Cuddly Monster Loom Knitting Pattern Video

Loom Knit the Cuddly Monster on a Large Loom

A  sweet friend asked me to design a weighted toy for her little girl who suffers from depression. I had been researching toy monsters within that same week. Since I know there is no such thing as coincidence, now there is a pattern and video for Cuddly Monster.
Loom Knit Monster Toy Doll Video
Why a weighted toy?  Sarah’s Cuddly Monster is a weighted toy to help those suffering from loneliness, depression, anxiety or any form of mental illness. My hope is that it will be one tool that can be used in the process of self-healing and restoration. Read her story at the end of the post.
Scroll down to the bottom of the post for a step by step video tutoral. Please watch it completely before starting the project.
By the way, the pattern includes two styles and three sizes. To puchase the pattern click the link: HERE 

Keep in mind that you don’t have to add the extra weight. It is added because it has been shown to settle breathing, lower heart rate and promote relaxation.

Supply List and Information

Loom Knit Weighted Stuff Dolls Toys Pattern Round Loom

SKILL: Advanced Beginner to Intermediate

STITCHES:  Knit -Use the Uwrap, True or Flat version

LOOM:  Large Gauge Round Loom 41 or 40 pegs for Big and Lil, 24 Pegs for Mini

YARN: Approximately 150 yds. (Lil) and 280 yds. (Big) of worsted weight yarn . Scrap yarn was used for Mini.

TOOLS AND NOTIONS:  Loom Hook, Yarn Needle, Embroidery Floss , Poly-fil stuffing, 1 lbs. of Pellets stuffing beads and 22 mm , 12 mm , 6mm for Mini  Safety eyes.

MAKE-UP: Pink Blush and Applicator

SIZE: Approximately 6×3 inches (Mini), 11×6 inches (Lil), 16×9 inches (Big). From the tip of the head to the bottom of the foot and widest mid-section of the doll.


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Watch the video below !


Sarah’s Story

As told by her mom and shared with her parents’ permission.

Sarah is 15yrs old. 2020 put a kink into her mental health and well-being.

Sarah missed a lot because of Covid. She missed her 6th-grade special field trip, she missed her 6th-grade graduation, she missed her DARE graduation, and most of all she missed her friends.

The 2020/2021 school year was done online. We live in the country and we are already secluded, now add the isolation that Covid brought. Sarah asked me to put her in therapy in the summer of 2020. I called everywhere and no one had openings, but 2 places did put her on a waiting list. There wasn’t an opening until the summer of 2022. During this time she was very isolated.

For the 2021/2022 school year, she attended a new school as she was now out of elementary and into middle school. Her new school was very large compared to her elementary school. She went from a class size of 10 students to a class size of 100 students. It was during this school year that she started to self-harm.

Sarah had no friends as her friends from grade school were all going to different schools. This is also the time when she was not only depressed but had crippling anxiety.

As she was getting older, with her hormones running rampant, she knew she wasn’t like everyone else. She didn’t know how to live in the body that was given to her. She knew she didn’t think like others. She was bothered by so many things.

Finally, in the summer of 2022, she was able to get a therapist. She started on depression medication. Yet she still didn’t feel right. Now it’s the 2022/2023 school year. She’s again in a new school because she’s now in high school.

Her anxiety and depression are at an all-time high. The school is too loud, too bright, she still has no friends. She felt herself imploding. Therapy wasn’t helping, the meds weren’t helping. By this time I was pretty sure she was on the spectrum and trying to find someone to test her. Because of her age finding someone to test her was proving almost impossible. During this school year, I was in constant contact with the school trying to get help for her. They were unwilling to work with her.

Tuesday, May 2nd, Sarah had her therapy session. Her therapist goes to the school during the school year and does their session at school. After therapy, Sarah went to the restroom at her school. She was in there for an undetermined amount of time. While she was in there she proceeded to cut her wrist and take an overdose of her medication.

Sarah has a heart condition so she was on depression meds and heart meds. I would give her the meds, but I didn’t make sure she was swallowing them. She had been squirreling her medication and saving them for this moment.

After she took the overdose she left the school, left school property, and went to a secluded area. Once she got to where she was going she called 988 which is the number for the suicide hotline. She wasn’t on the phone with them for long before she felt her body start to shut down. She hung up and called 911. The police arrived just in the Knick of time. My daughter was missing from her school for a total of 2 hours. They didn’t have a clue she wasn’t in class despite her teachers marking her absent which is done electronically and sent to the office. They only realized she was gone once the sheriff showed up to the school looking for her contact information, to get a hold of me.

By the time the ambulance arrived at where Sarah was she was in a bad way. In fact, the police officer drove the ambulance while the two paramedics worked on her on the way to the hospital. From there she was airlifted to another hospital where they had the means to take care of her. I was told that if it had been 10 minutes later we would have had a very different outcome. Not only that, she was in a spot where she wouldn’t have been found for days. I do not doubt in my mind that someone was looking over her and those assisting her that day.

Today she is alive, she has no ill effects from the overdose, though she does have scars from the cutting. Mentally she is finally getting the help she needs. We were able to get her tested and she is indeed on the Autism Spectrum.

Dial 988 for the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline in the USA

Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish. 


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