Help Choose the Award Winner

Time to Choose the Loving with Looms Award Winner

Loving with Looms 2014 Prize Winners


Let’s congratulate Theresa Jones, Faith Alkire and Nancy Lambert for winning the Loving with Looms Prize Raffle. Now it’s time for level 2 where the Judges will pick an award winner. Help them choose a winner by leaving a comment below this post by 11/22/2014.

Read the stories our judges will read to pick their winner. Tell them what you think about the 3 finalist and who you think should win the award.

These 3 beautiful ladies all use their looms to show their love for those less fortunate. I am so happy to be shipping out their prizes this week. They include a 6 Piece Loom Set, 2 Skeins of Yarn, 2 Yarn Sleeves and a Knitting Book of Loom Pattern. But there is still one more step left the Award and the $50.00 Amazon Gift Certificate.

Here are the Stories ….

The Finalist and Their Stories

2014 prizes

These ladies have all won over $100.00 in prizes. Who will win the $50 Amazon Gift Card and the Award? Well, they are already winners in more ways than one. But there can only be one Loving with Looms 2014 Award Winner.

Below are their own exact words left in the comment section during nomination. Our judges will choose one of the three.


Theresa Jones


SORRY (my mistake) THIS IS NOT THERESA JONES COMMENT . At the moment I can not locate a comment by Theresa Jones.  THIS WINNER IS PENDING CONFIRMATION OF NOMINATION. 
At the moment there are only 2 Winners.
* I can not disqualify this entry until I hear from Theresa Jones. 
My sincere apologies to Teresa Lam below.
Teresa November 1, 2014 at 10:35 pm

I’d like to nominate myself if I can, I started loom knitting while recovering from surgery this past Christmas, I came home Dec 31st and was suggested to try loom knitting by a friend. So I started making caps recently after my second surgery that I’m donating to the Emily Couric Cancer Center at UVA. They gave me my life back after struggling for over a year, UVA helped me beat Cancer in the 90’s before ECCC was around, and treated my sister and brother who wasn’t able to beat it. Ty :)

If not, I’d like to nominate Norma Johnson, I don’t know the organization that she donates to, but she is constantly making hats and donating them to an organization that is in need in her area. She is a wonderful woman! Ty.


Faith Alkaire


Faith Alkire November 1, 2014 at 11:01 am

I loom hats and baby blankets for WVU’s NICU. so even poor premeis have something warm to go home in.


Anna Hennigan – Nominates Nancy Lambert


Anna Hennigan November 15, 2014 at 10:23 pm 

Hi Ms. Canela,
I would also like to nominate Nancy Lambert from the group “Knitting Together” in Charlottesville, Virginia. I am the youngest member of the group and in the two years that I have known Nancy, she has become like a grandmother to me. Nancy is always endlessly patient with me and my knitting blunders, and she loves to teach everyone in the group new techniques for loom-knitting. Although we all work very hard, Nancy is incredibly dedicated. She always crafts the most hats each week and she always has great ideas about getting our hats to those who need them most. She really cares about the cancer patients we donate hats to at the UVA Children’s Hospital, the Flourish Boutique at the UVA Emily Couric Cancer Center, and Jackson-Via Elementary School, and other charitable organizations, and she always seems to find that extra time to knit hats for anyone she knows who seems to be cold. Nancy is a truly wonderful person who has spent her entire life working to help others, from teaching at our Charlottesville city schools, to tutoring those children who need an extra hand with their studies, and now to loom-knitting hats. All of us in the “Knitting Together” group would be honored and thrilled to have Nancy recognized for her talents and for her generosity in devoting so much of her time and energy to loom-knitting hats for those in need. We all have fingers crossed that Nancy will win the Loving with Looms Award for 2014!


The Judges

I want to thank these 6 ladies for agreeing to take of their precious time. I truly appreciate it. Two of the Judges did not want pictures included but none are anonymous. Click the picture college below to get more information on your Judges.

Loving with Loom Judges 2014 college
Judge #1 : Raelyn Arnold –  Voted for Nancy Lambert

