Caterpillar Stitch on a Knitting Loom

Caterpillar Stitch Free Pattern and Video

Caterpillar Stitch on Loom

The caterpillar stitch is AN easy to do, knit and purl combination stitch. The bumpy caterpillar makes it great for a washcloth or dishcloth project. Hope you guys like this one as much as I do.

I always try to give a video for all my patterns, even the really easy ones. In this case it is only for the flat version. The round version of the pattern is in the printable PDF.

En español: Haz Clic Aquí

Flat Version Stitch Pattern

Caterpillar Stitch Loom Reverse

Reverse Side of Caterpillar Stitch

Skill Level: Beginners
Size: 24 Stitches and 30 Rows for 4×4 Inch (Approximately)
Stitches: Knit and Purl
Loom: Any Loom – Works Best with Small Gauge. The AHL was used for sample.
Yarn: Any Weight Yarn. Used medium worsted for sample.
Hook: Loom Hook. Used the KB Ergonomic Hook for sample.

Multiple of 6

Pattern below is only the repeat because I prefer to make the stitch patterns as simple as possible for beginners. Note the little arrow-head for the knitting direction.

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> Row 1: Knit 1, Purl 5

< Row 2: Purl 5, Knit 1

> Row 3: Knit 1, Purl 5

< Row 4: Purl 5, Knit 1

> Row 5: Knit 1, Purl 5

< Row 6: Purl 5, Knit 1


> Row 7: Purl 3, Knit 1, Purl 2

< Row 8: Purl 2, Knit 1, Purl 3

> Row 9: Purl 3, Knit 1, Purl 2

< Row 10: Purl 2, Knit 1, Purl 3

> Rows 11: Purl 3, Knit 1, Purl 2

< Rows 12: Purl 2, Knit 1, Purl 3

Caterpillar Stitch Video


Stitch Video

Below is a quick short video for those of you that are visual learners. Again, remember that it’s only a stitch pattern and not a project. To better understand this click HERE.

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1 comment

  1. Punto Oruga en Telar - Como Telar August 8, 2017 at 9:58 pm

    […] In English: Click HERE […]

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