Cute Baby Hats – a Gallery of Pictures & FREE Patterns

Cute-Baby-HatsCute Baby Hats and FREE Patterns

Cute baby hats is the excuse I used to get you here. The little hats REALLY are adorable. A true work of art. But that’s not the only reason I want your attention. Call it a bait and switch if you want. I won’t get mad. I must introduce you to Pali , Vanessa and the gang from Knitting Rays of Hope. These lady’s are loom knitting Superheroes of Love for cancer patients both young and old and they are the ones who have knitted these cute baby hats.

They started their adventure in the spring of 2012 and have done so much for, as they call them, the Warriors.




Smiling Warrior

More Then Just Cute Baby Hats

After going through every post of their blog and seeing all the beautiful work these lady’s have done I knew that I had to find a way to display their labor of love. I so wished that I had an art gallery in the middle of some mayor downtown district. No such luck, yet.

Anyway, this has to be about more than just Cute Baby Hats. This gallery needs to display the hats , the knitters and the recipients, A Love Gallery.

Well, it may not be brick and mortar, it’s not some grand museum,  but I have done the Gallery of Cute Baby Hats right here. In my virtual domain , a feast for your eyes and your heart. My hope is that I can introduce you to this group and that their art will inspire you to collaborate with Knitting Rays of Hope .

By the way, doesn’t the little guy in this picture remind you of an Ashton-Drake doll? Just tooooo cute.


Free Pattern of this Cute Monster Hat: Click Here

 Hey !They Have Cookie Monster and Elmo

Cute baby hats


Free Elmo Pattern: Click Here 

The Sock Monkey Pair


A Cat and Dog Pair


 An Intermission: Remember – It’s Not Just About the Hats

Loom-KNit-hatsSo much is being done by this group and their volunteers that they were nominated for an award by this beautiful lady, Laura.

They won the Liebster Award.

The wonderful people who created this blog most likely do not have the time to follow these rules.  Therefore, though it might be out of my hands to do so, my heart and God’s had wrapped around my heart at this time give me permission to allow this site to accept this award from me without having to follow any of the rules.  Keep doing what you do.  You are number one to me hands down.  I am blessed to have these hats you made for me and my children.  These will forever and I do mean forever, be cherished and never viewed as anything less than three of the most precious objects we own.  Much love to you.  God Bless You and he has already.  With all of my heart.  Thank you.  I hope you don’t mind, but I want everyone to see just how special you and your blog really are, so I have posted below some words straight from your blog.”  To Read the story: Click Here

Mr and Mrs Ginger Bread


How About Some Cute Monsters & A Dinosaur ?cute-baby-hats


 Lil Frankie FREE Pattern: Click Here


Get Your Fruits and Vegetables


An Intermission: ALL Hats Are From Knitting Rays of Hope

cute-baby-hatsAll the cute baby hats you see here are on the website for Knitting Rays of Hope. Some even have instructions on how they were made. Others have a little back ground story to let you into the painful world of the recipient.

Listen the hats are cute but cancer is serious business. My heart goes out to those stricken with this disease and to the families that go to war alongside them.

Did I say that you should visit and help. You can give money, knit items or just let others know about them. You would be surprised what can happen if you just Like their Facebook Fan Page.  Facebook is like fire once you get it going  it spreads whether you want it to happen or not. Same thing with Pinterest  You can let others know about this website without having to do anything. Just press the Like and / or the Follow button and you are done. !





Send Your Knitting to:

Pali Wilson (c/o Betty McGuire)
382 N. Lemon
Box 241
Walnut, CA 91789

More Cute Baby Hats on  Pinterest !

OK – Put Your Game Face On


They’re All Ears

Disney does not have a monopoly on ears. Those can be found in abundance anywhere you want. All you have to do is make a simple hat and ADD EARS. That’s it – the cute factor is in.

For a Cool Tutorial to Loom Knit Ears: Click Here


Some are Just Cute – Just Because



I Felt That All Should Know My Favorite

Because It’s the Right Thing to Do

** Here They Are – Just Way – Way- Way – Tooooo Cute ! **


   For a Free Pattern of this Cute Minion Hat: Click Here

Tell us your favorite of all the Cute Baby Hats in the comment section and Stop by Knitting Rays of Hope and tell them what you think about all their wonderful work for Cancer patients and their families.