Judge #2: Theresa Higby

Judge #3: Scarlett Royal – Voted for Nancy Lambert

Judge #4: Andrea Corley – Voted for Nancy Lambert

Judge #5: Tina Kirkpatrick – Voted for Nancy Lambert

Judge #6: Deana George

To Read Their Bios: Click HERE





Terms and Conditions:
This award is open to US and Canadian residents only.
There is no age requirement but parental consent is needed to announce winners under 18 years To nominate a charitable loom knitter – you, yourself do not need to be a loom knitter you only need a valid email.
The Nominee must use a Loom for charitable giving.
The Nominee must give to a not-for-profit charity with a website or Facebook page.
He or She must be willing to have their full name and picture featured on this website and social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.
You will Nominate someone or yourself by writing why you or your nominee should win the Award and the name of the not-for-profit charity in the comment section of this page then confirm it on Rafflecopter. If you do not do BOTH actions Your Nominee CAN NOT win.
One person can be nominated an unlimited number of times as long as it’s not by the same person. Example: A classroom of 20 students can ALL nominate their teacher but on the reverse – the teacher can NOT nominate all 20 students. She can only nominate 1. (1 Person – 1 Vote)
The Judges can not nominate nor be nominated.
You can only win the award once. Pali Wilson can not be nominated again but someone from her group can be nominated.
You CAN be nominated even if you won any other prize on this site regardless of when you when that prize.
If there is a tie for the Award. The winner will be decided by the Rafflecopter order of winners.
Nominations will end on 11/16/2014 and the 3 Prize Winners will be announced 11/17/2014 before midnight barring any natural disasters or unforeseen issues. . The Judges will then consider what you wrote in the comment section of this page and vote for 1 of the 3 random winners. The Loving with Looms Award 2014 Winner will then be announced on 11/23/2014 before midnight barring any natural disasters or unforeseen issues.


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Comments: 30

  1. Anonymous December 2, 2014 at 1:51 pm

    Nancy Lambert!

  2. Eileej Akers December 1, 2014 at 10:19 am

    As an educator, Nancy always was such a selfless individual. She always gave so much of her time and effort to help others. This has not changed in her retirement years….she continues to find ways to help others. This knitting project is just one example.

  3. caroline payne November 24, 2014 at 8:11 am

    xxx Second ST NE

    • caroline payne November 24, 2014 at 8:19 am

      Nancy Lambert so deserves this award! Her enthusiasm about this project has encouraged others to learn and continue her good works. All of the 3 and 4 year olds at our school have beautiful, warm hats in their cubbies for the cold weather, thanks to Nancy. She is tireless in her devotion to children.

  4. Debby Hartline November 22, 2014 at 6:51 pm

    Nancy Lambert is a wonderful, generous lady who deserves to win!

  5. Andrea Corley November 22, 2014 at 12:02 pm

    As a judge, I must say that I wish Faith would have included more about herself because I’m certain there’s a lot more that she should be praised for and had we had more of a story, I think the outcome of this could have been different. With that being said, without much of a story to go on, I must give my vote to Nancy Lambert. She has a lot of people that truly care for her and has written some beautiful things about their dear friend and Nancy should really be recognized for her efforts and compassion!! Thank you all for doing all that you do!!

  6. Mary Wynne November 22, 2014 at 8:30 am

    i vote for Nancy Lambert. . She is not only talented but a very kind and generous lady.

  7. Mary Wynne November 22, 2014 at 8:28 am

    I vote for Nancy Lambert! She is a kind,generous, and talented lady! Good luck!

  8. Michelle devine-rosser November 22, 2014 at 7:03 am

    Nancy Lambert!!!

  9. Sharon McCurdy November 21, 2014 at 11:16 pm

    Nancy Lambert does everything with a keen eye for detail whether she is knitting a cap or organizing an event. She knits, she mentors, she cares!

  10. Bonnie Yoder November 21, 2014 at 10:05 pm

    My vote is for Nancy Lambert!! She is a wonderful woman who does so much for the families in our community!!

  11. Derek Hartline November 21, 2014 at 10:04 pm

    I have known Nancy Lambert for 35 years and she always gives to others before herself. She is so deserving of the Looms Award. Her dedication and commitment to the students at Jackson-Via is incredible. Please consider voting for her for this award.

  12. Gay November 21, 2014 at 9:58 pm

    Nancy is making a difference for a lot of people! She is truly a kind, caring person.

  13. Kristin Ullrich November 21, 2014 at 9:15 pm

    Nancy Lambert is deserving of this award. She devoted her career to teaching students and now she devotes her retirement to volunteering in our school and knitting hundreds of beautiful hats for our students.

  14. Lisa Utz November 21, 2014 at 9:09 pm

    My vote goes to Nancy Lambert. She is most deserving, as she is a wonderful friend, volunteer, colleague, and educator. I feel so blessed to have known her for so many years.

  15. Betsy Mawyer November 21, 2014 at 8:53 pm

    I vote for Nancy Lambert !!! She always so kind to everyone.

