Boye Stitch Markers – Use on Loom as Peg Marker

boye-stitch-markersBoye Stitch Markers

Boye stitch markers are used by knitters in many different ways to mark their work. I use them on my loom pegs to help me stay on track with my stitches.

Normally I use peg replacements with my Knifty Knitter looms because the pegs come off easily. But with the Darice Looms I have not been able to pull the pegs off so I resorted to stitch markers.

They come in different colors. This gives you  several stitch combination options, purple, green, yellow and no marker. The do open and close so they can be used to count rows on the real knitting. One example is every ten rows. I’m not a fan of counting and I’m easily distracted. I found these markers to be a great help.

One little issue you should keep in mind with using the Boye Stitch markers to purl, the loom should be flat or you could lose the marker. It’s not a big problem, just an annoying one. Once I become aware of the problem it never happened again. For some folks it’s more than they can bear.  For me, no biggy.

boye-stitch-markersBy-the-way, the stitch counter was an unexpectedly useful tool.  Plastic and low tech, it gets the job done. Someone wrote a review saying that it fell a broke into pieces. I dropped about 4 times during a first project, I have a tiled floor and no such thing happened. I also like that I can put a string on it and put in around my neck. I can be messy and I lose my tools during projects. Having the counter around my neck helps.

The only issue here is that your only keeping count of one thing. In my case it was the number of rows.

I’m glad I got both of them. The Boyer stitch markers ( usually under $5 ) and the Clover stitch (usually under $8 ) counter are a good team in my knitting arsenal. You should check them out.

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1 comment

  1. Barbara Leigh November 17, 2014 at 11:36 am

    I just love this site! It is so helpful and has tons of stitches and new ideas.
    Things are very well explained. Thank you so much for the help Denise!

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