Diamond Brocade Beanie Hat on a Round Loom

Diamond Brocade Beanie

Diamond Brocade Beanie

I love textured designs on knitted gear so I’m always looking for stitch patterns. The diamond brocade stitch worn by kings and peasants alike is one of my favorites.

It’s a classic sear-sucker look everyone has happily worn at some point in their life. With that nostalgic feeling in mind I set out to loom knit my first Diamond Brocade Beanie.

The project was not as difficult as I thought it would be. But it does take a long time. Well worth all the hours invested in the project.

I love this hat !

The Diamond Brocade Stitch

Diamond Brocade Beanie Hat

In late 2013 I decided to start doing loom knitting book reviews.I shamelessly LOVE Isela Phelps so I wanted to start with one of hers. I was shocked to have chosen Loom Knitting Socks .

I am NOT a lover of sock knitting but I am a Stitch Pattern Hog. This loom knitting genius has never let me down and what I found in her book was a treasure trove of beautiful stitches.

I knew then and there that I would be working in a lot of these stitch patterns into other patterns such as my all time favorite hats, some scarves, sweaters, gloves and maybe someday in the very distant future if someone begged or barbed me, a pair of socks. Those I will make with thick yarn on a large gauge loom so I can finish quickly.

The Stitch Pattern

diamond brocade beanieThe stitch pattern that I followed was Robin’s Brocade Socks on page 50 of this 144-page book which by the way includes an awesome 50 projects in total.

Note that it is a somewhat complex 8 stitch 8 row pattern made up of just 2 simple stitches, the Knit and Purl. The cool thing is that you get a stitch chart which to me is much easier to follow then written words that seem to blur together if I look at the page for to long.



The Hat


Note: Sorry, I didn’t write out the Diamond Brocade Beanie hat pattern exactly.

Loom: I used a CinDLoom but any small or extra fine gauge loom will work well. I plan to use the Adjustable Hat Loom by Authentic Knitting board for the next one.

Yarn: Simply Soft in Autumn Red. I find that textures show up better with silky yarn.

Stitch Markers: I used Rainbow Loom rubber bands.


Cast-on: Chain Cast-on

Rolled-up Brim: U-wrap Knit Stitch until I reached about 3 inches. Knit this stitch a bit loosely. Tends to be a tight stitch and may not roll nicely.

Hat: Diamond Brocade stitch pattern (found on page 50 of the Loom Knitting Socks book). I just kept repeating the 8 stitch 8 row pattern until hat was about 7 inches. About 10-12 rows per inch depending on your yarn and loom.

Last 3 rows I did only the U-wrap knit stitch.

Cast-off: Gathered method

 You’re Done !



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Comments: 18

  1. Kari November 16, 2016 at 3:14 pm

    I would love to do this but the stitch chart included takes you to a doc that apparently is for invited bloggers only of which I am not. Lovely hat but I will continue my search elsewhere since this is supposed to be a free site and I would rather not have to buy the book.

    • Denise Canela December 8, 2016 at 9:03 am

      Kari – first sorry for the delay in responding – I’ve been a bit overwhelmed this last few weeks. I assume your dead link was on Loom Knitting Central – there is nothing I can do about outside sources – sometimes websites have to shutdown because give everything for free and can’t generate any income to keep the site up. As for this FREE site – this is NOT a free site – I have a monthly bill that I have to pay to host my content. I do however INCLUDE free patterns here for the benefit of my readers – those that support me ( by buying books, patterns and my patrons on Patreon), those that CAN NOT support me (for lack of income) and even those that WILL NOT (even if they could – because that’s the mindset).

      Yes – this particular hat does not include a free pattern – but there are a lot of free patterns on the site.

      I must be honest and say that this comment was really upsetting
      , I spend countless hours on this site and believe me the financial returns are meager. For you to leave this kind of comment I have to assume is because you have no idea what it takes to run a decent website with hundreds of pattern – most free and a few that are not. By the way – a simple pattern can take weeks to design, test knit (sometimes knitting the item 3 and 4 times over for accuracy ) and write.

      I’m not asking for praises or accolades but don’t discourage those of us are willing to stay with this form of knitting that does not benefit us financially. Most of us have to keep full-time jobs in addition to blogging, designing and engaging (comments and questions) with our followers.

      For the sake of others – consider that sometimes saying nothing is the better option.

    • Gina December 13, 2016 at 4:12 pm

      That was nit called for. I just started reading this blog over the past few weeks and have learned more than any book is going to teach me you have to understand that Denise is doing something for us not for herself only she is helping a small community that will knit I just started reading this blog over the past few weeks and have learned more than any book is going to teach me you have to understand that denise is doing something for us not for herself only she’s helping a small community that Loomis in better designing things outside of just doing a knitting a pearl she’s teaching us he’s beautiful designs to the best of her ability the one in comes to copyright she should not have to restore whole business that is probably not even being paid for by all of us like she said I unfortunately don’t have any money at this moment but I’m trying and that is why I’m buying one of the looms that she loves and yes I will eventually buy books in things like that I already have one before you to do mean her because she published a brief description on a beautiful pattern that she got out of someone else’s book and gave that person credit for that but like she said for experience Slammers if you read her article you might get the gist of how to do it if not hopefully you have the money and you can buy the book if you don’t like me then you just have to wait or test it like she said Denise personally I want to thank you for all that you have done for the looming community and me personally I love what you do I have cited you linked you and anything that I have mentioned to people about loom knitting I’ve even mentioned you to my 8 year old daughter so don’t ever feel bad or be discouraged by people like that because you’re right if you have nothing nice to say you say nothin so I personally just want to say thank you for what you do do and hopefully I will be buying patterns from you as soon as I can I voice type this so I am sorry for any misspellings the grammar but I am outraged at that posting sorry I had to just get it all out there so forget the periods forget the exclamation points commas and spelling you’ll get the idea

      • Denise Canela December 13, 2016 at 9:00 pm

        Wow – thank you Gina – very much.

