Diamond Lace Stitch on a Knitting Loom

The Diamond Lace Stitch

Diamond Lace Stitch The Diamond Lace Stitch is not the same as the Figure 8 which results in a lacy box-shaped fabric. Instead the Figure 8 is one part of the Diamond Lace Stitch and the other is that ever-present, first stitch all loom knitters learn, the e-Wrap. Together they form a beautiful lace pattern that can be used in an endless number of designs from shawls to sweaters and even hats. A bit girly so your limit may be your son or husband.

It appears complex but in fact it is an easy pattern even for an advanced beginner to do once you understand the basics of pattern. Plus keep in mind that I will be walking you through every step in a short video tutorial below.

Image of Shrug above and Sweater below by Permission: Sonia Cataquet

En español haz clic: AQUÍ

Breakdown of the Diamond Lace Stitch

Diamond Lace StitchI believe the first time this stitch is presented was in Ann Bipes book, Learn New Stitches on Circle Looms. It is a good book with nice easy patterns but I will be honest and tell you that the how to explanation of the stitch pattern was NOT clear.  I didn’t learn this stitch with this book. I learned it by reading the instructions given by Sonia Cataquet. Unlike the projects done by Sonia where you clearly see the diamonds, you can’t even see the details of the stitch in the book’s shawl pattern. Diamond Lace Stitch

It’s basically made up of 2 stitches, the e-Wrap and the Figure 8 stitch. The first is extremely easy to do. Just wrap all your pegs, bring the bottom loops over the top and knit off. For a detailed instructional post with text, pictures and video of the e-Wrap click HERE.

The Figure 8 on the other hand is not as easy it is however a constant and continuous 1 row pattern. Once you got the rhythm it almost becomes therapeutic.

To do the Figure 8 

Done over 3 pegs. Where ever your working yarn is, that is Peg 1 (don’t do anything to Peg 1), With the working yarn in hand – You SKIP Peg 2 (bring the working yarn behind that peg) and Half wrap Peg 3 ( your yarn is now going in the opposite direction towards Peg 2) . Go behind Peg 2 with the working yarn and half-wrap Peg 2 creating a Figure 8. Now you should have a loop on Pegs 2 and 3. Knit off Pegs 2 and 3. You have completed the Figure 8 Stitch.

For More Detailed Instructions on this Stitch Pattern: Click HERE

Now let’s get to the Diamond Lace Stitch Pattern


Stitch Pattern


Supplies I Used:


Loom: 24-peg Darice Knitting Loom

Hook: Knifty Knitter Hook with a Rubber Band Loom Knit Grip

Yarn: Medium worsted weight Super Saver Red Heart Yarn in White


Pattern Notes:


Multiples of 4 + edges

4 Row Pattern

When you skip Pegs keep your working yarn tight. K When you knit off on the second Peg pull the loop tight. This gives the stitch a neater look.

To create the Diamond lace stitch pattern you will have to offset the second Figure 8 stitch row.

Note that the Figure 8 stitch “sits” in the middle of skipped pegs.

When you do this stitch in the Round the last set may produce a loose stitch that requires some sewing



Row 1: e-Wrap Knit all your pegs

Row 2: Figure 8 Stitch with Pegs 2 and 1, * Skip 2 pegs, Figure 8 Stitch with Pegs 4 and 3, continue pattern from * until the last set of 4 pegs then knit the last stitches

Row 3: e-Wrap Knit all your pegs

Row 4: Knit 1 Figure 8 Stitch with 3 and 2,  * Skip 2 pegs, Figure 8 Stitch with Pegs 5 and 4, continue pattern from * until the last set of 4 pegs then knit the last stitches

Repeat the pattern until you’ve reached the desired length


For More Stitch Patterns: Click HERE




As with all my videos I suggest you watch it completely from beginning to the end before starting on a project. Remember that this video is ONLY for the Diamond Lace Stitch pattern and not the shrug in the picture and any completed project. The cast-on and cast-off used with this stitch depends on your project. If you want me to recommend a cast-on or bind-off please let me know what kind of project you will be attempting to do with this stitch.

Don’t miss any new stitches. Subscribe to the YouTube Channel: Click HERE

For a Playlist of More YouTube Stitch Pattern Videos : Click HERE



Please leave your much appreciated questions or comments in the section below. Most of the time you’ll get a response within a few days. Sometimes a response may take longer if I need to research the information or I’m holding it to remind me of a requested project.


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Comments: 34

  1. Barbara Leger September 26, 2016 at 12:24 pm

    Hi Denise!
    I want to make a really WIDE scarf. Do the peg need to be odd numbers or even numbers? What would you recommend a really nice start and stop to it would be. I am not sure about putting fringe on it or not yet.

    Thank you!

