Top Ten Kids Gifts for Loom Knitting

Top Ten Kids Gifts for Loom Knitting


Here is my top ten kids gifts list for loom knitting fun. I love how easy this craft is for all ages but especially for kids. You can almost say that it’s fail-proof which is great for boosting confidence plus this is something they CAN do with little to no supervision. They get a tangible item that they can give as a family or charitable gift. Talk about a win / win situation.

A healthy alternative to television or video games. According to Gary Scholar, Health & Wellness Consultant to the employees of the American Hospital Association, “I have incorporated knitting classes in my Health & Wellness programs for employees because of the health benefits. I would like to see implemented at Children’s hospitals a program to teach sick children how to knit so they have something to keep their minds occupied and be proud of what they have made if they are in the hospital for an extended time,”

Let’s give our kids something beautiful and constructive to do, and please don’t focus only on the girls boys can knit too.

I will start my Top Ten Kids Gifts like the radio disc jockey do, from the bottom up. That way things are more interesting.


Top Ten Kids Gifts



Top Ten Kids Gifts

BonBons Yarn

 Number 10:  BonBons Yarn by Lion Brand

These are just the right size for little hands. The small yarn skein scores super high on the Cute Scale.

I love putting these into gift baskets or as holiday stuffers. They’re really soft and come in some incredibly bright happy crayon colors. If your kiddo likes earth tones Lion Brand can accommodate that rare little person too. Heads-up: They are Very small.

For More Information: Click Here



Flower Loom

Han-Ami Loom

Number 09  The Han-Ami Flower Loom

This loom is very versatile. It comes in a 6 shape set. You would be surprise how many projects can be done with this little tool. Just to get a small understanding of the magnitude visit the webpage. It will make your head spin.

It’s a small and inexpensive gift that packs a wallow of a punch. Like the BonBon Yarn this is great for gift baskets or as a holiday stuffer.

For More Information: Click Here 



Top Ten Kids Gifts

Knitting Doll

Top Ten Kids Gifts

Knitting Doll Packing

Number 08 Knitting Doll

Knitting dolls sometimes called French Dolls are really just fancy spool looms. They go way back in history. This form knitting happens to be one of my favorite for kids. It naturally lends itself for small projects. A lot of my gift  choices lean towards this type of loom knitting. If you are wonder about the type of project that can be made with a spool looms just put the word in your browser, choose images and let the games begin. The list will blow you away.

Heads-up with this buy – You don’t get to choose the doll. But I think the pretty box the doll comes in makes up for the lack of choice.

For More Information: Click Here

Top Ten Kids ToysSome of the Dolls are just so beautiful they seem more like artwork then actual tools. Take the Djeco Spool loom as a great example. The detail in the head gear and dress are stunning. There is only one model but that one is definitely worth the expense.

It has that heirloom look and according to the reviews this is a high quality product.

For More Information: Click Here



Top Ten Kids Gifts

Spool Knitting

Number 07 Alex Toys Cool Spool Knitting Kit

So like who doesn’t like flowers and buttons. Everyone loves flowers and buttons. This little kit has all of the above and more. Great for hair accessories , jewelry or just a cool colored robe. Again this is great for small projects for small people.

Heads-up it says 5 and over – I say its more like 7 to 8.

For More Information: Click Here



Top Ten Kids Gifts

Spool Loom Kit


Number 06 Colorbok Spool Knit Critters Kit

You get quite a bit of stuff in this box. 1 plastic spool knitter, 1 plaster safety needle, 1 craft stick, 202 yards of colorful yarn, 21 pipe cleaners, 39 puffy pom-poms, 2 suction cups, 18 googly eyes and easy to follow instructions. Who can resist anything with googly eyes. Talk about a lot of fun knitting !

I like this one especially for the boys. They seem to no have a lot of options. For More Information: Click Here



Top Ten Kids Gifts

Quick Knit Loom

Top Ten Kids Gifts

Kit Includes cool stuff

Number 05 Creativity For Kids Quick Knit Loom

Quick, knit and kids is a great combo. A lot of little ones don’t have long attention spans. You need to give projects that won’t take long but are fun and the results are tangible.

Among my favorite things about this product is the name brand. I know Crativity for Kids and they’re stuff is made with great care to meet the needs of its young audience. That is important because kids get excited about little things that don’t move us a bit. According to an Amazon review: three bunches of yarn (purple, light pink and bright pink), a large loom which can be used to make hats, purses and other similar items; a double-headed piece with small looms at either end which can be used to make purse handles, belts, etc.; a tassel-maker, two needles, some thread and a few accessories like buttons and beads for jazzing up your creations.

For More Information: Click Here


Number 04 Corking (Kids Can Do It) by Judy Ann SadlerTop Ten Kids Gifts

I always love to give books. Especially craft books. You will be very happy with this one. You don’t have to take my word for it – read the great Amazon reviews. This is a keeper.

