How Many Rows ?

How-many-rowsHow Many Rows Do You Need to Knit for …..?

How many rows do I knit for my 10-year-old, how many rows for a man’s hat, for my toddler, for my newborn, for the blanket ? I get asked this question in many different ways. Each has a generic answer which you can find in most size charts. We have one of those below.

But there is a better way…


Let’s Start with a Generic Size Chart for Loom Knit Hats

The chart is an example – The Advise works for ALL types of knitting, not just loom knitting and not just hats.

Loom Size / Hat Size

Size Chart is based on Averages. The information is only a recommendation. Please use your own judgement in the final decision.

Note: Rows are based on 1 strand of thick yarn or 2 strands of light or medium weight yarn, e-Wrap Stitch and No Brim.
Chart Update: 10/2014
For a Folded Brim you may need 6 - 18 rows depending on the recipient. Note that to make the brim you fold the knitting in half.

1 inch = 2.54 centimeters
Hat RecipientAvg Head
Loom Size Hat LengthNumber
of Rows
AG Doll11 in / 27 cmSm 24 Pegs4 in20
Preemie12 in / 30 cmSm 24 Pegs4 - 5 in20-25
Newborn 14 in / 36 cmSm 24 Pegs5 - 6 1/2 in25-30
Baby - 1 yr.18 in / 46 cmMd 31 Pegs7 in25-30
Toddler21 in / 53 cmLrg 36 Pegs7 in25-30
Tweens & Teens22 in / 56 cmLrg 36 Pegs8 in30-34
Women & Lean Men22 in / 56 cmLrg 36 Pegs8 - 9 in32-40
Lrg Women & Men24 in / 61 cmX-Lrg 41 Pegs9 -10 in38-45

BUT The Point of This Article is to Teach You a Custom Answer to The Question

People don’t ALWAYS use the same weight yarn, the same looms, the same number of strands. That’s why generic Size Charts one way to answer the question but they are NOT the best way .

A measuring tape and basic math gives you a much better answer. One made just for YOU.

Most people know how long they want their project to be or if they don’t they can always measure it. Based on this assumption here is an easy formula to help you figure out how many rows you need for your particular project

Supplies Needed : Measuring Tape, Pen or Pencil, Paper

Step One: Knit 6 Rows

Using the exact yarn and number of strands you’re going to be using for your project, knit at least 6 rows.

Step Two: Measure

With a measuring tape, measure out an inch and count the number of rows it took to make up that inch.

This is not same for everyone and it’s not necessarily the same every time you are knitting an item even if it’s the same item. It is based on, the tool you are using (loom, needle, machine) ,  the thickness or weight of your yarn and how many strands you are using to knit.

NOTE: There are 2.54 Centimeters in 1 Inch

For Hats: Measure from the middle of the top of the head (crown) , down the back of the head to just above the curve of the neck . The average adult is 8 – 9 inches long.

Step Three : The  Formula

FORMULA:  Number of rows you need to knit to measure 1 inch in length  x Number of inches you want you item to be.

How-many-rowsThe Example: Me

I almost always use worsted weight yarn. I almost always use 2 strands of yarn and the simple e-wrap stitch. I have made so many hats for adults that I already know that based on my yarn and number of strands I need 4 rows per inch. The average adult would need an 8 inch hat. For my hats the formula below is what I need to use.

4 Rows = 1 Inch

8 inch Hat needs 32 rows ( 8×4 )


Problem: Different Stitches

What if you use more than one type of stitching?

Then the advise is to knit that type of stitch 5-8 rows, measure an inch and count the rows


How Many Rows – The Movie:

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Comments: 57

  1. joyce November 26, 2016 at 10:37 am

    I learned a lot by watching your video. I subscribed to your email distribution. I tried to print both to PDF and to paper the link on hat sizes (number of stitches needed for each size hat. Only page 1 prints correctly. The chart does not print to PDF or to paper.

    • Denise Canela November 26, 2016 at 11:18 am

      Hi Joyce , the page is content protected and does not allow printing. This safeguards my patterns which were being posted on other internet sites. Pattern sales pay for the website and my work.

