairness is always in style.


The yarn brands will be the ones I use the most or have tried and been very happy. I will let you know if the yarn or any item has been given to me and I haven’t sampled the product. It will be like a giveaway / product review when possible.



December 2014

Yarn Giveaway December 2014

November 2014


November Yarn Giveaway 2014

October – Starts 10/01/2014


Yarn Giveaway October 2014



September 2014

Yarn Giveaway September 2014


June 2014

Yarn Giveaway June 2014


MAY 2014

Yarn Giveaway May 2014

APRIL 2014




Yarn Giveaway

The March Yarn Giveaway is on. This one is for those bigger projects you have put off until you have enough yarn. Three (3) skeins of Caron Simply Soft. The catch is the how you get the right colors. Read the post is that you know how you get the colors you want.

Very important: Click the Picture for a link. Read the Terms and Conditions. You should know the rules before you start the game.

Good Luck to Everyone ! 🙂

March winner Collage




Yarn Giveaway
Congratulations to Linda Brown Jones for winning this months yarn giveaway of 2 Red Heart Soft in Simply Red and My February Beauty Box from Glossy Box. It’s going to be hard to watch these 2 leave. I LOVE MY GLOSSY BOX ! But glad that it’s a member of my Facebook family. LOVE these folks.

Linda you will be eligible to take part in the Yarn Giveaway again in 6 months.

Good Luck to the March participants

Enjoy the contest and good luck to everyone ! Please read the terms and conditions.

Yarn Giveaway

A Note from our February Yarn Giveaway Winner

Received my February Win package!! Wonderful! The red yarn is truly an amazing color of red and so soft! I will be looking for a pattern that will be perfect for this yarn color. I love Red Heart! It is exciting to think about using this yarn. I’ve been away from all my looming, needlework and crafts for the past few years due to family matters and everyday happingings. I’ve really missed my hobbies.. As soon as I finish all related to moving my mom in with us and taking care of her house, my looms will be smoking with non-stop projects, LOL! Can’t wait!
The Gloss Box that was included had excellent products included. And I know what Denise gave up to include it in the winning package.
Thank you so much Denise!! I love your blog and thank you for the opportunity to win this yarn! New yarn makes me do happy dances And what a better way to get back onto the looming world than to start here? You do so many wonderfully nice things. Keep up your good works.
New follower an fan here!



Yarn Giveaway January 2014

 Congratulations to Karen Vaughn for winning 2 Skeins of Vanna’s Choice in warm winter tones. Karen won by tweeting about the Yarn Giveaway. Is that so cool or what.

Yarn Giveaway

Karen,your treasure box is leaving on Monday as long as you get back to me soon. You will be eligible to take part in the Yarn Giveaway again in 6 months.

Good luck to the February contestants.

Enjoy the contest and good luck to everyone ! Please read the terms and conditions.


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Comments: 41

  1. narriman October 9, 2016 at 9:50 pm

    I love to make ornament

  2. Rheatha Barr February 25, 2015 at 1:26 pm

    I’m new to the loom with yarn did it with the rubber bands now I’m doing knitting crocheting and making stuff for my children my grandchildren my great grand I’m loving how to make things following directions on youtube so this is great for me at the age of 61 young and still beautiful

    • Susan Acevedo February 26, 2015 at 9:59 am

      I have started loom knitting hats for the women who work with my husband. I got lot of yarn donated to me by a neighbor and I would like to make some hats for the homeless soon. Right now I’m ready to do some more cute stuff for my first grandchild. He will be here in April so I have to get busy.

  3. Cassandra VanSyckle November 8, 2014 at 6:59 pm

    I already won just by finding this site! Everyday I find something else that is very helpful to help me learn to knit. Made my very first sock on the round loom last night. It was a disaster, but it was a sock…LOL! But now I know what I did wrong and have already started on a new one. I feel so much more confident after going thru this site. I now know that with practice I can finally use my looms and not just look at them. Thank you all so much for your wonderful and helpful information!!