Now Heads-up: You must own a spool loom. Corking is another word for spool knitting.

For More Information: Click Here



Top Ten Kids GiftsTop Ten Kids GiftsNumber 03 Style Me Up Romantic Scarf

I am truly a fan of kids craft kits. I can’t say that enough. Kids are not small adults. They stuff that they get excited over doesn’t move us an inch, sometimes. Some of us love every thing they love. I can relate.

This kits is put together nicely. Includes large plastic knitting loom; plastic yarn hook with metal tip; 115 yards of fashionable, rainbow-colored yarn; 115 yards of trendy yarn; 8.9 yards of various ribbons; 128 rhinestone stickers; and color, illustrated booklet. Makes two scarves

Heads-up on this purchase: Best to have some other yarn on hand. The one included is a bit thin.


Top Ten Kids GiftsTop Ten Kids GiftsNumber 02 Style Me Up Fashion Knitting Studio

Again, I am truly a fan of kids craft kits. I can’t say that enough. The projects are fun and the colors are bright. Unlike the previous kit this one includes three looms. Those items are worth the price. Of all the kits I find this one the one the best value.

Here is the list of stuff included according to the Style Me Up website: Colored yarn
• 3 knitting looms
• Knitting hook
• Plastic needle
• Colour instructions


Top Ten Kids GiftsNumber 01 


Heads-up ONLY 1 AVAILABLE at the time of this article. More of a collector’s item unless your baby just has to have one.

So ever since my daughter turned 3 I became a big time Barbie FAN. By the way, I use to hate Barbie before that time. I liked baby dolls as a child and felt something was wrong with Barbie because she looked like the adults but she was smaller than the babies. But now, well I just love to dress up a Barbie.

This gift brings together soooo many cool things ; The Barbie Brand, Looms, Glitter and Yarn. Just the word Glitter makes me happy.

For More Information: Click Here


That’s My List of Top Ten Kids List for Loom Knitting Fun !

I hope it was of some help. Please leave your suggestions for more cool kids gifts below. That would help me and those reading this article. : )


Below I have added a few more Items of Interest.

Top Ten Kids GiftsOne More Cool Option: The Rainbow Loom

One of the years biggest fads. Kids love the bracelets and the endless projects available on YouTube makes this a worthwhile gift.

I have seen everything from dogs to purses made from little rubber bands. Just amazing.

For More Information: Click Here


Top Ten Kids GiftsThe Fishtail Bracelet on ANY Loom

Here is a cool tutorial for those that don’t own a rainbow loom but like to make the bracelets. All you need is two pegs so even the smallest loom will work just fine. The shape doesn’t matter at all. It can be square, round or rectangular this project can be made on it. You only need the bands.To make things even better the bracelet is VERY easy to make.

For a FREE Pattern and Video Tutorial: Click Here


Friendship Bracelet

The Spool Loom Friendship Bracelet

This is an easy to make bracelet. You need a spool loom, embroidery floss and some beads. Then your imagination is the next big tool needed for this fun craft.

I had been wanting to make a friendship bracelet for years but was frustrated with the amount of time it took to make the conventional friendship bracelet. I found that with a spool loom I could make the faster and better.  For more information: Click Here


Here is a 10-year old Loom Knitter in Action

Jackie had been loom knitting for a couple of years when she made this video for her classmates. She is a big advocate for kids loom knitting for charity and she wanted to motivate and courage them. I think she did a marvelous job. She is a good friend and I’m really proud of her,

Please share this video with your young ones. Watching the video in its entirety may help them to feel confident that loom knitting is doable even for young children.

If you and your child decide to knit for charity then contact your local hospital, homeless shelter, church, temple or synagogue. You can also check out the list of charities on this website: Click Here 


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Comments: 2

  1. Nicole September 18, 2015 at 4:55 pm

    Hi! I am loving your posts but I am looking for a book on loom knitting for my daughter. Do you know of any geared towards kids? She has the Creativity for Kids kit and adores it, but is looking for new ideas and patterns. I would like to get her a book for Christmas to go with some new yarns. She is nearly 7 but reads like an adult. Thanks for any suggestions you can offer!

    • Denise Canela September 19, 2015 at 8:29 am

      Hey Nicole, no…but I would tell you that as long as the pattern is on a round loom (single rake) and says for beginners she should be able to handle it. Most of the books in the market right now are NOT going to work well for her… even the ones that say for beginners. Sorry… wish I could say differently. I would suggest getting her, her own profile on Ravelry. She can have a library and most of the patterns are FREE. You can go on the groups and ask for Kid Friendly patterns – I will try to do that for you but it will have to be for October – working on Breast Cancer Awareness for the rest of this month.
      Big Hugs for you and your baby girl – THANKS for the question – I WILL defiantly work on a post and video on this subject.

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