  2. Tiffany Waterman October 17, 2016 at 9:28 am


    I am making new born hats but the hats seem to be too small, I’m using a 24 peg loom as stated and doing 25-30 rows but it seems to be the width that’s too small but using the next loom up makes the hats to big… please help if you can

    • Denise Canela October 17, 2016 at 11:37 pm

      Hi Tiffany – the loom size is not the only determining factor – it’s also your choice of yarn and stitch. Here is an example of how stitch affects size : Click HERE – In other words – you can go up a loom size just choose a tighter stitch

  3. Holly September 14, 2016 at 12:38 am

    Hi. I have a pattern that calls for a 40 peg loom, but I have a 41 peg loom, is it possible to still use the 41 peg?

    By the way, love your site!! I am a beginner so have a feeling I will be using the site alot.

    Thank you πŸ™‚

    • Denise Canela September 22, 2016 at 9:55 pm

      It may or may not make a difference – that GREATLY depends on the pattern. You would need to ask the designer.

  4. Robin May 8, 2016 at 1:43 am


    im making preemie hats, and it says 20-25 rows, does this include the brim?

    • Denise Canela May 10, 2016 at 8:14 am

      Hi Robin, I don’t add brims to preemie hats – what you see is the first few rows are curling up

  5. alechia April 19, 2016 at 12:07 am

    Blanket sizes loom knitting,so what loom,peg size ,how msny pegs,rows snd balls of yarn. Here a list of blanket sizes.
    lovey 10×10 inches
    security /cuddly 14×17 inches
    stroller /baby 30×35 inches
    crib 45×60 inches or 46×60 inch
    toddler 42×52 inches
    Receiving 40×40 inches
    swaddle 47×47 inches
    throw 52×60 inches
    twin 66×90 inches
    Double 80×90 inches or 90×108 inches
    queen 90x90to 100 inches or 90×108 inches
    king 108×90 to 100 inches or 108×108

    • Denise Canela April 20, 2016 at 6:46 am

      I would suggest looking for blanket patterns. The question you’re asking is not a general question but a very specific one. This post relates to using the KK loom (any large gauge loom) – and 2 strands of worsted weight yarn or chunky yarn . Then just follow the formula (3 pegs / 4 rows of knitting per inch)- a different loom and different yarn calls for a different formula. At that point someone needs to knit each item and test the formula.

    • alechia April 21, 2016 at 10:19 am

      I’m going a blanket that said 60 inches on an s loom. I knitted on every peg 198 pegs. I’m doing a u knit and a purl stitch with changing color every 10 rows with the row6 purl 5,knit to 193 purl last 5 peg. I was wondering how many rows I need to do for this blanket. My long loom (kk)loom says 108 rows per panel in pattern. That with an e-wrap stitch only. I was wondering how many rows each size of blanket needed ? It tell you on hat carts, what size of loom,Peg and how rows to do. Why not on blanket charts?

      • Denise Canela April 24, 2016 at 5:59 pm

        I would suggest doing a swatch with the yarn you intend to use. That should tell you how many pegs and how many stitches

  6. alechia April 17, 2016 at 10:14 am

    Can you do a chart for loom knitting afghan? Loom Size/pegs, length,size bed,and rows etc…. Some people like to know before they get on a loom knitted blanket/afghan

  7. Brittany January 13, 2016 at 9:57 pm

    What size round loom would I use for a 4-6 month old and a 6-9 month old? And about how many inches in length should I do?

  8. Anonymous November 7, 2015 at 6:03 pm

    I have all the rows on I think I new at this trying to make a hat I’m lost now on what to do

  9. Sheila Wahmom September 26, 2015 at 12:04 am

    Do you include the brim in the overall length of the hat

    • Denise Canela September 26, 2015 at 11:38 am

      Hi Sheila – I don’t have a pattern on this page – it’s just general information. So I’m not giving you info on a hat with or without a brim. This is basically how to make a swatch for beginners who don’t understand the term “swatch”.

      Now when I design a hat pattern – I do the brim knitting instructions separately because the style of the brim makes a lot of difference in stitch style and count. For example there is a big difference between a Visor and a Folded brim.

  10. Lucianna September 21, 2015 at 5:52 pm

    Can you please provide information on stitch multiples? Example, Multiples of 2 + 1 add the extra stitch for edges. I am trying to research but I really need someone to tell me how to figure that out.

