Bevs Country Cottage – A Website Review

Bevs Country Cottage Bevs Country Cottage – A Website Review

Bevs Country Cottage is a treasure trove of knitting , crocheting, cooking,  and charity information. According to she has had over 8 million page views since 2011!That is clearly a WOW. This lady is extremely talented and her site is like a little virtual adventure into a comfy zone. Professional enough to give you what you went looking for, homey enough to make you want to stay and look around. But, what about us Loom Knitters?


Bevs Country CottageWhat Do Knitters Want Most ?

According to my own little home-grown poll, loom knitters want videos and Free patterns.  OK so my girl Bev isn’t huge on the tiny tube, yet . However, when it comes to free knitting patterns, loom knit patterns included, she is doing very Well. You will find patterns for hats, scarves  mittens, toys, socks, purses, blankets, the list goes on. Also instructions on stitches and technique.

Keep in mind that loom knitting is not the lion’s share of this site. Beverly has a lot of other subjects that she is covering aside from loom knitting, cooking and cross stitch just to name a few. But never-the-less, it is a good loom knitting resource especially if you want to know where you can send your precious creations.


pink_ballet_ballerina_elephantThe Religious Part of Bevs Country Cottage

It’s That Ten Ton Pink Elephant in the room. If you dive far enough into the cottage you will find out that Beverly is a devout Mormon. I am hoping you don’t quit reading here. Yes, she unapologetically wears her faith on her sleeve and all over her virtual space. Can that be a bit uncomfortable or unsettling ?  Yes. especially if you only went there for a Free Mitten Pattern. So this is what I say about that.. if you are a Mormon, then you just found another sister in faith. If you are not a Mormon you can find in Bev a sister in craft and charity. I know that Charity scores high in just about All religions. Even for many people with no religious affiliation there is that love of giving.


Bev-QualheimMy Conclusion about Bev and the Cottage

I have never met Bev but I so respect and admire her and all the beautiful work she does.  There is a lot that can be said about a person who loves and gives so freely. Go visit the Cottage – You’ll be happy you did because just like any good mom – she’ll make sure you leave with your hands and your heart full of good stuff.




A Few More of Beverly’s Creations:

Bevs Country Cottage

Loom Knit Puppet

Bevs Country Cottage

Loom Knit Purse

Bevs Country Cottage

Loom Knit Mitten


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