Easy Easter Hats

Easy Easter HatsEasy Easter Hats

A loom knit hat in April? Well yeah. Some folks still have a little chill. If not , just turn the hat upside down, add an I-cord and you’ve got your self an Easter Basket.

But if you still are interested in the hat how about one that is extremely easy to do. Those are my favorites.

So what makes hats Easy Easter Hats? They are pastel in color, girly, and have a bows attached. That’s it. On this post I have included an easy to follow pattern and video for the hat and a cool video I found on YouTube for the bow. I hope you like them both.

Let’s start with the hat

The pink hat in the picture is just a beginner easy loom Knit hat completely made with an e-Wrap stitch and then pulled inside out so that it looks like you made a hat using the purl stitch. The reason I knit the reverse side is because it’s quicker and easier to knit the e-Wrap stitch then the purl.

Supplies: For Easy Easter Hats and Bow

Loom: Get the right size loom. For a size chart: Click HERE

Yarn: Worsted weight – about 90 yards

Loom Hook: Any

Ribbon: Any of your choice

Wire: Floral Wire


Hat Pattern:

NOTE: Use the e-Wrap stitch throughout the project. When you’re done, turn the hat inside out.



E-wrap cast-on



For a 2 inch brim Knit 16 Rows. Bring the first row of knitting up and mount them back on the loom. Start knitting the body of the hat.


Body of Hat:

Knit 4 rows for every each of length you want your hat to be. See the Size Chart for help


Cast – off:

Just do a regular Gathered Method cast-off. Remember to turn the hat inside out.


Video: Regular Hat

Follow this video to loom knit all your Easy Easter Hats. As always I recommend watching the video completely before starting the project. If you like the video give me a thumbs up and if you haven’t subscribed – Well no better time then the present. Click below.

To Subscribe: Click HERE


Video: Bow


Leave your questions and comments below.


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Comments: 9

  1. Cheryl April 2, 2015 at 8:07 am

    Hi Denise. I want to tell you I really like your tutorials. I am trying to make a hat using the basket weave stitch where is want to change colors as you did, however I am having a hard time finding your tutorial in how to do it. Can you please send me a link. Thank you

    • Denise Canela April 3, 2015 at 6:59 am

      Cheryl, I don’t have a tutorial specifically for the basket weave stitch – it is a combination of the knit and purl. I have a tutorial for those two stitches, how to change colors as well as a pattern for a basket weave hat
      Knit and Purl: Click HERE
      Change Colors: Click HERE
      Hat Pattern: Click HERE

  2. Allison March 27, 2015 at 12:19 pm

    Is the first bow in the video the one used for the pictured Easter Hat?

    • Denise Canela March 28, 2015 at 8:03 pm

      Hi Allison, it’s actually the blue one in the video thumbnail.

  3. mouse March 23, 2015 at 1:28 pm

    any tips for a beginer loom knitter who has one hand paralyzed?

    • Denise Canela March 24, 2015 at 10:03 am

      Hi, I use both hands so it may be a bit presumptuous on my part to tell you what would work best but here is my best attempt at an opinion. I think would be best to use a loom that gives you enough surface to hold onto with your body. Like say at a minimum a 31-peg even better the 36-peg. I did a post on another knitter that knits with one hand. Here is the post and the YouTube video. This may help give you a visual: Click HERE

  4. Angelica March 22, 2015 at 8:55 am

    This is adorable! I am going to make this hat for my little cousin to wear- she’ll look just darling in it! Thank you so much!! 🙂

  5. Wikda March 19, 2015 at 6:16 pm

    Hello, do you think I could knit a baby blanket on the large round loom KK so I don’t have to find a KK long loom ..?
    Thank you for your reply.

    • Denise Canela March 21, 2015 at 5:09 pm

      Yes you can, you just have to make flat panels and then sew them together. You can use the mattress stitch. Also consider the 10-stitch blanket or the baby blanket pattern by Brenda Myers

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