How to Loom Knit a Doll Dress

 Knitting Doll Clothes is Important Because Barbie Always Needs a New Dress

How to Loom Knit a Doll Dress Knitting doll clothes can be fun and easy. If you can make a couple of pom poms and a simple small knit hat this outfit is yours.. Personalize it even more with bows , buttons or colored string. The point is to dress-up Barbie with a beautiful easy to make gown.

For creative choices, a few changes to the pom poms and the yarn color and the dress takes on a  whole other look.

Take a look at the next picture for examples of mild changes with interesting visual implications. 

I so loved this project. I have recycled Barbie Dolls now for 3 years. They have been sent all over the world, which I think is awesome for what would have been throw a-ways.



Scroll Down for a FREE Pattern and Video Tutorial

The Pattern:

Note: The finished dress is not meant to be put on and then taken off. It’s a one time deal unless you are able to modify the pattern.

Pattern is based on the use of two strands of worsted weight yarn ( Any Brand ) for a Barbie Doll or one that is similar in size and girth. You will need 7 – 9 Flat Pom Poms to decorate the dress.


You can click the picture to purchase any of the supplies:

Loom Hook

Yarn Loom

Yarn Needle Loom

Yarn Scissors

Flower Loom





PATTERN: Use the e-wrap stitch through-out the project.

(Knot) Begin by tying or wrapping the end of your working yarn around the anchor peg on your loom. This is the 1 lonely peg on the brim of your loom. You can let it loose after you knit a row or two.



Going Clockwise – Wrap every peg twice (You should have 4 strands on each peg ). Knit-off


Knit (E-Wrap stitch) : 5 Rows

With the Hook tool – Going Clockwise – Take the bottom two strands over the two top strands and behind the peg. Do this to all the pegs ( knit) When done that will complete 1 row. ( You should be left with two strands on each peg )


Create a Brim – Pull the bottom loops (the first row that you knitted ) from the bottom and place 1 ( 2 stranded ) loop on each peg. Knit (e-wrap stitch) around the whole loom. – This is the bottom of the dress.


Knit (E-Wrap stitch) : Knit until you have your desired length


Cast-off : With your working yarn measure out a  ( about 6-8 inch ) strand of yarn. Thread your yarn needle and use it to pull the loops off your peg ( Gathering Method) Note: That last row of knitting is to be placed above her bust line and under her arms.

Decorate the dress according to your preference once the dress is on the doll. I weaved in a string around the waist and tightened it to give it some curve. Then I added the pom poms.

What a Difference a Color Makes … and a Few Other Changes

How to Loom Knit Doll Cloths


Making the choice to change the yarn color on this project can make a big difference.

Check out this bright pink as oppose to the above neutral brown. Both are stunning but in very different ways.

Take a closer look and you will see that the pom poms on the pink dress are puffy , while the one on the brown are flat. I find that the puffy pom poms give the dress a more winter look. The flat a more warm and sunny, instead of cold feel.

The knit stitching on the pink are more pronounce you can easily count the rows, while the brown has a softer looking appearance. This was accomplished by turning the brown dress inside out. In other words it is backwards. Again a warmer sweater like look to the pink dress.

The bottom of the pink dress is thick and was made in the contrasting white. Its meant to remind you of the brim of a winter hat. This is absent in the brown dress for obvious reasons.

Regardless of which you choose, this project is fairly simply even if you’re a beginner. Watch the video below to make learning this project super easy.


Note: This dress can be made shorter. Watch the video for instructions.

Loom Knit FlowerYou will be needing a Flower Loom for this Project.

I use the Knifty Knitter 4-1/2 Inch Flower Loom however other name brands make the same loom with minor, non-consequential differences.  If asked to choose another easily available flower loom I would choose say that in reality, the brand name, color or price is really not what’s most important. What you’re looking for is the number of pegs which is 12..  By-the-way, this little loom is used here often.


An Easy to Follow Video Tutorial of This Project



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Comments: 21

  1. AP April 11, 2016 at 4:55 pm

    You’ve inspired my family to take on a charitable project locally. This week we will be donating over 210 recycled dolls (purchased from thrift stores benefitting charities) to a shelter for homeless families in Phoenix. If I knew how to post photos, I would. Thank you for all you do.

    • Denise Canela April 12, 2016 at 8:53 pm

      OH WOW !!!!!!!!!!! Just BEAUTIFUL…. Thank you Thank you Thank you from the depth of my heart for sharing this with me. I am SUPER grateful to know that I contributed in part to your amazing mission. 210 baby dolls that have been rescued from the landfills and 210 happy little girls. That is the kind of stuff that just fuels me. You have made my day.

      Please share pictures if you can. I would love to do a post about this for Earth Day 04/22. (PS – not an earth worshipper just love to see old stuff spit shined and reused – it’s good stewardship of our resources 🙂 ) My email is

      Big Big Hug !

  2. Peggy December 10, 2015 at 12:54 pm


    How do you make the top part that you have on the white dress & is there a flower or butterfly toward the bottom of the dress?

    • Denise Canela December 10, 2015 at 10:28 pm

      The tops are flat pom poms – the bottom is a folded brim like that of a hat

      • Peggy December 10, 2015 at 11:31 pm

        The white dress looks more like a shawl instead of pom poms so was just wondering.

  3. Rita Garner November 16, 2015 at 8:23 pm

    Where do you send your dolls? Someone donated several dozen 15″ dolls to me and I want to give them to charity.

    • Denise Canela November 16, 2015 at 8:48 pm

      I put them in my Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes, I give them to churches and shelters. People forget that there are kids in shelters that need toys

  4. Randee swartz July 24, 2013 at 9:40 pm

    dear denise Thanks for your help on the dress i was able to make it like yours but i used green and sew it on the doll.

    • Denise Cenela July 24, 2013 at 10:01 pm

      Randee, You make me happy!

  5. Randee swartz July 23, 2013 at 1:57 pm

    was that tiny hat put on backward and tied on her neck?dose it also have a little brim.

    • Denise Cenela July 24, 2013 at 8:10 am

      Hey Randee, I had to go back and get the doll in order to answer your question.. It’s actually just a tiny brim place loosely on the dolls shoulders. I guess you could sew it or tie it. Hope that helps.

  6. Randee swartz July 23, 2013 at 1:00 am

    guess what Denise I made the dress a halter top after i loom it off the the loom and knot it once on the back and put one yarn on her neck.very cool by for now.

  7. Randee swartz July 22, 2013 at 6:54 pm

    Hi there how did you make that white dress in the video?

    • Denise Cenela July 23, 2013 at 7:23 am

      Hi Randee, the white dress is the same as the others just knitted less for a shorter dress..sounds like a song 🙂 .. the top part is just a tiny unfinished hat.

  8. Randee swartz July 20, 2013 at 9:08 pm

    Iam sorry i cant send you any photos because i dont know how to do it.

  9. Randee swartz July 19, 2013 at 8:09 pm

    hi there again Iam thinking about doing the dress again but instead of all in one dress you cant take off iam going to try a flat panel from the waist up.i liked what you said in the email about my comment. see you later.

    • Denise Cenela July 19, 2013 at 10:21 pm

      Great idea Randee, send a picture – would love to feature it.

  10. Randee swartz July 18, 2013 at 10:05 pm

    hello i tried the barbie pattern it came out looking very cool and cute.

    • Denise Cenela July 18, 2013 at 10:21 pm

      Hey Randee, Thank you, thank you for the positive feedback. You have no idea what this means to me… You’re Great !

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