    • Denise Canela September 21, 2015 at 8:25 pm

      The (2) means that the stitch pattern takes 2 stitches to form the actual stitch, like a rib stitch for example. It is what gets repeated depending on how long you want the fabric and how many pegs you have available. The +1 is if you are knitting flat you need that extra stitch to level out the pattern so that it looks balanced. Say the rib stitch, it would be knit, purl, knit (2 stitches + 1). The rib stitch only requires the first 2 stitches, the knit and the purl but you do the extra stitch to make the pattern end well. If you have a large project you will only repeat the knit, purl how ever many times is necessary and then end the pattern with that 1 extra stitch.
      I hope that makes sense.

  11. Reba mcdonald July 29, 2015 at 9:59 pm

    I have a 9x9inch square pattern that I want to use for a blanket how many rows do I need to knit?

    • Denise Canela July 30, 2015 at 12:40 am

      Reba, the number of rows depends on the stitch. I don’t have a pattern for an 9×9 but if you use a e-wrap with 2 strands you will need 4 rows per inch

  12. Mikaela January 18, 2015 at 4:19 pm

    Hi Denise! I’m loom knitting a hat for my mom on the 36 peg loom. For the “brim” I used a 2×2 rib stitch for a total of 6 rows, 7 including the cast on..

    For the main part of the hat I am using a garter stitch; knit 1 row, purl 1 row. Now I’m stumped as to how many rows I need to knit for a length of 7-8″. I’ve measured my rows a bunch of times with different methods; measuring tape, stitch-row gauge guide thingy?? And still can’t figure it out as it is in a GARTER stitch. Help me

  13. Robin December 13, 2014 at 2:09 pm

    Hi Denise,
    I have made two hats now for my Granddaughter and both have been tight around the cast on. I tried using a knit cast on because when I use the e wrap it always seems messy and too loose. The knit cast on is nice but tight when putting it on her head. She is 4 1/2 months old and her head is 15 inches around. Do you have another cast on that would give a nice edge but not be so tight.
    Thank you,

  14. lynette December 4, 2014 at 6:51 pm

    Please help. when using round looms…36 peg is to small for my head, and 41 is to large.
    Is there a way to use these looms somehow to make a hat 38 or 39 pegs? Do I have to have one custom made? Does anyone make a round loom that is adjustable adding/deleting pegs as needed?

    • Denise Canela December 4, 2014 at 9:08 pm

      Hi Lynette there are other options… Knifty Knitter has a hat that is in between the 36 and the 41 – it has 48 pegs but the gauge is smaller is the hat is bigger then the 36 and smaller then the 41 .. Click HERE or the Authentic Knittingboard Adjustable Hat Loom : Click HERE

      • Marney December 6, 2015 at 11:37 pm

        Seems like the knift you knitter purple loom is no longer made ? Any new suggestions? I’m not loving the authentic one. I like using bulky yarn and you can’t with those tiny pegs as well as projects seem to take much longer on those. Not as much fun!!

        • Denise Canela December 9, 2015 at 9:52 pm

          I totally understand – CindWood has the 48-peg loom and it’s even nicer then the Knifty Knitter: Click HERE

  15. Sarah November 24, 2014 at 9:18 pm

    Hi Denise, I was wondering, if I stich pearl, stich peril, for about four rows, then should I count the rows that I peril as part of the 36 rows and 8-9 inches that I am making. Which is a lady’s hat. By the way I would like to thank you for your website, it is very helpful.

    • Denise Canela December 1, 2014 at 10:28 pm

      Sarah I would suggest making a small swatch in order to figure out how many rows. Sounds like you’re doing a garter stitch – I don’t know the weight of your yarn or if you’re using one strand or two… even if I did – it’s always best to do a small swatch.. cast-on about 10-15 pegs and knit at least ten rows then measure to see how many rows did it take to make an inch. This technique will work no matter which stitch, loom or yarn you use.
      Hope that helps,

  16. gigi November 21, 2014 at 12:13 pm

    two questions :

    the 8-9 inches of length suggested for an adult hat…include the length of the brim or i measure after the brim is done?

    the wave basket pattern for a 36 loom: I am supposed to alternate 4 knit-4 purl (repeat 4 rows) and then 4 purl-4 knit (repeat 4 rows). So, let’s say I am starting my hat, so i go 4 knit-4 purl for the first 4 rows…This means that on a 36 pegs the last 4 pegs (33-36) are all knit stitches. so since I started with 4 knit stitches, this means that pegs 1-4 and 33-36 have the same stitch….8 pegs with the same stitch. Is this correct ?

