Comfort Doll : Little Lady – FREE Pattern

Comfort DollComfort Doll

The Comfort Doll is also known as Izzy Dolls, Duzuzu Dolls and sometimes known as Softies Knit Dollies. They are easy to make and are needed world-wide by orphaned, sick, homeless and impoverished children. Comfort dolls are requested by many organization to do just what their name implies, to comfort. Maybe even the little girl in your home would love to have one of these soft dolls.

So needed is this doll that I designed a loom knit pattern (which will always be FREE) to make sure that ALL knitters, with or without needles, can make it happen.

This will be the first of a series of Comfort Dolls. This Dolly in the picture is named Little Lady. I think she is very pretty. Below is the FREE pattern.

To purchase a downloadable PDF: Click HERE

The Comfort Doll Pattern

Note: Used worsted weight yarn. Knit with two strands as one.This pattern starts from the bottom up starting with the feet.

Yarn Used: 

Skin Tone:  Red Heart Super Saver: Color – Cafe Latte

Hat, Shirt, Mixed in Skirt: Caron Vickie Howell Sheepish: Color – Chartreuse

Skills Needed: e-Wrap, Knit and Purl , Flat Stitch aka Stockinett Stitch or Knit Stitch (Watch the Video for all Stitches) – Change colors

Materials: Small 24-Peg Loom, Yarn Hook, Yarn in several colors, Scissors, Yarn Needle, Poly-fil




Feet – Shoe or Skin Tone

5 Rows of Flat Knit Stitch


Skirt – Change color

1 Row of Knit

1 Row of Purl

1 Row of Knit

1 Row of Purl

10 Rows of e-Wrap


Shirt – Change color

11 Rows of Flat Stitch

1 Row of Purl


Face – Change color

10 Rows of Flat Stitch


Hat – Change color

1 Row of Knit

1 Row of Purl

1 Row of Knit

1 Row of Purl

6 Rows of Flat Stitch


Finishing Touches

To create the feet – Close the bottom opening using the Gathering method like you would do to close a hat. Next feed a matching thread through the middle to split for feet.

Stuff the doll – As you work your way up

To create the arms- From the skirt’s waistline up to the top of the shirt, feed thread that matches the shirt on two sides

To create the smaller waist – Feed thread that matches the shirt through the skirt’s waistline, pull , tie in the back, cut extra thread, push knot into the knitting.

To create the neck – Feed a thread through the top of the shirt between the purled line and the face . Pull the thread, tie , cut extra thread, push knot into the knitting.

To create the face – Use yarn or embroidery thread to add the facial features


Charities that Need Your Comfort Dolls


I love this group. It is very near and dear to me. They distribute hats, blankets and toys to the HIV Orphans of South Africa. This site includes an awesome forum.. including one for loom knitters.








Dolly Donation

Sara is a beautiful doll designer that generously gives away her patterns, her dolls and her virtual space to get little dollys into the hands of little girls around this globe. There are ongoing projects that you can take part in all time. Check out the latest on the website homepage. It’s a great place for some Comfort Dolls

Comfort- Doll








These folks are in Canada. They send medications to children in Africa. The comfort dolls are used in the packaging of the medications to keep the bottles from breaking. Once the meds are received the dolls are distributed to the children. Love the concept. Talk about maximizing your space.





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Comments: 15

  1. Susan brumbaugh July 13, 2016 at 5:36 pm

    I made one and it came out so beautiful now im getting ready to start making another one this is so cool and easy to do I love loom knitting

  2. Kara November 1, 2015 at 12:03 pm


    First off, THANK YOU!! Your YouTube videos gave me the courage to get a loom a try out loom knitting. I am not generally good at crafty type hobbies and am a strictly visual type learner. After watching numerous videos, I started to feel like I was never going to really grasp loom knitting like I do needle knitting. Then I stumbled across your videos and I totally got it…finally!

    So I have done a few of the other duduza dolls and they came out well. I have started this doll and I am at the bottom of the skirt, above the feet. My Purl Stitch is very loose and there are holes in between the stitches. I’m generally a tight knitter so I made an effort to not go to tight, and in the process I think I may have gone to far. I continued on to the E wrap but my stitches still have holes. Should I start over with a tighter stitch or is this normal?

