Como Telar – Loom Knitting in Spanish

como-telarComo Telar – Means How to Loom Knit.

Como Telar means, How to Loom Knit in Spanish. I have to admit that I am excited and a bit overwhelmed. This new adventure will allow me to teach the Spanish speaking community how to loom knit some fun projects through Video Tutorials. But, how about the fact that Spanish is not my first language? I actually think in English. Is that a hoot or what?

Well I can think of it as a little extra I get by exercising the language I have neglected far to long. I hope my Dad doesn’t see these. He’ll wonder about all those years of private school.

I’m sure some people are going to have funny looks on their faces when I say things like some crazy person. But oh well, I’ll laugh about it like maybe 20 years from now.

So if you know someone who speaks spanish tell them they can learn to loom knit at

Scroll down to learn loom knitting terms (lingo) translated to Spanish.

Here is the first Video: Enjoy !


Adult Hat – in Spanish


Loom Knitting from English to Spanish

Loom               Telar

Knitting          Tejer

Yarn                Estambre

Pegs                Postes

Hook               Pincho

Stitch              Punta

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Comments: 2

  1. Irma Ingram October 4, 2014 at 11:03 pm

    Looking for Spanish instructions in how to loom knit

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