Comfort Dolls – Free Pattern with Video Tutorial

Comfort Dolls Izzy Duzua Softies Knit Free PatternComfort Dolls

This Free Comfort Dolls loom pattern is the easiest knit doll pattern ever. I warn you – they can become your new yarn obsession. These little guys are made using the 24-Peg small loom.You just need to know one stitch and this online article includes a video tutorial to help with that. There is a little hand sewing involved but nothing the average person can not handle.

Comfort Dolls are also known as Izzy Dolls, Duzuza Dolls, Pocket Pals and sometimes as Softies. They are a great way to use your left-over yarn.


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Comfort Dolls FREE Pattern

Take a look at a few Comfort Dolls made by folks around the world. Talk about variety. It’s amazing how creative people can get with a little knitted tube and some love.

Comfort Dolls


NOTE: Used worsted weight yarn. Two strands as one.This pattern starts from the bottom with the feet / shoes.


For a Printable PDF: Click HERE



Loom: 24-Peg Small Loom

Yarn Used:  Scrap Yarn mostly worsted weight

Embroidery Floss

Yarn Hook and Crochet Hook 

Yarn Needle and Embroidery Needle ( or one large enough for embroidery floss)


Skin Tone for dolls in picture above post:  Red Heart Super Saver: Color – Cafe Latte

Shirts: Red Heart Super Saver: Color – White

Hats and Pants: Caron Vickie Howell Sheepish: Color – Chartreuse – For the Little Guy in Green

Girls Red Hair: Bernat Soft Boucle: Color:  Red

Other: Left-over yarn I’m unable to name

Eyes and mouth : Black Embroidery Floss


Skills Needed: Knit Stitch , ( U-Wrap or Flat )

Knit stitchKnit Stitch








Comfort Dolls Duzuza Izzy Softie Pocket Knit on a Loom Pattern


Feet – Shoe or Skin Tone

5 Rows

Pants– Change color

14 Rows

Shirt – Change color

12 Rows

Face – Change color

10 Rows

Hat – Change color

11 Rows


Finishing Touches


To create the feet – Close the bottom opening using the Gathering method like you would do to close a hat. Next feed a matching thread through the middle to split for feet.

Stuff the doll, with poly-fil or even left over matching yarn  – As you work your way up

To create the arms– From the pant’s waistline up to the top of the shirt, feed thread that matches the shirt on two sides

To create the neck – Feed a thread through the top of the shirt between the purled line and the face . Pull the thread hard then wrap it the neck, tie the strings , cut extra thread, push knot into the knitting.

To create the face – Use yarn or embroidery thread to add the facial features. For the nose and ears use strips of yarn. – See video below for detailed instructions.


Loom Knit Clown Doll


Wholly the Loom Knit Clown has a different pattern. He is larger and the row count for the shoes, pants and shirt are different. Although you can follow the video for the overall concept on how to make Wholly it’s best to use “his” pattern. Click below for a link

For a FREE Pattern for Wholly: Click HERE



Video Tutorial

It’s a good idea to watch the video completely before starting the project. This will give you the confidence of knowing each step in sequence and that the project is doable.

Feel free to comment or ask question in the comment section below or on the YouTube channel.

To Subscribe to my YouTube Channel:  Click HERE



Charities that Need Your Comfort Dolls


ICROSS and the Health Partners

These folks are in Canada. They send medications to children in Africa. The comfort dolls are used in the packaging of the medications to keep the bottles from breaking. Once the meds are received the dolls are distributed to the children. Love the concept. Talk about maximizing your space.

Comfort Doll



I love this group. It is very near and dear to me. They distribute hats, blankets and toys to The Children of South Africa. This site includes an awesome forum.. including one for loom knitters.


Dolly Donation

Sara is a beautiful doll designer that generously gives away her patterns, her dolls and her virtual space to get little dollys into the hands of little girls around this globe. There are ongoing projects that you can take part in all time. Check out the latest on the website homepage. It’s a great place for some Comfort Dolls

Comfort- Doll

Comfort Doll Project.blogspot

Per the website: The Comfort Doll Project is a group of artist who create and donate their beautiful dolls to be delivered specifically to women in domestic abuse shelters.

The project was founded by Pat Winters, to reach out to the courageous women who have made their way to help. We want these women to know that they are not alone. The project is now run by Brenda Hutchings and all of her blog followers.

My Note: This project prefers the dolls be 6 inches or smaller Reduce the number of row – each section by 1 or 3 rows.  Best to make the dollies a bit more fancy and more girly





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Comments: 28

  1. Kris September 30, 2016 at 10:12 pm

    Hi, I saw this and sent my husband out to buy me a loom right away! Lol! I am obviously completely new to this so hopefully this isn’t a silly question… What is the easiest way to double the yarn? Do you estimate how long it should be and then pull that much out to double it or do you work from both ends of the yarn? thank you!

    • Denise Canela October 6, 2016 at 10:37 am

      Hi Kris – Welcome to the family ! As for working with 2 strands – depends on the yarn and the project – but mostly I pull for both ends of the skein: Click HERE

  2. Dot Smith April 24, 2016 at 6:37 pm

    Hi, Denise: Do you know of a drawstring purse pattern made on the loom these comfort dolls will fit in? Getting new ideas for the Christmas Shoe Boxes.
    Thank you kindly.