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Comments: 17

  1. Marney January 22, 2016 at 10:15 am

    Hi!! I am trying to make the minion hat on here. I have made several hats in the past using the knifty knitter looms but problem one, the 36 pegs seem to be too small for my 6 and 8 year olds and 2, the stitch was too far apart. So I started making it on the all in one loom. I have to redo because A, I made it too small. I guessed to take a few pegs off the estimate for my little guy with no fold over brim and I did 58 pegs, buts it’s way tight. Biggest problem, my e-wrap looks perfect on parts of the hat and others it has bulges and random holes….I really don’t see how I could dropped a stitch without noticing. Very frustrating, because most of it looks great. I’ve already restarted this twice, once on knitty knitter and now on all in one. Please advise !! I have pictures I can attach. I really appreciate your site!! I don’t know anyone else who loom knits and the knitting stores seem to have non loom knowledge. I really wanted to take my looming to the next step but I just can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong to get bulges and holes with such a simple stitch!!
    I’m not sure I can attach my pictures here, on my iPad and not getting the attachment option. If it helps, I can send them via email. Thank you!!

    • Denise Canela January 24, 2016 at 12:16 am

      Use Facebook to attach the pictures – I need to “see” the problem to try to help

  2. Darlene Vigil February 13, 2015 at 12:22 pm

    I want to thank everybody for their time and for their great big hearts. I want to make hats and these are so cute!

  3. Joyce Rerucha November 2, 2014 at 9:59 pm

    3000 xxxx
    Columbus Nebraska xxxx

    • Joyce Rerucha November 2, 2014 at 10:02 pm

      I would like to donate some hats but where do I send them..I just make them for friends but have a lot in boxes so want to donate them to help who ever can use them….Please email me and let me know where to send..
      Thank you

      • Denise Canela November 3, 2014 at 4:49 pm

        Pali Wilson (c/o Betty McGuire)
        382 N. Lemon
        Box 241
        Walnut, CA 91789

    • Denise Canela November 3, 2014 at 4:46 pm

      Hi Joyce,
      Sorry, But you can not leave home addresses on the site – to dangerous

  4. Dorothy Bell September 1, 2014 at 10:56 pm

    thank you great patterns for a great cause

  5. Lesley tubbs August 5, 2014 at 8:19 am

    Do you know how to get the pattern for the little kitten hat?

    • Denise Canela September 12, 2014 at 8:55 am

      Hi Lesley, sorry for the delay in responding I’ve been ill for a bit. Just trying to catch up.
      I don’t believe there is a pattern right now. The Hello Kitty and all the hats on this page were done by Pali and the folks at Knitting Rays of Hope. If you click on the Red letters you will find a link to their site where you can contact them.

      In the meantime, I would tell you that it seems like a basic hat that you just add decorations to make it the kitty. It has a garter stitch brim and then e-wrap the body of the hat. Knit 4 triangles by increasing your knitting, sew them in pairs to make the ears and loom knit a bow. With a yarn needle add the eyes and the whiskers.
      Hope the helps,

  6. Ellen Stotlemeyer March 19, 2014 at 2:24 am

    I saw the following The Sock Monkey Pair, & A Cat and Dog Pair but No free pattern instructions. Would love to make those a long with the others that you have listed. Could you please advise on how I can get the instruction?

    Thank you

    • Denise Canela March 23, 2014 at 7:17 pm

      Hi Ellen – sorry for the delay – been working on tooooooo many projects at the same time. In answer to your question…. none of these pattern are mine – if you click on one of the free pattern links it will lead you to the website and you can contact the folks there. They might now have a free pattern for one of the hats that you are interested in.
      Hope that helps some,

  7. Bonnie November 25, 2013 at 1:22 pm

    Do you know where to get the pattern for the sock monkey hat that you have a picture posted of? I would like to make one a 32 peg hoop

    • R-M February 10, 2016 at 8:28 am

      The sock monkey pattern is available on their site now. Thankfully. I want to make one, too! 🙂

  8. Vanessa May 16, 2013 at 11:20 am

    We are so unbelievably awed by your wonderful blog about us. We can’t thank you enough for your kind words and helping us to spread the word about Knitting Rays of Hope. We are just so touched and can’t tell you enough thanks.

    • Denise Cenela May 16, 2013 at 9:43 pm

      To All of You Guys from Knitting Rays of Hope – This was the most fun I have ever had writing a post. You have blessed me. Thank you for all you do for Gods Children.

  9. carolyn wiegman May 16, 2013 at 10:28 am

    The 1 eye – funny facy is also mine. I have a grandson, soon to be 14 years old, has always made funny faces to ,,, for me since he was little. I give them back to him also.
    His BD is in couple weeks, I want to try and get this done for him.
    Again, thank you for all you hard work…
    You ALL are just AWESOME !!

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