    • Denise Canela October 6, 2016 at 12:18 pm

      Hi Barbara – more pegs give you a wider scarf – most of the time depending the on the stitch and the yarn 4-5 pegs give you an inch. You will need to do a swatch and the math to figure out what works for you – odd or even only matter if you’re using a specific pattern. The way to start and stop depends on the design. In most cases it may be best to find a ready made pattern and let it tell you peg count, cast-on and cast-off choices. I have a new scarf that is 18 inches wide : Click HERE

  2. Julie Ann March 27, 2016 at 10:46 am

    Hi Denise…your tutorials are awesome…can you help me with doing a scoop and a v neck sweater…thank you so much!

    • Denise Canela March 27, 2016 at 2:05 pm

      Answered this on YouTube for you – but just in case you miss it here is the answer: Hi – Julie here is a list of videos by Mumtazm – she has done a lot of loom knit sweaters – videos can be a bit hard to follow sometimes – but hang in there she gets the job done – very talented. Here is the link: CLICK HERE

  3. Carol McTague January 27, 2016 at 11:46 pm

    Hi Denice, in going to be using this stitch for a scarf. The yarn is Ice Yarn and it’s a #3 weight. If I use the KB adjustable hat loom, do you think the pattern will show up nice on that gauge with a #3 yarn? Thank you!

    • Denise Canela January 30, 2016 at 11:11 am

      Yes Carol – it should. I LOVE Ice Yarn and things always look great. For a lacey stitch it’s a perfect choice. Send me pics :)… denise@loomahat.com

      • Carol McTague January 30, 2016 at 12:59 pm

        Thanks for the reply Denise! I ended up changing my mind and frogging it. I’m making an infinity scarf and I didn’t like the way the other side was looking . I decided in just going with the regular figure 8 stitch for this project since both sides would be seen. I did love how the diamond lace was looking on the right side though and will definitely use it on something else, maybe a hat! Thanks so much for all you do for us loomies!!


        • Denise Canela February 1, 2016 at 9:50 pm

          Carol – I find that both are lovely stitches. Let me know how it goes with the scarf. 🙂

  4. Yunus October 9, 2015 at 10:17 am

    Hey Denise!

    So I used the diamond lace stitch to make these hats and this time I experimented with yarn colors to give it this lil twist. You are an awesomely talented person and when I see all the stitch patterns you demonstrate on YouTube and out here on this website, I get this dying urge to try them out and my insanely creative mind does the rest… I hope I am not annoying you by this… but wanted to share the results with you.

    I have knitted these hats using 2 strands of worsted weight yarn on KB’s adjustable hat loom. The 1st hat was knitted with multi colored yarn (which kind of gave me the idea to use 2 colors), so I did the rest in 2 colors. I just used 1 color for the e-wrap row and 2nd color to do the subsequent fig 8 row for body of the hat. The brim is done in rib stitch and folded.

    If it is alright with you may I post these pics along with a link to your YouTube video for the diamond lace stitch on the loom knitting groups I follow on Facebook?


    • Denise Canela October 10, 2015 at 2:43 pm

      Yes- THANK YOU! – Hey I would love to share this little hat with my Facebook page. Are you sharing a link to the pattern?

  5. Lisa September 10, 2015 at 6:37 pm

    I have been wanting to try this sweater! Thank you for the stitch tutorial. Do you know what stitch is being used for the bottom of the sweater? I like the edging along the bottom but it is hard to tell in the picture.

    • Denise Canela September 11, 2015 at 8:52 pm

      Hi Lisa, I’m not the designer of the sweater. It was done by Sonia Cataque – I believe she said she did an e-Wrap border

  6. Sharon carter September 8, 2015 at 11:52 pm

    You are a great teacher, been watching with great interest. Have some looms now so maybe I can loom something. Really like this stitch and would like to make a scarf. I have some RH Unforgettiably yarn that I just can’t seem to crochet. Hope I can do this stitch with it. Would you recommend to start and end with if using this. Since I only know the ewrap, knit and purl stitch. Although I will try. Thanks

    • Denise Canela September 9, 2015 at 10:38 pm

      Hi Sharon, This stitch works well with just about any yarn. Thick or thin. The eyelets will just be wider if you yarn is thinner. … and Thanks for the Thanks 🙂

  7. Tammie July 28, 2015 at 12:33 am

    Hello. Thank you so much for all the wonderful patterns and videos. I am a visual learner and your videos are pretty simple to follow.I do have a question. In the Diamond lace Stitch Pattern at the end of Rows 2 and 4, do you mean knit last 4 stitches on those 2 rows?

    • Denise Canela July 30, 2015 at 12:48 am

      Hi Tammie, I really mean to say to Knit the last few pegs- because it really depends on the number of pegs on your particular loom and that will depend on your project. Sorry that I was not more clear. Making the videos and patterns can sometimes be a bit overwhelming. I have mild ADD by the end everything starts to blur and my head is on the next project.
      Hope that helped some

      • Tammie July 30, 2015 at 11:15 am

        Thank you so much Denise for the reply. Was just what I need to know 🙂

  8. Berta Callander July 2, 2015 at 7:11 am

    Thank you so much for this tutorial. I have been trying to find a way to get this stitch for so long since I saw th beautiful blanket that Sonia made using this stitch. I am going to use my Cindi Craft S loom to make afghan also. Happy Loomer. xxx

    • Denise Canela July 2, 2015 at 8:51 am

      Berta, an afghan sounds like a wonderful idea – but I will warn you that the reverse side of this stitch does have a lot of loose loops. I will put up a picture for you shortly.