    • Denise Canela April 24, 2016 at 10:39 pm

      Dot, I love when you chime in. Love how you love those Shoe Boxes…I don’t have one yet – but I’ve been thinking about this: Click HERE

  3. Frances Moref February 5, 2016 at 10:37 am

    Where can I buy the small loom I knit these dolls and have tought people to knit them. I would l ike to teach younger children to make them. When My daughter was small she had a loom to make clothes for Barbie but I cant find anything that small now

    • Denise Canela February 8, 2016 at 9:03 am

      It’s called a flower loom – no longer sold alone by Knifty knitter but other folks make them : Click HERE .. also try eBay

  4. Kerri February 1, 2016 at 6:41 am

    Hi Denise,

    I love your website and have learned so much from your videos. Thank you!

    I started my first comfort doll last night. I am using Chunky yarn, since I got a bunch on sale. Anyway, I just finished my 14 rows for the pants and it seems as if my doll is going to be shorter, since I am using 1 strand of Chunky instead of 2 worsted weight.

    Can you please tell me roughly how long each section of the doll should be in inches? I think this will help me adjust the number of rows as needed.

    Thank you for your help!!

    • Denise Canela February 1, 2016 at 9:38 pm

      Kerri – roughly 4 1/2 rows gives you an inch… use the cheat sheet to figure out how many inches per section. .. hope that helps. Share the pictures when you’re done. 🙂 …. I sooooooooooo love this project – hope you will too.

      • Kerri February 3, 2016 at 5:12 am

        Hi Denise,

        Thanks, that really does help! I will make a little cheat sheet for myself…I will share here too if you like. I will be sure to share my first doll pic. I hope it comes out ok! At Christmas, our office sponsors a family to give gifts to. My eventual plan is to make each child a hat, then make each a comfort doll with a coordinating hat. I thought that would be cute. Anyway, for now just trying to learn the basics. Thanks for all of your help! Kerri

        • Denise Canela February 4, 2016 at 7:40 am

          Kerri – That sounds SUPER cute !

  5. Jeanne Halaby January 12, 2016 at 6:21 pm

    looking forward to seeing more ideas

  6. Joyce Carter October 8, 2015 at 8:23 am

    Want to make a comfort doll looking for a book please help

  7. Joyce Carter October 8, 2015 at 8:21 am

    Looking for a book to learn how to make comfort dolls please help

    • Denise Canela October 8, 2015 at 7:37 pm

      I don’t know of any but I have started a Comfort Doll board on my Pinterest – you can get ideas there: Click HERE

  8. Hope mclincha September 10, 2015 at 11:40 am

    I love these and have made but would love to use my baby addi and crank out about a hundred to donate to the children’s home at Christmas has any got the row count for that. Great pattern

    • Denise Canela September 10, 2015 at 3:32 pm

      Hope, first I LOVE your name ! – About the machine – I have never used one but there is a lady on Youtube that does – send her to this patter and see what she suggest. I would think the count would not be very different at all. You little guy might be a bit bigger or smaller but the size is not that important. They are just as cute at 6 inches, 8 or 10.
      Just try and then let me know how it goes. 🙂

  9. Peppy September 10, 2015 at 8:36 am

    Denise- I have seen a comfort doll that was a teddy bear! Do you have a pattern for that? Would love to try that- made my comfort dolls after the Frozen characters Elsa and Anna but would love to do a teddy bear. Thanks for everything you do!

    • Denise Canela September 10, 2015 at 3:48 pm

      Hi Peppy – first of all your name makes me sooooo happy – I love it ! …. as for the teddy, yes I saw it too. In fact someone posted one on my facebook page. But I haven’t made one – I would assume you can just close the hat flat instead of in the round and make a diagonal stitch.
      I hope that makes sense

  10. Andrea Siepel May 13, 2015 at 10:21 am

    I would love to make them a little bigger on the loom with 31 pegs. Anyone knows how many rows I should add to each section?

    • Denise Canela May 13, 2015 at 8:28 pm

      Hi Andrea, haven’t tried these on a 31-peg loom.. I would tell you to just add another 6-8 stitches to each section. You may to do a trial version before your real doll.
      Good luck – let me know what worked and share your pics.

      • Andrea Siepel May 15, 2015 at 4:01 pm

        I did it! Picture in the website link.
        I used the following row count:
        Feet: 6 rows
        Pants: 16 rows
        Shirt: 14 rows
        Face: 12 rows
        Hat: 13 rows.

        • Denise Canela May 16, 2015 at 7:49 am

          Thanks for Sharing this information Andrea you’re little guy is adorable !

  11. Loom knit comfort doll | Kiersten Knits~ April 29, 2015 at 10:24 pm

    […] This was made with a basic 24 peg round loom. Link to pattern here […]

  12. Rita knittle April 20, 2015 at 12:57 am

    6027 penworth rd se

  13. Denise Thompson September 14, 2014 at 1:54 pm

    I have a loom the round ones but I only have made hats would like to know more about what you can make

    • Denise Canela September 14, 2014 at 2:21 pm

      Hi Denise, Great Name .. Here is a short list of just a little over a hundred items: Click here

  14. Munecos de estambre - September 15, 2013 at 5:48 pm

    […] Se deseas la explicación en ingles: Clic aquí […]

  15. […] For more information on the loom knit pattern: Click Here […]

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