Candy Cane Stitch

Candy Cane Stitch Pattern for Any Loom

Candy Cane Stitch

She done did it again ! Bethany Dailey, author of “Loom Knitting for Little People ” one of my Top 10 Favorite books,  has created a super cute stitch. This one is right on time for the Christmas holiday. They’re Candy Canes line dancing on your knitted gear.

The complete Candy Cane Stitch pattern on the blog  results in an 8X8 square great for afghans, blankets, dishcloths or washcloths. But you can isolate the Candy Cane Stitch pattern and use it for any project. I’ve already made a list of all the cute stuff that is in desperate need of some spunky candy canes like hats, scarves, mittens, a sweater, knitted gift bag or even a great table runner. Looking for some Bling ?  Add a gold bead or a tiny bow to each one. Sky’s the limit on what you can work these little guys into.

A Few Notes About the Stitch:

Stitches: Knit, Purl, SSK, S1-K1-PSSO, YO – Don’t panic if you don’t recognize some of these abbreviations you will find complete definitions and instructions on the pattern page.

Loom: Sample was Made using the Authentic Knitting Board Adjustable Hat Loom . You can use any small gauge loom. I think sock looms work great with this stitch.

Yarn: Sample was made with Worsted Weight (#4) yarn. If you plan on making a dishcloth or washcloth remember to use Cotton Yarn.

Stitch Chart: Learn to use these – they make life very easy when you’re trying to apply the stitch to different projects. – You can always transfer the pattern to a Windows Excel spread sheet or Grid paper with the number of pegs on your specific loom.

The Site:  Join the Mailing list and Stay tuned to the website – it’s got LOTS of goodies.

 Thank YOU Bethany !!!  You Keep Us in Stitches Girlfriend 🙂


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For The Candy Cane Stitch Pattern: Click HERE



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1 comment

  1. Cassandra VanSyckle December 3, 2014 at 9:46 pm

    Wow..I sure hope I can figure this out as it looks amazing! Thank you so much for the pattern page! Can’t wait to try it!

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