Glow in the Dark Yarn

Glow in The Dark Yarn

Glow in the Dark Yarn

This yarn is way-way-way too cool.  I wasn’t even aware the it existed but I can only imagine the amount of uses I have for this specialty. I’m no baby but I would so love some kind of gear made with Glow in The Dark Yarn. 

I saw this on a loom knit sweater by Gregory Huff on his blogspot website LoomDude. The post is actually from 2012 and I know I must have seen it before, with all the times that I have visited that website but I had not noticed this until now. For those that like to make their own costumes I think this is awesome. Even to make the kids their own trick or treat bags.

And by the way, there’s also Glow in the Dark Thread , Glow in the Dark Beads and Glow in the Dark Rubber Bands ! Good grief Gregory has created a monster.

Glow in the Dark Yarn


 Yarn Description : According to Amazon

This 4-ply fingering weight yarn is great for all kinds of craft projects. It is white in color but glows green in the dark. Charges best with natural, full spectrum, fluorescent, or black light. Takes only a few minutes to charge and glows for an hour or more. The glow strength is stronger at first gradually fading to an after glow over time.

Where to Get Glow in the Dark Yarn:

I almost always resort to the online world when I can’t find what I am looking for in my local Walmart, Joann’s, Michael’s. My two favorite spots are eBay and Amazon. Both have several options.


For Amazon: Click Here

For eBay: Click Here


My Opinion of the Yarn:

Right this second I don’t have one. Just found out that it existed and decided to share the information with my readers if someone wanted to knit something before the holidays. I know the for sure I will be buying it and hope to do a product review soon. I do plan to include it in my yarn giveaway for October next year so don’t miss it .

If you use the yarn PLEASE SHARE PICTURES. You can email at or post them on our Facebook page

All I can say is Yea for Glow in the Dark Yarn !


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Comments: 5

  1. Connie January 25, 2016 at 12:02 pm

    I’m excited to use the Glow in the Dark Yarn! It should be fun! My question is very general — I volunteer for a program at church “Hearts and Hands”. Among other projects we work with “Hats for the Homeless”. However, a generous donation of yarn was appreciated, the colors are all yellow, pink, light blue ~~ brighter colors. I understand that those colors are not so good for this project. Does anyone have any suggestions as to a charity or organization that could use loom hats of a brighter nature.. Thank you.

    • Denise Canela January 25, 2016 at 9:12 pm

      Yes ! – Operation Christmas Child – take them to local relay centers – There are almost always shoeboxes that done have enough stuff in them.

  2. Elaine Smith October 5, 2014 at 10:58 am

    I saw the yarn at JoAnn’s yesterday. Hope to make something out of it soon. I went to JoAnn’s to buy a 36 peg loom and they didn’t have one.. Anyone know where I can buy one?

    • Denise Canela October 5, 2014 at 11:13 am

      Elaine eBay has the 36-peg loom in a set that includes the flower loom and a slim jim (small long loom) – Best deal ever – $5 free shipping Click HERE
      Hope that helps,

  3. D.A. Fox October 4, 2014 at 9:44 pm

    How neat!! Thanks for sharing! I think there could be a lot of cute projects with that yarn! Would be neat to use for hats for kids too as they’d love to glow in the night… 🙂

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