  4. Ann Downard November 6, 2014 at 10:01 am

    I am new to to loom knitting. On my 3rd month of it and its very relaxing for me. Plus I have nice gifts to give away! Thats a win win for all.

  5. Gladys Hall October 19, 2014 at 1:41 pm

    I love mixing beautiful grays to mix with warm sunny tones

  6. Donna Richards September 1, 2014 at 2:58 pm

    I am glad to see you up and running again. Looming is my favorite pass time and I can always use yarn. I used the small loom so much and I had to order a new one for making hats and scarves.

  7. Donna Richards August 27, 2014 at 9:33 pm

    I am still Looming newborn hats in support of Shaken Baby Syndrome. I used my small loom so much that the pegs keep breaking and I have to get a new one but it is worth the challenge. Happy you are doing better.

    • Denise Canela August 28, 2014 at 8:48 pm

      Hey Donna – thanks doing much better. Would love it if you could give us a link to the Shaken Baby Syndrome folks that accepts donations of knit hats.

      • Donna Richards August 28, 2014 at 9:11 pm

        http://www.oneshakeisallitakes.org. Thank you so much for you interest in this. It is a worth while program.

        • Denise Canela September 1, 2014 at 12:30 pm

          Had someone tell me about this last year and I meant to follow -up … got distracted but will make it a priority this year.

      • Donna Richards August 28, 2014 at 9:23 pm

        Also Iowa Click for babies will explain it more maybe. Both sites are on facebook.

        The shaken baby symdrome.

        • Denise Canela August 29, 2014 at 11:37 pm

          THANK YOU Donna – found the link on the homepage where to donate. I just realize that I know someone that knits for these folks. I will do a post on them.

  8. Natasha Phipps August 7, 2014 at 4:49 am

    I just started loom knitting a couple of days ago and I’ve already knitted two hats and i’m working on a third I also crochet but since I started loom knitting I haven’t crocheted at all I like so far it a lot more fun than crocheting I must admit. I thought it would be hard to do when I first seen it but it’s actually pretty easy

  9. Aileen P. July 12, 2014 at 2:42 pm

    Just found your site! Had a great time looking around but was saddened to see no contest for July.

    • Denise Canela September 1, 2014 at 12:56 pm

      Hi Aileen, sorry for the delay in responding I’ve been ill for a bit. Just trying to catch up.
      Well the contest is up and running !!!! Here is the link: Click Here

  10. Debbie Ellis July 11, 2014 at 8:52 pm

    Not really sure how to enter? would love to win some yarn. Making the Grand kids all blankets.

    • Denise Canela September 1, 2014 at 1:49 pm

      Hi Debbie, sorry for the delay in responding I’ve been ill for a bit. Just trying to catch up.
      Here is a link to this months giveaway,

      Hope that helps,

  11. Kimberly V May 6, 2014 at 10:19 am

    I would like to learn how to loom knit. A scarf seems like a good way to start.

  12. Susan Acevedo March 2, 2014 at 6:25 pm

    I just started to do loom knitting. I love it already and the only thing I’ve made so far is a hat. I like loom knitting because it’s easier on my hands (arthritis and neuropathy) and easier patterns. I was so surprised after I knitted my hat that I’m going to knit everyone in my family hats for Christmas. Yes, I start early! My favorite color is purple.

  13. Sandra February 10, 2014 at 7:26 am

    New to loom knitting, love your videos. I made 3 hats and am making a baby blanket now”
    Thanks for the encouragement!

    • Denise Canela February 10, 2014 at 8:58 pm

      Awesome Sandra – share pictures ! 🙂

  14. Donna Richards February 7, 2014 at 12:36 pm

    Now that I learned to loom knit hats for babies l am now doing adult hats and donated some to a nursing home.

    • Denise Canela February 7, 2014 at 3:18 pm

      Donna, You’re on a roll girl 🙂 . Love it!

