Puff Stitch Pattern for the Knitting Loom

Puff Stitch Pattern


Puff Stitch Pattern

Bethany Daily author of Loom Knitting for Little People, one of my Top Ten favorite books of patterns has written a Puff Stitch Pattern for the loom complete with stitch chart and a free pattern for an 8×8 square perfect for your next blanket.

This is the second stitch in a series the Knittingboard.com blog calls Stitchlogy. I love the look you get with this technique. I can’t help but think of two words Fun and Happy. I’ve had my eye on some winter gear that screamed for some puff. The designer truly came through with this one.

My Notes About the Stitch

Puff Stitch Pattern


Bethany made her square using the Authentic Knitting Board Adjustable Hat Loom on a small gauge setting. She also recommends the  The Sock Loom 2 or the All-n-One Loom . By-the-way, this manufacturer has really picked up some steam lately and their blog Knittingboard.com is stacked with great ideas. I have tried most of these looms and I am really happy. So far so good.

However, I used the Slim Jim (small pink long loom) from my Knifty Knitter set to make a swatch. I had left over baby yarn and so I decided I should knit with two strands of yarn as one . I was pretty happy with my results. But I will have to be honest about one thing…and I haven’t had time to try again to figure out what the heck happened but I had to turn my swatch on it’s back for my puffs to look right. As you can see my puffs are made up of Purl Stitches while the one made by Bethany is made up of Knit Stitches. I like them both – I just couldn’t get mine to work like hers yet. Stay-tuned for episode 2 of this mystery.

Try it out yourself and let me know how it went for you. Below is the link for the FREE pattern.


Link to Puff Stitch Pattern: Click HERE

If you feel like sharing pictures of your Puff Stitch – you can post them on our Facebook page or email me at denise@loomahat.com


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Comments: 2

  1. pat November 10, 2014 at 2:54 pm

    I agree with Jan I learn much quicker watching a video….

  2. Bethany November 9, 2014 at 11:24 pm

    Thanks for the share! I really like this stitch a lot…it would make some very fun and cozy winter gear, for sure. 🙂 I noticed yours was in reverse right away, haha! It’s just as cute that way, too! I think it may be because it might take a little pulling to make those elongated knits really stand out, and a good blocking is extra helpful, as well. 😉

    Looking forward to hearing about this in part two!

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