    Thank you !!!

    • Denise Canela November 29, 2014 at 4:50 pm

      Gigi, the 8-9 inches includes the brim. When you do a specialty stitch you need to do a swatch in order to figure out the number of rows. I suggest you cast- at least 10 – 15 pegs and knit 10 rows then measure.

  17. Brittney November 15, 2014 at 9:02 pm

    Hello all! I’m knitting a scarf for my friends 1 year old little boy. And I’m just curious how long to make it? I have it no more than probably 3 inches wide. But maybe 4 inches. Not sure. And the project is all one color. But I’m not sure how long to make it (in inches). I’m using a straight loom (obviously).

    • Denise Canela November 20, 2014 at 10:07 pm

      Hi Brittney,
      Sorry for the delay – I prefer a round scarf for a really little guy – wouldn’t want him to trip here is an example: Click HERE

      Otherwise – knit half his height. 4 rows for every inch if you are knitting with two strands and using worsted weight yarn.
      Hope this helps,

  18. Brunella November 3, 2014 at 8:59 am

    Hello Denise,

    I wonder if you can help me. I am really new to looming and knitting baords (and totally new to knitting and crochetting as well) so my question might be a repetion… please bear with me!

    My husband would like me to knit a simple hat for him (no brim, CCO, 3K 1P all the way through). He likes a thin hat with a tight stitch so he has chosen and extra fine merino yarn.
    I was thinking about knitting the hat in round with the AIO knitting board, as the space between the pegs is smaller than a KK, however… according to my gauge and calculations (10 stitches = 2″) I would need a wooping 120 stiches!! Is this possible???? it would basically mean using pretty much the whole KB.. for a hat???
    If I decide to use the Knifty knitter round looms instead, would I get the same tightness between the stitches? and which KK loom shall I use?
    Thank you for your help and sorry for all the questions!

    • Denise Canela November 3, 2014 at 4:44 pm

      Hi Brunella – given the chose of yarn there really isn’t a KK loom that will work. Your stitches would be extremely loose, item would not be usable. As far as the number of stitches YES that is the deal with small gauge looms – LOTS of knitting – See my post about that same subject . Click HERE I don’t recommend the AIO for beginners although I love the loom. You or your husband can make a simple hat for him on a 36-peg or 41-peg KK. Use worsted weight – knitting with two strands as one or use chunky yarn. Loom knitting has some pros and cons. Here are links to my men’s hat patterns: Chain Links and The Parthenon
      Hope that helps,

      • Anonymous November 3, 2014 at 6:37 pm

        Wow, thank you very much for the very extensive response. I’ll give it a try to your suggestions and will let you know about the result πŸ™‚

        • Denise Canela November 3, 2014 at 7:55 pm

          Glad I could help – if only a little

  19. Kim McFadden October 23, 2014 at 1:15 pm

    Hi Denise,
    I’d like to make a newborn size hat 0-3 months using 1 strand of yarn.
    Should I use a 31-peg loom. “Thanks” for your reply on the tiny hearts pattern.

    Kind Regards

    • Denise Canela October 27, 2014 at 6:43 am

      Hi Kim,
      Depending on the baby there can be a huge difference between a 1 month old and a 3 month old. Some people are ok with the 31-peg on newborns. I don’t really like it… but for 3 months – well I find it a bit big but not awful. Be careful with one strand especially baby yarn – the stitch needs to be a tight – dense stitch like the Tiny Heart.
      Send pics – Hugs,

  20. Bernadette October 11, 2014 at 12:38 pm

    Thank you for this formula. Very easy to understand.
    I have a question about how to adjust for odd shaped heads. I could make hoodie scarves, but this is for a boy who wants a hat. His skull is elongated front to back and very noticeable. Should I measure brow to back, then down to nape? Measure around the nape to top of head? Maybe a very long tube hat that extends into a scarf.

    • Denise Canela October 11, 2014 at 5:00 pm

      Hi Bernadette,
      In this case I would consider a slouchy, : Click Here

  21. patty October 6, 2014 at 10:04 am

    I love this chart! I love everything about this page! Thank u!!!!

