Chain Cast on – Picture, Text and Video Tutorial

Chain Cast On – The Favorite Method for my Round Loom

Chain-cast-on My favorite method to get my yarn on the loom and ready for knitting is with the chain cast on. This is a clean, less loopy, less of a loom knit look to your edges. Some people get it confused with the crochet cast on. That is understandable because it is done with a crochet hook but the technique is done differently and the result is different.  Here is a link to a YouTube video by Isela Phelps, one of my favorite loom knitting authors and teacher showing you how to do the crochet cast on: Click Here.

In this article I will go step by step on how to do this really cool and easy cast-on method using pictures, text and for those awesome people like me, I have a video tutorial. If you have never done this technique I suggest you start with the video at the bottom of this page.

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crochet hookdThe Short Supply List for the Chain Cast On

You should have your loom and a crochet hook. This may sound respondent and silly to say but your hook should be the right one for the thickness of your yarn. They do come in different sizes and you don’t want to make things more difficult for yourself then they should be and have a hook that is too small will cause your yarn to come off your hook when you’re trying to full it through the loops. So keep that in mind .

Those Pesky Loose Loops in on the edge of Your Brim are Your Looms Fault

The loom can be any size. I do want to mention that a smaller gauge loom will always make your work look tighter and more crochet then loomed. So although this technique helps with those pesky loose loops some – and won’t make them go away if you’re using a large gauge loom like the Knifty Knitter, Darice, Michaels Loops and Threads or the Boye.


Chain Cast-on Step by Step Instructions

Chain-Cast-on-College 1. Make a slip knot and place it on your crochet hook

2. Place the working yarn between the first and last peg. Place the crochet hook between the first and second peg with the little head facing up grab the yarn.

3. Turn the hook face down with the yarn still hooked.

4. Feed the yarn through the loop.

5. Repeat until the second to last peg.

* Very Important: When you reach the last peg do not crochet. *

6. Bring your working yarn to the inside of the loom.Take that second to last loop off the crochet hook and place it on the last peg. Bring the working yarn to the front to begin your knitting project.

You’re Done with Your Chain Cast on NOW Loom Happy !


Chain Cast on:  The Movie


I always recommend that you watch the video from the beginning til the end before starting the project. This helps you feel more comfortable with the instructions and with the pattern. You can watch without distractions or concern that I am going to fast and you are not able to keep up with me. When you actually begin the project you can then just have the video running in the background to help you stay on task and in the correct order.

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Comments: 16

  1. Gennine Cope September 18, 2016 at 4:56 pm

    After finishing is there a way to tighten chain cast on like you did with the e wrap cast on?

    My edge looks sloppy compared to my bind off. I used your modified method.


    • Denise Canela September 23, 2016 at 12:27 am

      No – sorry. The loops are basically locked in.

  2. Anna April 16, 2016 at 2:28 pm

    Denise, you are indeed a very special human being. We all shine differently. Thanks for your continued helpful videos and ideas.

    • Denise Canela April 16, 2016 at 9:46 pm

      Thanks for the Thanks Anna- I really appreciate it ! ! !

  3. Kristi March 28, 2016 at 5:04 pm

    Denise, I first want to thank you because I have become infatuated with loom knitting because of you after a long illness that almost took this 40 something career girl home to be with the Lord. I am a super active person but last year spent 61 days in the hospital. I about went out of my mind being stuck in that bed until a good friend brought me up her cheap round loom set and some pretty yarn . I said “What the heck am I supposed to do with this?” She said, “You Tube it! You’ll figure it out.” I found your first boot cuff video and a loom knitter was born! Your detailed videos and your sweet and funny personality in your videos became my new friend and as I got the hang of it, my depression over my illness just lifted! I felt proud of myself and useful again because I was making things for my family and then other patients. I have struggled with ADHD my whole life but the way you taught me made me able to focus for hours on end. Jump forward a year later, back in my busy, hectic career and this is my stress buster, confidence booster that I do daily. For Christmas this year I got a KK set and this great bag on Amazon that holds the yarn and feeds it to me through a small grommet so it never tangles and I never board a plane without it! Even holds all my looms and tools. I just had to finally take the time to thank you and tell you what a difference you’ve made in my life. You were an answer to prayer at a time in my life that God and I weren’t on speaking terms lol. Thank you and bless you Denise!

    • Denise Canela April 12, 2016 at 8:29 am

      Hi Kristi, it’s taken me a bit to answer this post. You have so touched my heart that I have been at a lost for words. As someone with an Attention Disorder myself – I understand frustration and that feeling of being defeated, overwhelmed and exhausted. But God’s breath of life is in us and sometimes it takes someone or something to remind us that we still have more to give to ourselves and others.

      Thank you for doing that for me. Many many hugs and kisses, denise 🙂

  4. Charmianne Dempsey November 13, 2015 at 12:16 am

    I’ve just tried this chain cast on method using a rug latch hook because I was using multi strands and found this a good way to make sure I didn’t drop any when coming back between the pegs and through the loop on the shank of the hook. It worked well for me though it may not be everyone’s cup of tea.


    • Denise Canela November 13, 2015 at 7:50 am

      Thanks for the idea Charmianne – I’ll have to look into that one 🙂

  5. Natalie September 28, 2015 at 2:22 pm

    Hi Denise thank you for your work and techniques. You make them easy to follow.

    I just completed my first hat that I can actually wear (I did a LOT of practicing with your video tutorials). I loomed a slouchy beanie hat and the brim was a cast on and the stitches was a basket weave using 4 rows of p4; k4 then alternate. Question, I want to loom a scarf using the same basket weave stitch so how do you suggest I start the scarf to do the stitch pattern? Would you recommend this chain cast on?

    Thank you for your time and answer.

    • Denise Canela September 28, 2015 at 10:15 pm

      Hi Natalie, quick question so I can help you better – What brand of looms are you planning to use?

      • Natalie September 30, 2015 at 2:09 pm

        I’m using the Knifty Knitter round looms

        • Denise Canela September 30, 2015 at 10:04 pm

          I would not start a scarf on a KK with this cast-on. When I use KK – I cast on like I would if I were starting one of my stitch patterns – so that I can tighten the loose loops that are going to happen almost for sure unless I plan to use VERY thick yarn… Here is my new post with a video: Click HERE

  6. Anna February 9, 2015 at 12:37 am

    Denise, you have helped a new loom knitter learn so much. Great teacher. Now working on tiny hearts stitch 8 by 8 squares to hopefully sew together for babies blanket. Learning chain stitch cast on with crochet hook was easier than I thought. Question, how do you cast off on the bottom of square for tiny heart stitch? Tiny heart stitch hat came out pretty well the very first time. Thanks for your time. Anna.
    P.s. made over 40 hats now, several scarf, iPod holders and bags for Christmas. Now in process of hats for maternity ward and chemo hats for my local hospital…yes I’m a loom knitting addict.

    • Denise Canela February 9, 2015 at 6:14 am

      Anna, I’m not a fan of Monday mornings but you have given me gift today. I LOVE to hear that my tutorials are a part of someone’s giving. THANK YOU ! Now for the cast-on I usually just do an e-Wrap cast-on only because it lends itself best when I need to tighten the edges. Loose loops can be painful.
      Hope that helps – Many hugs for you my Loomy Sista,

  7. Eileen August 26, 2014 at 6:11 pm

    WOW! loved the chain cast on video. It is so simple compared to the written
    instructions in my books. I’ve been struggling with chain cast on for the last two nights. Finally looked on your site. Thank you, thank you.

    • Denise Canela August 26, 2014 at 9:55 pm

      Thank you Eileen. So glad I could help!

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