Fix Wrong Stitch

Fix the Wrong Loom Knit Stitch

Ever knit the wrong stitch and found yourself undoing row after row to fix one stitch. This happened to me while knitting a 1×1 rib stitch. Like everyone else I used to undo all the rows necessary to get to the bad stitch. But not anymore. Here is a better solution. Fix only that one stitch, easily.

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1 comment

  1. Vikki A. Carter October 23, 2019 at 1:41 am

    Hey!!! I am SO EXCITED to see a video on how to do those darn stitches that I drop and don’t see until way down about 4 rows or so! Thank you for doing this for us out here i Loomy Land darlin!! I appreciate you sooooo sooooo much in all that you do. Have a wonderful day and may you have a very, very blessed day tomorrow!! All my love, Vikki Carter

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