Added the Raffle to the Review


Yarn Sleeves Review and Raffle

Yarn SleeveI had the Yarn Sleeves review setup to publish automatically and it was sent without the raffle. SORRY ! I fixed it. To make up for that slip there will be five winners.

Yarn Sleeves are really cool and I would love for you guys to try them out at home for FREE. As always I’ll be using Rafflecopter. If you don’t know how to use the widget – Click HERE

To enter to win just Click the Picture above for a link to the Review and the Raffle Widget.

I wasn’t going to publish this review until the video was ready and until the Loving with Looms winner was announced which will happen on Friday.. but there you have it – stuff happens especially when you’re not paying attention. I’ve been so busy I didn’t notice that this post had a publish date.

Thanks for understanding ! Good Luck to All.


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Comments: 4

  1. D.A. Fox November 29, 2014 at 3:22 am

    Sounds awesome! Would love to try these out!! I have had my share of tangled yarn! I imagine we all have! Thanks so much for the raffle!

  2. Andrea Corley November 28, 2014 at 9:07 pm

    This looks so neat and helpful!!!

    Thank you for all you do!

  3. Susan Plihall November 26, 2014 at 10:36 am

    I would love to try the sleeves for my yarn. Right now I use large zip lock bags. In the past I have used cleaned oat meat containers. They worked good but took up so much space in my knitting bag. I love my nifty knitter loom because I can stop without worrying about my work coming off the needles.

  4. Jeannette Booher November 26, 2014 at 9:00 am

    I have used sleeves and they are great, would love more.
    Thanks for the giveaways.
    Hope all have a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving!

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