Handmade Sock Loom – Adjustable and Easy to Make

Handmade Sock Loom

HandMade Sock Loom

This one is way to cool. Right now there are many sock looms in the market, you may even find a handmade sock loom on eBay, Etsy or Amazon but how about making your own for just pennies with things you may already have at home.

To make this project even better the designer made it adjustable. You’re able to make your loom large or small gauged by adding and removing pegs.  I love it.

Designed By Natural Crafter

Now like always when I feature a project I have a few things I need to share….

Pro and Cons of This Handmade Sock Loom Design

Handmade Sock Loom

Note that these are my personal opinions based only on the set of pictures on the Instructables site. I have not attempted the project. I tried to find more information on the designer. There is no website link for the author and no information other than that she is female. Go figure.

However there are some assumptions that I believe I can make based on my experience with looms, crafts in general and some common sense.

Let’s start with the Cons,

There are 2 Problems : One minor and One Mayor Issue.

  • Minor Issue: The “pegs” which are the nail tips, have no heads. This could make keeping your loops on the loom a bit difficult. You can always just keep them low on the nail.
  • Mayor Issue: Nails are sharp – Keep it away from small children and Don’t fall on this loom

Below in the supply list is a picture of what I believe is a better alternative to the sharp pointed nail tip.

handmade sock loomNow the Pros in bullet statement format:

  • The loom was made with a D shape – love that letter thing ! Nice for gifts.
  • It ‘s adjustable – Great for tight or loose knitting stitches. Notice in the picture that the head of the nail is on the bottom side of the loom. That is what allows you to add, remove or move your pegs around.
  • It can be a recycling project. You can use ANY piece of wood
  • It works – which is the most important thing to consider when reviewing a project like this one.


Supplies Needed for the Handmade Sock Loom

Handmade sock loom


Wood Base : Your best bet are D, O, Q or P. Consider the size of the opening. You need about 5 inches in diameter / 15 inches in circumference for a good adult sock loom. The letter P might give a good baby sock loom

Measuring Tools: Tape and a Caliper

Nails: 1/16 of an inch in diameter and 1 – 3/8 inches long. For a safer alternative to regular sharp pointed tip nails consider nail head rivets – click HERE

Basic Drill: I always prefer a Cordless Drill. Gives you freedom. They make them better everyday.


Project Link: Click HERE

A handmade sock loom is a fun project and with the right nails it is a cool kids project. Once you have the initial supplies repeating this project over again for gifts makes it even more inexpensive. Remember there are lots of things you make with a sock loom other than socks. Gloves, scarves, toys, tiny hats, knitted jewelry and way more. That list is just off the top of my head.



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1 comment

  1. Karen Aicken November 2, 2014 at 11:11 am

    Interesting! Never would have thought of using wooden letters like this – thank you for sharing. Life has been crazy for us (some good, some bad) and I don’t always get a chance to comment on your blog. But I do always read your posts and I do always appreciate them.
    All the best,

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