Waste Yarn Cast-on for Loom Knitters

Waste Yarn Cast on

Waste Yarn Cast on

You will find that some patterns ask for the Waste Yarn Cast on method. This is sometimes referred to as provisional cast-on and that is exactly what it is, it’s temporary. You mount the waste yarn first to make it the recipient of your loose loops so that you can remove it later and have your “good” yarn available for a cast-off that matches your other end. If you’re confused not to worry I will explain and demonstrate.

Google defines provisional: arranged or existing for the present, possibly to be changed later. Well, no maybes. In this cast it is being changed for sure.

Below are the written instructions with pictures and step by step video.

Supplies on Pics and Video:

Loom: CinDwood Looms

Yarn: Red Heart in Turqua and Bright Yellow, Caron Simply Soft in Pumpkin

Hook: Knitting Board Ergonomic Knit Hook 


Instructions for Waste Yarn Cast on

NOTE: You should know the difference between the 4 versions of the Knit Stitch – if you don’t click HERE. Knit your stitches VERY loosely.


1.You need 3 contrasting colors for your yarn.

Waste Yarn Cast on

First the Base Yarn : I used yellow.

2. With the base yarn make a slip knot, place it on the first peg,  e-Wrap cast-on your loom with the number of pegs noted on your pattern and knit 2 rows with your base yarn. Knit the last peg one more time. Cut your yarn.

Now the Waste Yarn: I used orange

3. The waste yarn should be twice the length of the number of pegs.Lay it over the base yarn. Knit 1 row using the U-wrap or the Flat version of the Knit stitch. DO NOT use the e-Warp.

Waste Yarn Cast on

Now the Working Yarn: I used blue

4. Now using your working yarn (the one used for your pattern) measure out 3 to 4 times the length of your pegs to leave a long tale. Do a slip knot, if possible do not place it on the first peg. Knit 1 row using the U-wrap or the Flat version of the Knit stitch. DO NOT use the e-Warp. Knit your pattern. Then Bind-off. Stretch your stitches to cause some separation between the working yarn and the others.

Waste Yarn Cast on

Time to Remount the Loops

5. You can pull the waste yarn off then mount the loops. I DON’T do that. I leave the waste yarn in and pull it out as I mount the loops. Mount all the loops one at a time – except the last loop.

Waste Yarn Cast on

6. With the long tail start the same bind-off. When you only have 2 or 3 loops left mount the last one. Finish the bind-off.


I learned this technique by watching Katheryn Doubrley. Click the picture for a link to her YouTube Channel.

Waste Yarn Cast on


Video: Waste Yarn Cast on

Its always a good idea to watch the video completely before starting the technique.

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel: Click Here


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Comments: 8

  1. Brittany July 4, 2016 at 9:42 am

    Will I need to make sure I turn the finished work a certain side up when remounting or will it matter for binding off the original side??

    • Denise Canela July 8, 2016 at 9:36 am

      Yes because you are remounting the side that had the waste yarn which became the bottom.

  2. Mary Birdine May 9, 2016 at 4:25 pm

    Waste yarn cast on: Thank you so very much for the video. i was having a hard time understanding the written instructions that came with a pattern that I paid for. Now I get it! I follow you on You Tube all the time and have learned so much from you. Thank you for being there. I almost died last June and have used loom knitting throughout my recovery. I have even been able to donate some of my creations and give them to my family, which is very large. Keep up the good work. Mary B. San Diego

    • Denise Canela May 10, 2016 at 7:59 am

      Glad to know this was helpful and Thank you for the Thank you Mary – I really appreciate it !

  3. barb rigdon May 9, 2016 at 12:39 pm

    What is the purpose of the waste cast on? thanks again Denise

    • Denise Canela May 10, 2016 at 8:00 am

      To be able to cast-off both ends equally

  4. barb rigdon May 9, 2016 at 12:24 pm

    could we get a printable version. thanks denise

    • Denise Canela May 10, 2016 at 8:09 am

      Hi Barb – Right now – I don’t have a printable version of this

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