Loom Knit Bubble Stitch

Loom Knit Bubble Stitch

The Easier Version of the Bubble Stitch

This Easy version of the Bubble Stitch can be done by anyone. The stitches might sound difficult but I promise, it is not. Just four stitches in a row, over 12 rows and you have your bubble. I take you step by step with my video tutorial, so no worries.

To watch the video just scroll down to the bottom of the post. Remember that it’s a stitch pattern video only. There is no cast on or cast off because your project determines that.

Supplies and Information

Loom Knit Bubble Stitch

SKILL LEVEL: Intermediate

STITCHES: YO, P6tog, k6b,  Knit and Purl

LOOM: Any Loom – Large gauge was used for the featured sample

YARN: Worsted Weight

TOOLS: Hook, optional Stitch markers

MULTIPLES: 4 +3 Stitches

VIDEO: https://youtu.be/NdvQ7H66lcg or Click HERE.


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 The Bubble Stitch Video Tutorial

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1 comment

  1. Anonymous January 16, 2023 at 11:57 am

    why is there a spooky laugh and children screaming in the background of this video

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