Faggot Stitch on a Knitting Loom – Free Pattern and Video

The Faggot Stitch – An Easy Lace Pattern

Faggot Stitch YO K2tog

Please note that I did not name it the Faggot Stitch nor was I trying to be rude. The term is from the late 13th century and was used to describe a bundle of twigs or sticks used for fuel.  However we feel about the word, it is a super cool stitch so please take no offense and so with our emotions and politics in our pocket,  let’s move forward with the pattern.

There are several versions, this happens to be my favorite because it looks the closest the Rickrack Rib Stitch but is much easier to do. Everyone knows I love EASY.

Faggot Stitch Pattern

Faggot Stitch YO K2tog

NOTES: This is a SUPER simple pattern. To be exact it’s just two rows that you repeat until you reach your desired length so try not to over think it. If you want to adjust it a bit and make it more interesting you can always change the knit stitch to a purl. Either way it’s a perfect stitch to use for the warmer weather outfits and gear. I’m planing on a shawl and a market bag pattern.

Remember that this is only a stitch pattern. There is no cast-on, edges or bind-off. There really is a good reason why I don’t add these parts to my stitch pattern. To further explain why and for some ideas on what you can do I created a web post and a video: Click HERE

There are 4 versions of the knit stitch. I almost always prefer the Uwrap version of the knit stitch but for this particular pattern I prefer the True version. If you want a more loose and lacey look then use the eWrap. I have a web post and video to help you learn all the versions: Click HERE

Consider Joining Patreon . For as little as $2 get all patterns posted each month. With a higher $5 pledge you also get the downloadable video so that you don’t need to be online to create your project. To join Patreon: Click HERE



Loom: 24-peg Knifty Knitter

Yarn: Worsted weight acrylic

Hook: KB Ergonomic Loom Hook



Multiple of 2 stitches plus edges

Use the True version of the knit stitch.

Note that I knit my row one from left to right


Row 1: YO, K2tog; rep to the end.

Row 2: YO, SSK: rep to the end

Repeat the row until you reach the desired length.


See the video tutorial below.

Again, keep in mind that this is a stitch pattern and not a complete project and so there is not cast-on nor cast-off. Those are determined by the designer. I do hope to make a project using this awesome simple stitch soon so stay tuned, better yet subscribe to my YouTube channel.

To Subscribe: Click HERE




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Comments: 9

  1. Vikki April 23, 2018 at 9:42 pm

    Does it matter which way you go? I’ve seen some patterns specify clockwise and some patterns counter-clockwise.

    • Denise Canela April 27, 2018 at 12:00 am

      Hi my friend, in some patterns it does matter, in most of mine it does not. I’ve started clarifying whether it does or does not in the videos because people are asking .

  2. Pauline April 12, 2018 at 8:54 pm

    I would really like the loom pattern for cancer hats ,,thank you in advance ,,

  3. Jan Williams April 7, 2018 at 6:42 pm

    Hi, Denise,
    I watched your video about making a loopy Pom-Pom and I love them!! So cute and so easy! Thank you for sharing your craftiness! I have found that following your instructions on your videos easier than many others I have watched! Thank you, thank you!
    A grateful fan,
    Jan Williams

  4. Greg April 4, 2018 at 4:29 am

    don’t know how much of perfectionist u are but when I click this link theres a typo …just sayin .. no offense ….. https://www.etsy.com/listing/591368992/loom-knitting-stitch-pattern-the-faggpt

  5. Kelli April 3, 2018 at 11:23 pm

    Can a hat be made with this faggot stitch?

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