Add Beads to Your Loom Knitting Project

Loom Knit with Beads

Add beads to your project and get a little bling with little effort. Although not difficult there are some limits and techniques that you have to know before you start.

When you loom knit both ends of your  strand of yarn at basically trapped. There is no open end that allows you to add anything at all.

Top Tips for Your Project

add beads to loom knitting pattern

In the video I go over what are the 4 factors you need to focus on.

  1. Tools – needed to feed the yarn through the beads
  2. Order – how you add your beads
  3. Storage – how you hold the beads until you’re ready to use
  4. Placement – where you place the beads in your knitting

As always I remind the reader that there may be more than one method of accomplishing this task. This happens to be my method. If you know of another, please let us know if the comment section. Information is the greatest treasure we can share with each other.


This video is Episode 9 of the Tell You Tuesday Video Series. Below are a few of other topics that were discussed. In case you’ve miss any just click on the words for a link to the video or the web post. This may be the last but I will continue to do my best to answer your questions here, YouTube or Facebook. If you are a Patreon Patrons it best to ask your questions there.

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To watch more of these or to see my list of videos, visit my channel: Click HERE





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Comments: 3

  1. Wilda March 17, 2019 at 3:54 pm

    Wow thsscuh a great idea ! Thank you so much, I love it. ?

  2. Regina March 14, 2019 at 10:02 pm

    This is great…thanks for the tips. As usual you provide great advice and very good video clarity. I’ve learned so much from your site.

  3. Angela Knisely-Marpole March 13, 2019 at 6:12 am

    Great idea. Thanks Denise 🙂

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