        • Gina December 14, 2016 at 11:49 am

          You’re welcome. Sorry, but it angered me a lot. What I have seen and learned from you in the short time since finding your site is amazing. People like that have no right to be rude. I know the freedom of speech but sometimes that needs to go out the window and stick to the motto if you have nothing nice to say you say nothing. and like I said I may not be paying for patterns right now not because I don’t want to because I actually can’t but I know as soon as I can I will. I did manage to convince my husband to get me the KB hat loom that you use so I can continue on the looming Journey with you. I’m looking through my mom’s today and I don’t even know the brand I have of the round looms I have they don’t match knifty Knitter colors but match other brands and my tags are not removable on the round Looms. On my school loan and flower loom they are but my flower loom is from the company that you dislike due to the pegs breaking but I also have that Martha Stewart holset and I can make flowers on that if I want to. I’m still trying to decide between two of your patterns for my sister and that is your cable hat you just did or the maroon slouchy and cowel. I actually think I left a comment somewhere asking you about that because this yarn is a sports yard and it’s very soft micro spawn it’s beautiful I have the color gray which I love and I have a feeling the smaller gauge might be a better option but I’m not sure yet and then I have thick and quick but it’s a wavy yarn as soft as it is it’s great but I think that would be better for scars not a hat so I’m not really sure which way I want to go. Last night I was actually thinking of ways on how to loom a hat or scarf what have you and in the process weaving crochet yarn or Pearl cotton or even several strands of embroidery floss without actually having to do a weave method and I was trying to think of different ways to get it in there almost giving me the look lil freanch knot looks. so I’m taking this creative Journey with you I sent you an email with two patterns that are in a book that I was given made for needle knitting but I wanted to know if we can convert them into Loom patterns so I sent you the email with the picture of the actual pattern how it’s written and how it looks to see what you thought I think they’re beautiful patterns ones called snowflake actually perfect time of year even for Florida residents I think it would look really beautiful in a hat beanie Style not too soggy or really nice scarf definitely afro of some sort hand towels whatever people like to knit but from what I see of what you do not seem to be a big thing so that design may come across really beautiful and a hat if I can figure it out or you can help me figure out how to convert it.

          • Denise Canela December 15, 2016 at 9:46 pm

            Hi Gina, I will check my email – right now I’m super behind – sorry. I will tell you that I don’t do complete conversions because I try not to copy other peoples design. Some designs are very simple so a lot of people do them – but I try to stay true to my own creativity.

            I did see your comment on the thick and quick yarn and my answer = Thick and Quick is great for ANY yarn project. I love it.

        • Gina December 14, 2016 at 11:51 am

          Sorry for spelling and errors i voice typed. I hope you get what I mean among my mistakes, lol

  2. Karen Aicken December 29, 2014 at 12:42 pm

    Oooooh – this is just beautiful! I never thought of turning to a sock book for stitch patterns. Brilliant! Now I can add another Loom Book to my Wish List.
    Thanks so much

  3. D.A. Fox December 29, 2014 at 1:03 am

    That is beautiful! I only have large gauge looms, but will have to look into getting a smaller one as that is simply stunning!

  4. BoOgie December 28, 2014 at 5:25 pm

    Beautiful! Will green knifty knitter work?

    • Denise Canela December 28, 2014 at 8:12 pm

      Hi BoOgie, just your name alone makes me giggle… Yes, you can use the green KK but the stitches will not show up as well defined as with a small gauge loom.
      Hope that helps,

      • BoOgie January 2, 2015 at 9:44 pm

        Hi Denise if I buy a cindloom which spacing should I get? 1/2 , 5/8? Or smaller?

        • Denise Canela January 3, 2015 at 12:17 am

          I like the 1/2 and Have used it for several hats here on the website. Great product

          • BoOgie January 3, 2015 at 6:29 pm

            Great I will look into getting that one thank you Denise 🙂

  5. Shannon R December 28, 2014 at 4:15 pm

    Wow! This looks fantastic and I can’t believe it’s only knit and purl stitches! One of the main things I look for when making projects is that they don’t look “homemade.” I’d much rather have someone ask where I bought it.

    If I’m reading your pattern (and Beth Hahn’s) correctly, I need to use a loom that I can have repeats of 8 (e.g., a 32 peg loom) for this pattern to work on a round loom. What happens if I want to use my KK for an adult hat that has 36 pages? I’m not sure how to edit patterns.

    Thank you again for giving us loom knitters such great patterns and ideas!

    • Denise Canela December 28, 2014 at 8:49 pm

      Hi Shannon, glad you liked the hat. If you use a 36-peg loom you will have one section of the hat that will only have half a diamond. You other issue is that the stitch pattern does not show up as well with a large gauge loom. Either way you can still attempt the hat. Wear the half diamond on the back or eliminate that last diamond and put a big button.
      If you make the hat – Send pics !

  6. Daisy Scheerhoorn December 28, 2014 at 2:33 pm

    Looks very nice.

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