Cheap Stitch Counter – Unconventional

Cheap Stitch CounterCheap Stitch Counter

A Cheap stitch counter that works like a charm is a very valuable tool for any knitter. How about one that cost $1.92 with FREE Shipping. I couldn’t believe it.I thought I misread my computer screen,

Well first, it’s not per-say a stitch counter it’s a 4 Digit Manual Hand Tally Mechanical Palm Click Counter . It’s used to count all kinds of things, from people going into clubs and parks to boxes and cattle. Sometimes you have to think outside the box to get a great deal.

When I ordered it I expected to be disappointed.  Thought it would be light weight and flimsy. I did read the reviews to get an idea of what I should really expect. It had 4 out of 5 stars and those that gave bad reviews had comments that were mostly not product quality related.

I was sure it was silver-colored plastic. Nope – metal. It weighs more than all my other counters put together, it’s well-built, easy to use. No batteries to buy or dysfunctional digital screens. Since then I bought 3 more.  When I need to use more than one counter I mark them with dots to distinguish one from the other. I love technology but sometimes it can be an overkill. This little guy is sweet.

Only one problem..


Cheap Stitch CounterI do have the stitch counter from Clover that I paid a little over $6.00. I’m happy with that counter and I do use it still on rare occasions. It’s got a happy froggy green color and  looks better on the video screen then the metal tally counter. So when I do YouTube videos that need a counter I use the cute one. It’s just a bit funny when you think that I could have bought 3 for the price and all do the same exact job – the same exact way.


The One Problem with the Cheap Stitch Counter

The problem with the cheap stitch counter may not be a problem at all for some people. The seller , United Mail ( sells A Lot of cool stuff really cheap ), is in Asia and so you will have to wait a long time.  Expect a 4-6 week wait. Sometimes they may surprise you and send it sooner.


Yes I Could Use an Stitch Counter App – But No

There are lots of iPhone and Android apps available. But this is not an option I want to exercise. I have a $600 iPhone that I don’t want to carry around from room to room or to my car in my knitting bag. If I drop, misplace or lose this little $2 tool I won’t shed not one tear. My iPhone or iPad on the other hand,… well I would be devastated.


Conclusion on the Cheap Stitch Counter



This cheap stitch counter is an awesome deal. You’ll get more than you paid for – for a change.

Yes you have to sit and wait for it, and wait for it, and then wait for it some more.But, the way I see it unless you have an emergency stitch counting situation you should be fine. Remember that you can always call a friend for a life line. : )

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Comments: 6

  1. Loom Knit Hat - The Belt Loom - January 10, 2014 at 4:18 pm

    […] It’s a good idea to use a stitch counter. If you are like me I often get distracted by my kids or just regular everyday task. This little $2 (with Free Shipping) tool helps me stay on track. I Love It! I did a product review, to read it Click Here […]

  2. Sandy November 15, 2013 at 8:35 am

    I have another ? Do you know of a yamulke or kippah loom pattern? A friend of mine asked if I could make him one. I have searched the internet but couldn’t find a pattern to adapt to the loom. Tks

    • Denise Canela December 10, 2013 at 10:54 pm

      No Sandy – but sounds like a great project I may consider for later

  3. Sandy November 15, 2013 at 8:30 am

    Will do.

  4. Sandy November 14, 2013 at 5:30 am

    At 72 I am a computer geek. There are several apps for row counting and are free. Google knitting counter apps and there are a few to choose from. Thanks for the tip as I would never have thought to look.

    • Denise Canela November 14, 2013 at 8:07 am

      I agree – Some are really good. However, I have had issues with some of the counting apps. One of them erased my count when I closed my phone – not cool.

      So check out the app- play with it- shut it down and start up again before starting your project.

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