  9. Connie June 25, 2015 at 6:28 pm


    I think I sent this to the wrong place, however, just wanted to tell you, YOU ARE TERRIFIC!!! Just can’t say enough…you are patient, kind, knowledgeable AND I can pause you until I catch up! Thank you for bringing a new and joyful hobby into my life in such a giving way!!! You are very blessed — and how grateful we are you share that blessing with us!!!! Con

    • Denise Canela June 25, 2015 at 11:11 pm

      Yes Connie GOD is good all the time and he spoils me with this hobby. It’s a great joy I hope He will continue to allow me to do.
      Thank You for the Thank You – you can’t imagine how much I appreciate it – You have blessed me today.
      Another Big Hug

  10. Connie June 25, 2015 at 6:22 pm

    We are making hats, blankets, lap robes and pillow cases for local charities. I was wondering if anyone knows of an organization in NYC that could use some surplus. Or a Veterans organization that has need for these items, especially if homeless. Thank You.

    • Denise Canela June 25, 2015 at 11:06 pm

      Hi Connie, THANKS FOR ASKING there are several. There is Hats 4 the Homeless – here is a little quote from there site:
      Hats for the Homeless grew out of the heart of one young man who cared about those less fortunate. Each year he would gather friends during the Holiday season and together they would roam the NYC streets giving hats, scarves and gloves to the homeless. He died suddenly in 1998. Hats for the Homeless was created in his memory to continue the tradition he started. Through Hats for the Homeless, his family and friends crochet, knit and collect hats, scarves and gloves throughout the year. The weekend before Christmas at St. Francis Xavier’s Soup Kitchen on West 15th Street in NYC, we distribute all these items to the homeless that flow through St. Francis Xavier’s doors

      I have not dealt with them personally – but they have a long history and are still going strong. Take a look at them. For the Veterans – contact the local VA Hospital – you will find folks with every kind of need imaginable – among those needs a smile and a hug. Prayer shawls for women in shelters through Silent Witness and the elderly that would love to have you hand them one in person…. There’s also Warm Up America

      Well that’s for starters.
      A Gigantic Hug for You. I love love love a giver !

  11. Teresa Matson June 25, 2015 at 6:47 am

    So excited! I needed a new stitch to try! Starting an infinity scarf for my daughter today and wanted something new! Using Caron’s Simply Soft in a pale lilac, using my KB adjustable hat loom. I’ll post a picture sometime this week! Yeah! Was getting bored! Thank you, I love the fact that you post written instructions and the video tutorials! Most of the time I understand the written, but being able to see it done reinforces what I do know and teaches that which I don’t!

    • Denise Canela June 25, 2015 at 10:54 pm

      Thank you Teresa – and YEA post those pics on FACEBOOK My Loomy Sista !
      Big Hugs

  12. Punto Fantasia Diamante en Telar June 20, 2015 at 7:07 pm

    […] For English: Click HERE […]

  13. Christine June 15, 2015 at 9:30 pm

    I can’t wait to try this on my next project! 🙂 thank you!

  14. Donna June 14, 2015 at 11:27 am

    Oh my gosh; all along I thought I was doing the diamond lace stitch, but I was really doing the Figure 8 stitch! This video helped me so much. I can’t believe it! You are making a huge difference for me with my loom knitting, and thereby making a difference to the charities I contribute to, so … life is a circle, right?! Love this! (:

    • Denise Canela June 16, 2015 at 8:01 am

      Hi Donna. I LOVE to hear that my work is helping my readers find ideas on how to help others. 🙂
      Hugs !

  15. Andreas Reiser June 14, 2015 at 4:55 am


    First of all I want to say thank you very very … VERY … much for your great videos and blog posts!! You are helping me a lot with my hobby. I’ve already used many of your stitches in my projects. I really appreciate it!!! So glad I can understand English, because information for Loom Knitters in German is rare.

    I just tried out the diamond lace and it’s wonderful. 🙂 And now I tried it with one small modification, because my first try came out quite loose: On rows 1 and 3 I used the u-stitch instead of e-wraps. This makes the fabric tighter and the stitches get a very beautiful and crisp definition. Love it! 🙂

    Andreas 🙂

    • Denise Canela June 14, 2015 at 8:09 am

      You are very, very , VERY welcome … and thank YOU

  16. Raelyn June 13, 2015 at 7:35 pm

    I love all your tutorials! Thank you for taking the time & effort to show us new things. You & loomahat.com are very much appreciated.

  17. Patricia OBrien June 13, 2015 at 5:47 pm

    3184 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    UNIT 210

    I have several skeins of lace weight (2) silk and mohair yarn I am looking for a pattern for. Is there a loom pattern I could use that will solve 2 problems – more chances to loom knit and using up some of the yarn,

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