Darice Knitting Loom – A Product Review

Darice Knitting LoomDarice Knitting Loom

The Darice knitting loom is a Great low-cost alternative to the more widely known Knifty Knitter and more widely available Boye Brand. In all honesty right now I’m not a fan of the Boye Loom. I have issues with its design. If you want to know the specifics read my product review by Clicking Here.  The funny thing is that I told a person why I don’t like the Boye Loom and she told me that was the reason she liked them. So always read reviews because one girls bummer is another girls blossom.

As for myself I am a true believer of the Darice knitting loom. It is very similar to the others with just a few slight differences that make this choice the right one especially for first time loom knitters.

I am really impressed and want to tell you why even if you already have a set of Knifty Knitters or Boye these are worth spending the money. I’m still baffled by the lack of suppliers for this great tool.

Let me convince you that it is worth going on-line for them ….

Darice Knitting LoomLack of Name Recognition – It Works to Your Advantage

Darice is are VERY well known by jewelry makers and many crafters. Their beads can be found just about anywhere from craft stores like Joanne’s to department stores like Walmart.This is not the case for the Darice Knitting Loom. I have yet to walk into any type of store and find them in any isle. However, what is a so-called problem is actually working to the buyers advantage.

Not to many on-line suppliers and to my understanding no brick and mortar stores have them on stock. I believe this is the reason most casual loom knitters are not aware of this brand and the reason for the lower price. On an average it’s safe to say that you will save anywhere from $4.00 – $8.00 by choosing to buy the Darice Knitting Loom over another brand. But most people won’t buy them because they have never heard them. I hope this little article will have some impact on that issue.


Darice Knitting LoomSo Similar – It Works to Your Advantage

It is so similar to the Knifty Knitter that all the advantages you would get if you spend the extra $5.00-$10.00 buying the Knifty Knitter you get with this loom plus a few added bonuses.

My favorite example is the windfall of FREE Patterns. With the exception of one of the looms in the set all the looms in the Darice Knitting Loom set have the same number as pegs and are the same size in diameter as the Knifty Knitter looms.

Right here on this site I have a page with 100+ round loom patterns and almost all were made for the Knifty Knitter so guess what, they work with the Darice loom. This is not true for the Martha Stewart or other brands.

To see the 100+ FREE patterns post: Click Here

The books written specifically for the Knifty Knitter work with the Darice Knitting loom without as much as a tiny snag. So far the best choice that I have seen is on Amazon.


Where it is Different – Works to Your Advantage

There are some differences between the Darice Knitting Loom and the Knifty Knitter. I must say that I like them all.  Lets start with my favorite the gauge.

The gauge on a loom is the space between one peg and the next. You will note that the Darice is slightly smaller.

Many people complain about the pegs coming off the looms. In some cases this is a good thing. This is especially true with the Flower Loom. But on an average folks don’t pull the pegs off. The pegs on the Darice Knitting Loom don’t come off.

The plastic is very light weight. I would have thought that this would have been an issue for me. I have since learned that light weight doesn’t mean flimsy. The plastic is sturdy. I can say that not one of my pegs have ever broken on any of my Darice looms.

Lastly but not any less important are the bright neon colors. I just love them. They make me happy. Period end of discussion.


Darice Knitting LoomNot Individually Sold – Works to Your Advantage

To often people who are new to this craft will go in search of “A” loom and spend $5.00-$8.00 for just one . After that first hat for Suzy they realize that they can’t use the same size loom for the charity hats they plan to make. They then go on-line or to the craft store for “A’nother loom at $5.00-$8.00. That is a good deal for the retailer but not for the buyer.

The best buy especially if you have NO looms is to buy them in sets. These usually come in the form of 4 variations. You pay a bit more up front but then you’re basically covered for every member in the family from little bobby to grandpa.


How-to-buy-on-amazonAmazon.com Product Description for Darice Knitting Loom Set

A simple and rewarding way to create stylish bags, hats, scarves, and more, this set of four round knitting looms makes a thoughtful gift for any crafting enthusiast. The sturdy plastic looms come in 11-inch, 9-inch, 7-inch, and 5-1/2-inch round sizes and feature lightweight, easy-to-handle construction suited to even the youngest of knitters. Even more, their bright shades of neon pink, orange, green, and blue stand out boldly in any crafting basket or bin, while anchor pegs serve to secure the first stitch for smooth, uninterrupted knitting. Accessories include a plastic yarn needle, a looming hook, and full multi-lingual instructions for creating a trendy yarn hat. Packaged in a clear plastic case with a carrying handle for convenient transport, the set of four knitting looms measures approximately 11 by 11-1/5 by 1-4/5 inches.

  • Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars  (147 customer reviews) 2/2014

Amazon.com Product Description for Knifty Knitter Loom Set

Set includes 4 sizes of Knifty Knitter Looms: 5″ blue, 7″ red, 9″ green, and 11″ yellow. Also includes hook, pick tool, and easy to follow instructions. Comes in a convenient clear bag with sealing zipper and carrying handle.
  • Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars  (97 customer reviews) 2/2014

Amazon.com Product Description for Boye Loom Set

My Note: It does say Knifty Knitter – because I believe it is or was the same company
Knifty Knitter round loom set. Two easy ways to knit – flat & circular. Make scarves, baby blankets, booties and so much more! Set includes 4 looms (5.5″, 7.5″, 9.5″ & 11.5″ Round sizes), 1 hook, 1 needle. Easy-to-follow instructions enclosed. 7pcs. Boxed set makes a great gift.
  • Average Customer Review: 2.9 out of 5 stars  (32 customer reviews) 2/2014


starsIn Conclusion

 These are not Knifty Knitters. I am a die-hard when it comes to my KK’s. They are well-built and usually well priced. But I must admit that it is  more out of habit than anything else that keeps me attached. I am just as happy using the Darice.  It really is a GREAT loom and you can’t beat the AWESOME price.

For some people who started with them, they are not just a good option but the only option. Read the reviews. Give them a try.

I really can not find Anything wrong with these guys and highly recommend the product.


Size Guide: For the Darice Knitting Loom

Loom Size / Hat Size

Size Chart is based on Averages. The information is only a recommendation. Please use your own judgement in the final decision.

Note: Rows are based on 1 strand of thick yarn or 2 strands of light or medium weight yarn, e-Wrap Stitch and No Brim.
Chart Update: 10/2014
For a Folded Brim you may need 6 - 18 rows depending on the recipient. Note that to make the brim you fold the knitting in half.

1 inch = 2.54 centimeters
Hat RecipientAvg Head
Loom Size Hat LengthNumber
of Rows
AG Doll11 in / 27 cmSm 24 Pegs4 in20
Preemie12 in / 30 cmSm 24 Pegs4 - 5 in20-25
Newborn 14 in / 36 cmSm 24 Pegs5 - 6 1/2 in25-30
Baby - 1 yr.18 in / 46 cmMd 31 Pegs7 in25-30
Toddler21 in / 53 cmLrg 36 Pegs7 in25-30
Tweens & Teens22 in / 56 cmLrg 36 Pegs8 in30-34
Women & Lean Men22 in / 56 cmLrg 36 Pegs8 - 9 in32-40
Lrg Women & Men24 in / 61 cmX-Lrg 41 Pegs9 -10 in38-45

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Comments: 11

  1. Cherryl Walker April 25, 2016 at 4:20 pm

    Those who have hand ailments like arthritis may find the skinny hooks that come with all kinds of loom sets to be uncomfortable to use. May I recommend the “chunky handle” knitting hook from knittingboard.com? There is plenty enough handle to grasp. Still, for comfort, it is better to do a bit of knitting at a time, rather than subjecting one’s hands to an overly-extended session of knitting.

    • Denise Canela April 25, 2016 at 8:26 pm

      Cherryl – have you seen the post for the Rubber grip. You can add one to the skinny hooks: Click HERE

  2. Eileen September 9, 2014 at 11:59 pm

    I made several baby hats with the Boyle loom but got frustrated from the yarn catching in the grove on top of the peg when flipping the bottom stitch over the top. Switched to KK loom and it was wonderful. Went looking on the internet for KK looms – ended up at WalMark and found the Darice Looms, set of 4 for about $12.00. Didn’t have to pay shipping because I had it shipped to WalMart and pick it up there

    • Denise Canela September 10, 2014 at 6:25 am

      Wow Eileen, I have not seen the Darice in my local Walmart. You locked out 🙂 Put those babies to work. I don’t know if you use eBay but right now you can get a set of 4 KK Looms for $5 – no Shipping. I have a link on the right sidebar of my homepage.

  3. Rajkumar.M July 14, 2014 at 11:23 pm

    I want to purchase knitting looms round and rectangular loom and loom kook 4nos and long loom divider pls send information price shipping details

  4. peggy hadley February 21, 2014 at 6:31 am

    I totally agree with you o Boye looms. That lip on the outside if the pegs makes it difficult to knit stitches. On the other hand the loops definately do not fall off like what can happen if your tension is loose with the other looms.

  5. sonia m. cataquet February 18, 2014 at 10:52 am

    I have 2 sets of Darice Looms and used them for the last 5 years.Never has a problem with them..The pegs are soft to the yarns. Love them to work with dark yarns because they are neon color and don’t strain your eyes.I make with them all kind of pieces and all kind of stitches I found and they are really great to work with.I bought them for $12 in local craft store in Puerto Rico.

    • Denise Canela February 18, 2014 at 10:04 pm

      HOLA SONIA ( the most awesome loom knitter EVER! ) So happy you took the time to comment here and as always I agree with you. I’m still waiting for you to write that loom knitting book about how to make beautiful sweaters on a loom.

      Hey tells us the name of the craft store where you found the Darice looms.

  6. Jamie February 18, 2014 at 10:32 am

    The Loops & Thread looms available at Michael’s are also a good substitute for Knifty Knitter Looms, and the price is still reasonable at $14.99 for a set of 4.

    Noticed that Joann’s hiked up the price of the Boye set to almost $25. Yikes.

    • Denise Canela February 18, 2014 at 9:55 pm

      I totally agree Jamie. I think the Loops & Thread are VERY good. Thanks for the input !

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