  15. Donna Richards February 5, 2014 at 8:23 pm

    I am addicted since I starting looming hats for newborns in support of Shaken Baby Prevention.

    • Denise Canela February 6, 2014 at 11:43 pm

      Always like hearing that a fellow knitter is Loving with Looms. 🙂

  16. CHICHISWEETS February 4, 2014 at 8:26 pm

    I just found your channel, and I luv it. Your vids are well made. I plan to improve my loom knitting skills this year. I have the Knifty Knitter looms.

    • Denise Canela February 4, 2014 at 10:05 pm

      Thanks for the kind words ChiChiSweets. I greatly appreciate them and you.

  17. Anna Pearson January 26, 2014 at 6:56 pm

    heyo! its Anna here. just saw youre video on youtube and thought i could check out the website. thanks for the help in ending a loomed hat! i made one for my baby cousin and i hope they like it!!!! did i say thanks? THANKS!!!!!! bye gotta go ttyl!!!!!!! [talk to you later] bt dubs, please respond, girlllll!

    • Denise Canela January 26, 2014 at 8:57 pm

      Glad I could help Anna, send Pics PLEASE!

  18. Ruth Sullivan January 14, 2014 at 12:17 pm

    I love to loom knit hats – I have 2 sets of Knifty Knitters and most of the time keep two
    hats going at the same time. I have already donated 20 hat to the Children’s Home in 2014. In 2012 I donated 200 have to a homless shelter. I have been BLESSED in many waysand this is my way of giving back to the community.

    • Denise Canela January 14, 2014 at 7:23 pm

      Awesome Ruth ! Love hearing this stuff. Loom knitting lends itself perfectly for donations because you can finish quickly.

  19. Alyssa Zirpoli January 13, 2014 at 2:38 pm

    Thank you for this giveaway!!! I love this yarn, I was looking at it the other day, would love to win!!! Beautiful for a scarf.

  20. Yanira Prieto January 12, 2014 at 6:37 pm

    Loom knitting has become one of my favorite crafts to do on my spare time. I’m a social worker, so I’m giving all my children a scarf and beanie. Thank you for this awesome creation.

    • Denise Canela January 12, 2014 at 7:12 pm

      You are VERY welcome Yanira. What a pretty name – sounds like we could be cousins. Thank you for your kind words. So glad I could help. I know you will bless many children with your wonderful gifts. I know it’s getting cold somewhere – cause it sure is warm here in Florida, 82 degrees today. Nothing but breezy spring like slouchy hats for us.
      Lots of virtual hugs from a Dominican girl in Sunny South Florida,

  21. Jenni January 11, 2014 at 12:19 pm

    Thank you for having a yarn giveaway. I decided that in 2014 I’m going to learn a craft. Studying my favorite source for ideas (Pintrest), I discovered loom knitting. I tried traditional knitting when I was younger and the lady teaching me said God must have put my hands on backward because she had never seen the stitches I was making before! Ha-ha!

    Maybe a loom will help me knit correctly. I hope I might even win some yarn. I have know idea what quality yarn is.

    Anyway, I got my set of round looms yesterday and will pick up a few yarns today and start my first hat. I am glad that I found Loom – a – Hat.

    • Denise Canela January 11, 2014 at 12:33 pm

      I’m glad you found LoomaHat. Loom knitting is great fun and the closed thing to fail-proof crafting.
      Good Luck with the Yarn Giveaway,

  22. Linda Koenig January 8, 2014 at 9:09 am

    Love all you give great site

  23. Linda Koenig January 7, 2014 at 8:44 am

    The loom kit was bought for my 2 grandaughters for Christmas, I’m looking forward to all of us learning to loom knit.
    Thanks for the contest

  24. Donna Albrecht January 7, 2014 at 8:32 am

    WOW!! I’m new to loom knitting and just found you! Thank you for the give a way and for this awesome website!! I am really looking forward to exploring and learning new things!!

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