  16. Carol Zimorski November 21, 2014 at 8:18 pm

    I have known Nancy Lambert since 1971 when we team taught third graders at a local Charlottesville elementary school; we have remained close friends. Even in the 70’s Nancy’s organization and craftiness was evident and, decades later in retirement, she’s not skipped a beat. Nancy is still giving to others in her volunteerism with children and with crafts. Her passion for the past several years has been Loom Knitting and she’s become a whiz, an expert, a speed demon, a mentor to others, a recruiter to the local group; you name it! This local group, “Knitting Together,” has a three prong approach to their donation of their beauteous hats, often themed for the season. They give to the children hospitalized in the Emily Couric Cancer Center, needy children in the community, and to the local branch of Needlework Guild of America (NGA, Inc) which donates warm clothing (including these loom knitted hats) to school clothing closets and social service agencies. Nancy, our local “Queen of the Loom,” is our mentor, our cheerleader, our recruiter, and our role model. We hold her in the highest regard and feel her most worthy of the “Loving With Looms” Award.

  17. Jenna November 21, 2014 at 7:53 pm

    Nancy is a very sweet lady. She donated 13 hats to my preschoolers at Jackson-via. The kids came to pick out their bats and she realized they needed a bigger size. Nancy came the next day with a new batch for my kiddos. They love them and appreciate them so much!

  18. Kate Pelais November 21, 2014 at 7:39 pm

    I would like to vote for Nancy Lambert.. She is very deserving of this!

  19. michel sizemore November 21, 2014 at 7:24 pm

    I would like to for Nancy Lambert. Not only did she knit 46 hats for our Preschool kiddos, she delivered them to school, had each child try their hat on for size and fixed each one to a perfect fit. They were made with love- and she is the example of how we should all serve and love each other each day!

  20. Anonymous November 21, 2014 at 7:10 pm

    I vote for Nancy Lambert!

  21. Hillary Pleasants November 21, 2014 at 7:04 pm

    Nancy Lambert is in amazing, compassionate woman, who is truly deserving of this award.

  22. Laura Barnett November 21, 2014 at 7:02 pm

    Nancy Lambert

  23. Carmen Murphy November 21, 2014 at 12:39 am

    I would like to vote for Nancy Lambert I think she deserves it.

  24. Susi Hennigan November 20, 2014 at 1:27 pm

    As I read through the many nominations for the Loving with Looms Award during the past few weeks, I have been truly amazed to see the countless ways in which people are using their looms and their knitting talents to make a difference in this world. Since each nominee has been so inspiring on so many different levels, I agree entirely with the sentiment that the judges have quite a difficult decision ahead of them!
    All three of the finalists are clearly very deserving of this award, yet I too would like to vote for Nancy Lambert. Nancy is the most amazingly generous individual, donating countless hours of her time to loom-knitting hats and ensuring that they get to those who need them most in our community. Together with this generosity is a desire to be a force of change in Charlottesville, from educating the children in our schools with a dedication and passion that are awe-inpiring, to motivating and encouraging our little group, “Knitting Together Charlottesville,” to take on the dual mission of ensuring that every little cancer patient in our children’s hospital has a carefully-crafted and sumptuously-soft hat to wear, while at the same time making sure that the smallest members of the Jackson-Via family are able to head off to elementary school with a toasty-warm hat to keep their head warm this winter. (These are not the only recipients of our “Knitting Together” hats, but a comprehensive list might take up more room than I am allowed!) Thank you, Nancy, for all that you do, and thank you, judges, for considering this vote!

  25. Tina Kirkpatrick November 19, 2014 at 11:32 pm

    It’s never easy to *just pick one* but my vote will go to Nancy Lambert. Sounds like someone all communities would like to have in their midst. I like that, not only does she donate of herself but that she is passing on both generosity and promoting loom knitting to others!

  26. Scarlett Royal November 19, 2014 at 10:46 am

    I vote for Nancy Lambert, from the sounds of it she inspires other into helping as well as going above and beyond for helping other with her loom knitting.

  27. Raelyn Arnold November 18, 2014 at 1:47 pm

    I’m voting for Nancy Lambert. She sounds like a wonderful person, one I’d be proud to call friend.

  28. Ruth Kastenmayer November 17, 2014 at 4:51 pm

    All three are so deserving, but I would like to vote for Nancy Lambert. She is a friend and helper to all she meets, welcoming newcomers to Charlottesville and making them feel at home. She is the one who keeps our loom-knitting group, Knitting Together Charlottesville, organized and focused – always with calmness, kindness, and tact. She constantly knits circles around us, and she has now created over a hundred of the hats that we have donated this year. Thank you, Nancy!

  29. terry November 17, 2014 at 7:46 am

    I think all of the judges have a very tough decision, as all of the nominees have given out of kindness and love for people in need. They are all an example of what people should be and do in their everyday lives. If not loom knitting, little acts of kindness throughout their busy schedules. I commend all 3 of these ladies as well Im sure, of many who read these blogs who give of their heart and their time for others.

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