Friendship Bracelet

Friendship Bracelet made on a Spool Loom

Friendship-braceletA Friendship bracelet is not just for kids in camp to give each other before they head home.  They are true fashion accessories. The color options are endless. They are cheap to make and I can’t imagine anybody not getting a kick out of getting one.

The name alone makes me happy. I love them but couldn’t seem to get the hang of making them. I watched few a videos – nothing inspired me. The results were thin bracelets that took way to long to complete. The I found a video on finger knitting a bracelet and something clicked in my brain. I figured out that I could Loom Knit a Friendship bracelet on a Spool Loom.

Everyone who knows me, knows how I feel about loom knitting.  What a great combination. To put the cherry on top I get to show others how to make them.

Supplies Needed:


Spool Loom, Hook, Embroidery Floss, Scissors, Measuring Tape, Beads, Glue

Click on the Picture to Purchase any of the Supplies Below

Spool Loom for Friendship Bracelet

Loom hook for Friendship bracelet

Floss for Friendship Bracelet

Yarn Needle for Friendship Bracelet 


Beads for Friendship Bracelet

Measuring tapeGlue Gun

Bali Beads
The Video

Loom-Knit-BraceletThe Pattern:

NOTE: The pattern is FREE on this website

to Purchase a Downloadable PDF: Click HERE


Pattern Notes:

You will use the small 5 peg side of the Spool Loom. The smaller pegs work better with the floss. I like removing the bigger pegs on the other side – but you don’t have to do the same.

You will use 4 strands of Embroidery Floss and knit together as 1.

Use the Flat Knit Stitch through our the pattern.

Measure your wrist with a measuring tape. For every inch you will knit 6 rows


1. Make a knot to put over one of the pegs

2. Wrap all pegs completely around (e-wrap) – first row

3. Next row don’t wrap around just place the floss over the front of each peg like one big wrap. Keep the bottom strands well separated from the top strands

4. With the yarn hook grab the first 4 bottom strands and pull them over the top four strands. Loop them over to the back of peg. Do that with all 5 pegs. You should be left with 1 row of strands on all five pegs. DON’T count the first row it will be loose and you will be hiding this row of yarn (floss).

5. Repeat for the number of rows needed for your wrist – based on 6 rows for every 1 inch.

6. When done use the gathering method to complete and remove the bracelet from the loom. Note that It will look short.

7. Pull and stretch on the bracelet from edge to edge until it almost doubles in length

8. With the yarn hook – shove the loose strings down into the open edge of the bracelet. Using a yarn needle and a matching thread sew the hole shut.

9. With the yarn hook push the edges of the bracelets into the large hole beads. Put a few glue dots with the glue gun.

10. Feed the yarn tails through the smaller beads and tie 2 knots on tail ends.


Giving Your Friendship Bracelet Away

Operation Christmas Child

Consider Giving Some to a Charity
May sound strange to ask that you consider giving friendship bracelets to a charity but there are children in shelters, foster care, hospitals and overseas orphanages that would love a colorful bracelet. Make some pink ones for cancer patients, selling at marathons and giving the proceeds to the organization.

My bracelets will be going to the distribution center for Operation Christmas Child. They will be used to fill the shoe boxes that sometimes come in with very little content.




They make great:
Great Custom Wrist Bands
Party Favors.
Marketing Give Aways.
Craft Projects
Holiday Gifts (stuffer) – Easter – Christmas – Hanukkah
Key Rings
Book Marks (use only small beads)
…………… Now you tell me

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Comments: 14

  1. Pam Richards March 4, 2016 at 2:52 pm

    Am thinking about making some of the friendship bracelets for charity for children. Since I won’t be able to have the wrist measurement do you have a suggestion about how many inches it should be made. They would probably be 5-10 years old. Love your tutorials they are easy to follow. Thanks.

    • Denise Canela March 8, 2016 at 8:07 pm

      Hi Pam – would tell you to do a Google search on wrist size. I would think there is a big difference between a 5 year old size and the 10 year old

      • Anonymous March 9, 2016 at 10:13 am

        Will do. Thanks.

  2. Melinda September 15, 2014 at 12:15 am

    Hi, I have made a few bracelets using the video, thank you! In the video you mention about turning a bracelet inside out to get a different appearance, do you mind sharing how to do it?

    • Denise Canela September 15, 2014 at 5:56 am

      Hi Melinda,
      Before you close up the ends take the long tail and pull it in. You can try with a bobby pin or a yarn needle. This helps to pull the knitting inside out.
      Hope that helps,

  3. Kelly April 28, 2014 at 9:01 am

    Nice pattern and tutorial. Thank you! I would recommend the drawstring cast on for this. Much easier then fixing the end from the e-wrap cast on.

  4. Deb Trevino November 16, 2013 at 10:28 am

    O gosh! I have crocheted friendship bracelets before with Pony beads on them and the ends are just tied together in a bow.

    I have a spool loom and have no problem with the floss. The beads are my problem because I can’t see the pictures and was hoping to find similar sized beads locally so that I can touch the beads to get a better idea of how this works without seeing a video. I have used Pony (spelling) beads before but don’t know what Bali beads are. Amazon described them as “caps.” IS Amazon trying to say there are caps to go over the beads? Sorry but I’m just a little confused and just starting to use looms. Description would be much appreciated. Would it be possible to Email you with a mailing address and get a sample of a bracelet? That would certainly answer my questions. Thanks.

    • Denise Canela December 10, 2013 at 9:17 pm

      Try the Bali Beads on Ebay.. Pony beads are VERY different. Bali beads are more upscale while the Pony beads are more fun and playful. Cap beads are longer than regular beads

  5. […] Click Here […]

  6. Laura August 24, 2013 at 7:10 am

    I love your friendship bracelets. Where can I find the cone shape beads with the chain that you have shown on your very first picture?
    Thank you

    • Denise Cenela August 24, 2013 at 11:00 am

      Hey Laura, I gave an Amazon link – but I believe they sold out. The other option is eBay. You would just have to be patient. I bought mine from China and waiting 3 weeks. But the price was right and the product was good. Hope that helps. denise

      • Laura August 25, 2013 at 2:24 pm

        thank you

  7. Georia August 3, 2013 at 11:32 am

    I have been looking and looking for the beads to put at the end of the bracelet (not on the strings) that have the large opening. Cannot find them anywhere. Where did you get yours? I love them!

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