German Short Rows Heel for Large Gauge Looms

The German Short Rows (GSR) Heel on a Knitting Loom

I know you also hate knitting the dreaded sock heel. But this technique is so awesome.

If you have made socks on a loom you know that the heel is a killer. And sometimes even after trying your best you still find holes. Well, not with the German Short Rows heel. It leave a tight and very neat fabric. I believe that even a beginner can handle it without a bit of worry or stress.

Above is a step by step video tutorial I hope you will love. I recommend staying until the end. It is a 15 minute video but the last stitch has options and you want to see the one that is right for you.

A Sock Without a Heel

German Short Rows Heel Socks Loom Knit

If you want to avoid the heel and toe completely there is always the tube sock. This post includes a free pattern and a step by step video tutorial. To see the post and video click HERE

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