About US

Loom Knit Projects

 Not Just Knitting –  EASY KNITTING!

This site was launched December 14, 2012

About Me

I Love to Loom a Hat:


This ” About “Us” Page is really  just me, denise canela-white.  I am a wife, a mother of two beautiful children, a full-time Office manager, and part-time charity crafter. Our little family now lives in Sunny South Florida with our feisty Miniature Pitcher Cabo.

I learned about loom knitting in 2010 after learning the basics during a Jo-ann’s Fabrics & Crafts store product demonstration. The Knifty Knitterrepresentative gave me a quick ten minute lesson which did not include how to close the hat because dinner time was quickly approaching and it was time to head out the door.  I had to figure out the technique myself with the little booklet that’s included in the kit. It wasn’t terribly difficult but I knew that learning that step would have been easier if I could have seen the rep actually closing the loom knit hat. Once I got over that hurdle I was hooked ! I could see All the charities that could benefit from this item.I was making hats while I watched TV,  listened to the radio, rode on in the car  ( not drive ) , sat in my backyard and enjoyed a clear afternoon.

I went into full swing in early 2012 which is when I considered myself an actual loom knitter. I stepped off the hat train to discover the world of loom knit gear;scarves gloves, toys, sweaters.

It has now become a big part of my charitable work ( an important part of who I am )  because it lends itself for so many projects. I have been able to include them in my gift filled shoe boxes through Operations Christmas Child and to send them with missionaries to places like Russia where temperatures are unbelievably cold. The Humane Society gets flat pillows that I loom and the local Hospital Nursery is happy to receive little hats for their premature babies. I love loom knitting hats!

Why LoomaHat.com? To Make it Possible – The Easy Way

Because there are so many people who always  wanted to make knitted hats but didn’t know how to knit and didn’t want to have to learn anything difficult either.

Loom Knitting is Cheap, Quick and Easy. I feel safe in saying that it’s almost fail-proof. The loom is sturdy so you can man-handle without concern. There are No Needles making it perfect for kids and the elderly.

Then there are folks like me,  I have a mild case of attention disorder and so all my projects must be simple. This is a good thing because I can tell every one that visits the site to try the projects without the fear of complicated patterns or instructions. The video tutorials are for us visual learners that don’t enjoy reading patterns which can in some cases it can become a hindrance.

Pictures and Videos Watermark:  MissionBoundCreations.com

I created this website as one part of another website, www.missionboundcreations.com, which has a broader range of craft subjects. That website is still under construction.  I say that in advance if you want to go visit and expect to find more there then you did here. This is the reason many of the pictures on this website have  the Mission Bound Creation water mark.

I’m working as fast as I can to add content to my websites and I hope to have both in great shape shortly.

In Short – Here is Our 3 Part Mission

The 1st Part of the Mission:

To teach as many people as possible how to make a simple loom knit hat without the need to learn many different methods, techniques, jargon (odd words) or the need for complicated patterns. Simple and sweet can get the job done.

The 2nd Part of the Mission:

To teach those that learn how to make that simple knit hat – How to make A LOT of other awesome projects using those hats. The greatest effort will be made to have a monthly project at least.

The 3rd Part of the Mission: 

Introduce you and hopefully in turn, you will introduce me to many organizations that would love to have some of those beautiful creations you learned how to make here.

Subscribe to the blog at the top of the right sidebar to make sure you get the latest project sent straight to your emial in-box



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Comments: 9

  1. Peg Ring February 10, 2020 at 1:34 pm Reply

    I am recently retired and was looking for new hobby/skill to learn. I had tried regular knitting but couldn’t get the hang of it. I picked up a round loom, but was frustrated with the written instructions. I came across your youtube video to learn how to loom a hat. Your video was very instructive and clear to understand/follow. I am excited to try it. I went to your website and am inspired about your charitable giving. When I get better at this new hobby, I will check into giving hats/scarves, etc away. Thanks again for boosting my confidence that I can loom knit.

    • Denise Canela February 20, 2020 at 11:56 pm Reply

      Peg – thank you for all your kind words ! I’m super excited for you. Welcome to the family. : )

  2. Linda January 12, 2020 at 1:34 pm Reply

    Hi i would like to purchase 5 hard copies of patterns please.

    • Denise Canela February 21, 2020 at 1:11 pm Reply

      Hi Linda thanks for asking but I’m so sorry, I don’t sell hard copies.

  3. Judy Bowman September 13, 2018 at 8:21 pm Reply

    Love you website and videos!

  4. Delores Sims October 11, 2017 at 11:01 pm Reply

    I love your videos! I am new to loom knitting and viewed several other loomers videos. you are the best!. You make everything in the Beginner videos so understandable. I love your spirit. God bless you for your charity work.

    • Denise Canela October 12, 2017 at 1:19 pm Reply

      Thank you Delores – for all your kind words !

  5. tami evans February 12, 2013 at 2:46 pm Reply

    hey there..i just stumbled upon your youtube videos…love them….I am knitting tiny tiny hats for a ministry at our church and beyond called tiny purpose….they provide hats and blankets to families who have miscarried or lost babies…..there is my loom purpose right now…i am very addicted and it is neat to see the finished projects…if you are on facebook friend request me…tami kwiatkowski evans….thanks for all the tips!!!

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