  22. jolanda versteeg October 3, 2014 at 12:06 pm

    I want to make a hat for my babygranddaughter.. She is 4 months old in november. I want to make itmwith 2 strands of yarn. (number 3) Which loom do I use and how manyrows? (with a brim)
    Thanks in advance.

    • Denise Canela October 5, 2014 at 5:49 pm

      Jolanda – for a 4 month old use the 31-peg loom. The number of rows for the brim depends on the design- rib, rolled, folded, garter. Here is a link I think will help: Click HERE

    • jolanda versteeg October 8, 2014 at 6:23 am

      Thank you so much. Now I can start with the hat. I needed this info, because I can’t try it on my granddaughter’s head. She is in the States and I’m in the Netherlands. πŸ™

  23. Seebee February 5, 2014 at 9:07 am

    I am using LionBrand 6, Super Bulky, for my adult hat. By the formula above I too need 32 rows. I want to ewrap 15 rows (1/2 would be aprox 3″ brim when folded). Now I’m stumped – do I now ewrap another 32 rows or 25 rows (25 + 7 = 32 row total)? Thanks so much, blessings!

    • Denise Canela February 6, 2014 at 11:30 pm

      I Seebee, (cool name-sounds so happy) ok so First part of the formula is to determine the length that you want the hat.

      (Just an Example) Lets say you want to knit an 8 inch hat that has a 3 inch brim – you need to figure out how many rows of the particular stitch, yarn and loom you are using will create 1 inch – in your case I think it’s probably 3 rows (for the bulky yarn and the ewrap). If it is 3 rows per inch then you need 8×3 rows to create the hat. If 3 of the 8 inches is for a brim then remember that the regular folded brim has to be doubled, so a 3 inch brim would be (3×3)x2. After you finish your 3 inch brim – you move on to the top portion of your hat which would be an additional 5 inches in order to complete the 8 inches. So if it takes 3 rows per inch and you need 5 inches more the formula would be 5×3. So after the brim you would need to knit 15 more rows.

      Again just an example – because you need to knit a few rows first to figure out how many rows does it take for YOU to get an inch of knitting.
      So in short (sorry I’m long winded) if your formula was 3 rows per inch and you want an 8 inch hat that has a 3 inch brim – You would knit 18 rows for your brim then fold it up and knit an additional 15 more rows to complete the hat.

      I hope that helps and thanks for the blessings – always praying for a share and some to give forward.

      • Seebee February 7, 2014 at 11:17 pm

        Denise, that explains why my finished hat would fit a giant lol πŸ™‚ I planned on 4 rows per inch, so I knitted 16 rows, folded that in half (which would be 8) and then knitted another 28 rows for a total of 36 rows – I was looking at your chart for a women’s 8″ hat needing 38-40 rows and must have gotten mixed up. When I finished my hat I gathered in my hand all the excess on top (looked like a cone head) down to what I thought would look correct and I guessed it to be 8 inches less, and sure enough that’s exactly what your example said. Thanks so much for the info. I’ll do a second hat and let you know how it turns out, following your example (total of 24 rows).

        • Denise Canela February 8, 2014 at 11:43 am

          Glad I could help Seebee! πŸ™‚

  24. Gabriele December 22, 2013 at 7:24 pm


    which loom size would you use for a 8 or 9 year old. The 31 peg looks to small and the 36 peg looks to big

    • Denise Canela December 23, 2013 at 8:31 am

      Hey Gabriele,
      Use the 36 pegs. It looks to big – but it’s all about the number of rows. The more rows you add the wider the hat so 36 pegs works for a 5 year old or a 25 year old. The style of hat and the yarn also can make a difference.
      Hope that helps.

      • Gabriele December 23, 2013 at 5:48 pm

        Thank you for the information. is there a approximate # of rows to use for a 8 or 9 year old?

        • Denise Canela December 30, 2013 at 8:43 pm

          8 year olds come in different shapes and sizes – but generally speaking if you are doing a hat with 1 strand of yarn 36 – 38 rows should be enough. If using 2 strands then about 28 rows.

          Hope that helps

          • Gabby December 31, 2013 at 3:53 am

            Thank you Denise πŸ™‚

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