Winner of Knifty Knitter Loom Set

Winner of Knifty Knitter Loom Set with Slim Jim 210314

Knifty Knitter Winner

Congratulation to Aja for being the Winner of Knifty Knitter Loom set with Slim Jim, our first Product Review and Raffle.Hope she enjoys the Large and Medium round looms, the Flower loom and the small long loom included in this awesome set.

I hope everyone else also enjoyed this contest and was given usable information on the product.


If you want more product reviews with raffles leave me a comment here or on Facebook.

For  a more in-depth review of the Knifty Knitter Looms : Click HERE


Remember that the Great Deal on this Loom Set Continues on eBay.

Winner of Knifty Knitter Loom Set


Take advantage of the great price while you can. I have no idea when the sale will end. I just know that considering that the holidays are just around the corner you should hurry,

There was only one Winner of Knifty Knitter Loom Set but everyone wins with the unbelievable price of just $5.00 and FREE shipping for 4 looms, a loom hook and yarn needle .

Remember that I am NOT the seller and can’t answer any seller questions. If you have questions or are interested in buying the looms click on the link below.

The seller has a great rating – don’t be shy about asking questions. An educated consumer is a happy customer.



To Purchase: Click Here


Note : We have a listing of over 100 FREE round loom patterns. The list is made of many designers which is great because you might learn about more loom knitting webpages that you never knew existed. Note that it is a 2-page post so you may need to click on a link to continue viewing all the available FREE patterns.


Winner of knifty knitter loom set


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Comments: 3

  1. Ruth mcconaghy December 21, 2014 at 7:43 pm

    I love the knifty knitter becase you can make all
    kinds of different patterns like hats and scarfs together.

  2. Elaine Smith October 4, 2014 at 4:03 pm

    I have just started doing loom knitting and having trouble with doing it with 2 strands of yarn. The yarn is twisting together. Can you give me advice on how stop the twisting.

    • Denise Canela October 4, 2014 at 4:31 pm

      Elaine – consider using a yarn sleeve while knitting. You would need to pull from the side and from one end. I’m doing a product review next month so folks can see how this would work. Email me your address and I will send you a sample in the mail of my favorite from the 3 I took a look at. Here is my email address – write in your email that you want a yarn sleeve. I get a huge number of emails and with my ADD I may forget why I asked you to email me. 🙂

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