    • Denise Canela November 2, 2015 at 10:28 pm

      Yea, not a big fan of the e-Wrap for this project. The purl is treaty and only works with thicker yarn. If you notice I did not use the e-Wrap in any of my dolls other comfort dolls – too painful. I did this one different only because of the skirt and decided not to do it again. I would stick with the U for the Flat . Here are you options for the knit stitch: Click HERE

      Hope that helps some,

      • Kara November 3, 2015 at 10:19 am

        Okay, thanks. I stopped the doll when I ran into the problems, so Im just going to start over again with some chunky thread and nix the E-Wrap completely.

  3. Juliane May 11, 2015 at 2:44 pm

    Hi Denise. First of all, thank you A LOT for the comfort cool pattern. I’m in love with it and just made my first cool to my son.
    I tried to use garter stitch on the bottom of the shirt but I got holes (let me know how to send you pictures). I want to add some dimension to it. Do you know what I’m doing wrong?
    This is a link to a facebook post with a picture:

    Thank you!

    • Denise Canela May 12, 2015 at 8:32 am

      Hi Juliane, so glad you like the pattern. As for your question about the garter stitch with this project. There is actually more then one version of the garter stitch. The density will be determined by the version of the Knit Stitch that you use. I recommend any version other then e-wrap. In face I would use the U-wrap. For detailed information on ALL 4 versions of the knit stitch: Click HERE

      By the way, you can post your pictures on our FACEBOOK page.. which helps other people and you can email at … and the link to your Facebook is broken..

      • Juliane May 13, 2015 at 7:03 am

        Thank you Denise. In fact I used the U wrap but think will have to try other and see the result.

        • Denise Canela May 13, 2015 at 8:31 pm

          I saw the picture on Facebook – First of all the little guy is VERY cute.. now about the stitch – I am baffled. The U-wrap is quite a tight stitch.. did you use 2 strands? .. Maybe you’re a really loose knitter and should stick to the Flat stitch when doing a Knit.

          • Juliane May 13, 2015 at 10:53 pm

            Definitely I think I did something wrong. I will try same pattern again to check. Thank you a lot!

  4. Tracey July 15, 2014 at 12:59 pm

    Thank you so much for this pattern, I live in South Africa and am very keen to make some and give them away.
    What ply wool do you use?

    I remember ladies in my church, who have since passed away, knitting these dolls so they have been around for a long time. I’m going to visit Knit-a-Square’s site and see what I can make to help them.

    Thank you

    • Denise Canela September 1, 2014 at 12:49 pm

      Hi Tracey, sorry for the delay in responding I’ve been ill for a bit. Just trying to catch up.

      So glad you liked the Comfort Doll post – it’s one of my favorite projects. I wish I had more time to make lots of them. As far as your questions about the wool (yarn) – I use what ever I have around. The great thing about this project is the it gives you a way to use up your scrap yarn.

  5. Salmon September 23, 2013 at 7:53 am

    Thank you for the idea of comfort dolls. I work wih under privileged kids in Zambia and started my first doll yesterday (after seeig your pattern). Lots of little kids are going to be vey happy.

    Thank you x

    • Denise Cenela September 24, 2013 at 6:52 am

      Salmon, I’m EXTREMELY happy to hear that. People like you are the reason I love to put up free patterns. Will be making a video on this project soon. Share pictures if you can. denise

  6. Brenda Ochs August 27, 2013 at 5:14 pm

    Hi, I live in Tennesse and came upon your website from another email. I will be moving to Ghana, Africa within a month and working with singlemoms. These moms sew to earn money so they can keep their children and feed them. I hope to make some of your dollies for the orphanges to bring a smile to the childrens faces. Do I need your permission to do
    Thank you for sharing your patterns and tutorials.

    • Denise Cenela August 27, 2013 at 5:55 pm

      No way – no permission needed! – You’ve made me a happy girl. Thank you Brenda.. Your project is the reason I love to do crafts.

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