Loom Knit Brimless Hat Pattern Video

Loom Knit Men’s Waffle Stitch Brimless Hat

Loom Knit Men's Brimless Hat

A brimless hat on a large gauge knitting loom is possible.  Paul asked if it we could make one that doesn’t roll. The answer is yes and below is the pattern video for the hat. Several of my Patreon patrons were making hats using the waffle stitch from the pom pom scarf pattern so I thought I would too.

Below is the step by step video tutorial for the Men’s Waffle Stitch Hat and Cowl pattern. It may look complex but it’s very easy. Just watch the video completely before starting the project.

Supplies for the Brimless Hat

Loom knit brimless men's hat

Below is a list of the supplies needed for the featured project. They are suggested items and the amounts are approximate.

LOOM: Extra Large – I used the 41-peg Knifty Knitter
HOOK: Any Loom Hook. I used the KB Ergonomic
YARN: 140 Yards of Chunky for Both Hat and Cowl. I used Wool-ease in Willow
Stitch MARKERS: Any Stitch Markers.
NEEDLE: Yarn Needle. I used a blunt, large-eye metal needle
Metal BUTTON: Any button. This is optional – but I like it !

Consider Joining Patreon . For as little as $2 get all patterns posted each month. With a higher $5 pledge you also get the downloadable video so that you don’t need to be online to create your project. To join Patreon: Click HERE

The Pattern Video:

As always, I suggest watching the video completely before starting the project. This makes it a lot easier to knit after you’ve seen every step from beginning to end.

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Comments: 9

  1. Reese March 1, 2018 at 8:46 am

    This hits home for me too. I’m so tired of yelling and reminding and asking a million times. I say every morning I’m not going to yell and then find myself livid by 830. Sometimes screaming at trivial things and sometimes truly because the kids just don’t listen. I honestly don’t know what I’m doing wrong cause I don’t remember kids being like this from when I was a kid to my days nannying. A few things we have tried and had mild success with: all clothes are folded at kids reach and easy for her to pick out we wrote out a morning and night routine together with 5 simple steps so I can refer to that we have a rewards system where she gets Pom poms (little fluffy craft balls) in a mason jar and once it’s filled she gets a toy of her choice. Various things earn Pom poms like sharing with her brother and getting dressed and ready in time. We even have a timeline if she’s ready by 830 she gets 3, ready by 845 she gets 2, 9 she gets 1 and if not by 9 she has early bedtime that night going to bed right after her brother missing her special activity at night (works well because often she’s most distracted when she’s gone to bed too late) Good luck and as you figure out things that work, let us know cause there are a lot of us struggling with the same things!!

  2. ElMagoDeLaPauta February 27, 2018 at 5:10 am

    Thanks so much for the post.Really thank you! Keep writing.

  3. Georgette Haupt February 19, 2018 at 11:07 am

    Hello! I am new to Loom Knitting, and have picked you as my teacher. What supplies should I purchase, and what project should I start. I watched the video of the orange and yellow hat. I have in mind that I want to make a prayer shawl for my 3 sister’s. Any information would be appreciated.

    Brand suggestions, too.

    • Denise Canela February 19, 2018 at 11:18 pm

      Hi there – I have that information : HERE
      For a prayer shawl – I like the Mock Mesh Shawl – but there is also the triangle shawl which is a bit more difficult: HERE

      Hope that helps

  4. Kelli February 18, 2018 at 6:41 pm

    Hi Denise,
    I love the Mock Mesh pattern…..how do you turn it into scarf? How do you turn around and go the other way?

    • Denise Canela February 19, 2018 at 11:15 pm

      Hi Kelli,
      Here is who you do that: Click HERE

      • Kelli February 19, 2018 at 11:25 pm

        Perfect….you are so awesome!!!
        Thank you sweet Lady!

  5. Peggy February 16, 2018 at 12:16 pm

    Hi Denise… I love this easy stitch. Have made a few hats with it already and they all come out nice. I’m going to try this pattern without the brim,too. Also love the cowl. Will we have a pattern for that also? Thank you for the great patterns.
    Hugs, Peggy

    • Denise Canela February 16, 2018 at 4:25 pm

      Thank YOU Peggy – yep – the pattern is posted on Patreon now.

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