Baby Sweater Set Pattern by Tamsin Stratford

Free Pattern for Baby Sweater Set

Baby Sweater Set I recently saw the cutest Baby Sweater Set on Loomaholics Google+ page which unfortunately will be shutting down soon. So I wanted to give this really nice pattern another home.

It was designed by Tamsin Stratford and when I first saw it I had two quick thoughts, what a cool name and what and adorable baby outfit. Well under the picture were the instructions for making this cuteness and the generous Ms. Tamsin agreed to let me share it with my readers.

Below you will find the pattern just as it was written by Tamsin I did add spaces and put some of the words in bold just to make it easier on the eyes. The size is for a 6 month old but you can adjust the pattern and change the loom size for a bigger or smaller version.

Tamsin Strarford has her own Google+ page with more adorable stuff she has made for her beautiful little granddaughter. Stop by take a looksy, say hello and THANKS: Click HERE


A video for the diamond lace stitch is at the bottom of the page.

Sweater Pattern

Baby Sweater Set

Please keep in mind that I am not the Baby Sweater Set designer. Should you have any general comments or questions you can leave those in the comment section at the bottom of the page. For specific design comments and question, please contact the designer: Tamsin Strarford:  Click HERE


Baby Sweater Pattern


31 peg round loom, this is knit flat

Cuff Cast on 10 pegs with accent color
K1 (E Wrap) Row, P1 Row alternating for 5 Rows
Change to main color


K (E Wrap) for approx. 16 rows
Now K (E Wrap) from Beginning peg to end of 10 pegs and cast on 16 more pegs
K (E Wrap) back to the beginning peg (no. 1)

Body of Sweater:

You now have 26 pegs
So this is my version of Diamond Lace Pattern as I am Left Handed so tend to do things opposite
Row 1:  Knit
Row 2:  (E Wrap) 1st peg then figure 8 stitch to end
Row 3:  Knit
Row 4:  (E Wrap) 1st and 2nd peg then figure 8 stitch to end
Repeat for 38 rows

Cast off 16 pegs with super stretchy cast off
Sleeve:  K (E Wrap) for approx. 16 rows
Switch to accent color
K1 (E Wrap) Row, P1 Row alternating for 5 Rows

Bind off You now have a T shape sleeve, body and sleeve
Repeat and sew together
This is for a 6 month baby; you could use a bigger loom to get a bigger size


baby sweater set Tamsin Stratford 480x600


Leggins Pattern

Please remember that I am not the Baby Sweater Set designer. See the notes under Baby Sweater Pattern for more information.


Baby Leggings Pattern


Baby Sweater Full pick

31 peg round loom

You can do this on a 41 peg round loom to make a bigger size (18 pegs for each leg but still 2 pegs removed and 3 pegs removed, 26 rows for seat area and
as many rows as needed for length of legs )

this is knit in the round until you start the legs then back and forth

Cast on 31 pegs with accent color
K1 (E Wrap) Row, P1 Row alternating for 5 Rows
Change to main color
Knit (E Wrap) approx. 20 rows

Count out 13 pegs from beginning
Remove the next 2 stitches place on stitch holder, safety-pin or even contrasting yarn
Count out another 13 pegs for 2nd leg starting after the 2 pegs that were removed
Remove last 3 stitches and place on stitch holder
So you should have 13 pegs, 2 pegs on holder, 13 pegs then 3 pegs on holder
Knit Diamond Lace Stitch (Refer to Baby Sweater) on the first leg for approx. 32 rows or 9 – 10 inches  (back and forth)

Bind Off
Re-attach yarn and Knit 2nd leg the same as 1st

Bind Off
Sew up leg seams making sure you stitch through the loops you removed earlier

You can crochet loops at top for drawstring if you would like




VERY IMPORTANT: The video below is ONLY for the Diamond Lace Stitch pattern and not the Baby Sweater Set. See the patterns above for the sweater and pants.


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Comments: 6

  1. Tamsin Stratford September 8, 2015 at 8:42 pm

    Hi Margaret, I totally get the visual thing with learning patterns. I am going to attempt to make a video and will let Denise know if I accomplish it. Meantime , please feel free to ask me any questions

    • Margaret September 8, 2015 at 10:24 pm

      Thank you, Tamsin. That would be wonderful!

  2. Margaret August 14, 2015 at 8:57 pm

    Denise, I always thought I was a klutz who couldn’t do crafty things, but it turns out I’m a very visual learner for skills like this (I think you said you are, too.) The stitches in this project aren’t a problem for me, but is it possible for you to do a video on the construction? (I realize that it’s not your pattern.) Written instructions throw me unless I can see someone do them. I’m talking about things like transitioning from one sleeve to body, transitioning back to the other sleeve, and binding off one leg of the leggings, then putting the project back on the loom for the other. And do you have a video for the super-stretchy bind-off/cast-off Tamsin calls doing for 16 stitches mid-sweater?

    • Denise Canela August 15, 2015 at 10:57 pm

      Hi Margaret, yes I sure am a visual learner. As for the video for this pattern – I didn’t have anything like this in mind for this year which is why I’m sharing Tamsin. As for the Bind-off there is a great video by Nicole Cox: Click HERE

      Hope that helps

      • Margaret August 16, 2015 at 7:12 pm

        Thank you, Denise!

        • Denise Canela August 16, 2015 at 10:30 pm

          You are VERY welcome. Glad I could help 🙂

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