How to Loom Knit a Flower – A Very Different Flower

How to Loom Knit a Flower –  The Flat Hat Flower

How-to-Loom-Knit-a-FlowerI wasn’t looking to learn how to loom knit a flower when I discovered this beauty. I was first learning how to loom knit hats using the Knifty Knitter loom. I made a mistake and created a really cool knitted flower … I named my odd creation and now I make them often in many styles and colors. Loom a Hat Style. Below is the not so fascinating tale of this adventure, a text and picture tutorial and for you visual learner there is a link to a video tutorial.

The Official Story behind The Flat Hat Flower:

 I was looming one of my first hats with the Knifty Knitter blue 24 peg loom. Half-way through the project I discover that the loom was the wrong size and that the knit hat would be too small for the teenager I intended to bless with the gift. In my frustration I flattened the hat to put it away. I noticed that it looked a lot like a flower sooooooo I put a button on it and baptized it, “The Flat Hat Flower”.Talk about a great lesson about turning  your mistakes into advantage. Hope you like it as much as I do.


How to Loom knit a Flower


Video Tutorial of the The Loopy Flower

Made with the Knifty Knitter Flower Loom

( Can be made on any small loom )

 Click Here


Scroll down for a FREE Pattern , a Picture and a Video Tutorial

how to loom knit a flower

Supplies Needed :

You can click the picture to buy any of the supplies:

Loom Hook


Yarn Loom


Yarn Needle Loom


Yarn Scissors


Flower Loom

Flower Loom

How to loom knit a flower

Small 24-peg Loom










For a Bigger Flower :

Like the one on the orange hat in the picture. Use the Small 24-peg Loom



The Pattern: How to Loom Knit a Flower

Note: I like my flowers a bit thick so I use two strands as one. For a bigger flower use the 24 peg loom and add 3-4 rows per section.


The Brim:

Wrap all your pegs using e-wrap method

Rows 1-7 (can be more or less) Knit using e-wrap stitch

Fold the knitting in half by bringing the very last loops up and onto the pegs. Knit-off.


The Middle

Rows 8-12 (can be more or less) Knit using e-wrap stitch


Close the Flower

Use the Gathering Method

Flatten the hat with your hands to create the flower.


You are Done !

Video: How to Loom Knit Flowers



Pattern with Picture and Text Tutorial

Follow the photo tutorial from left to right. Instructions are below each picture.

Part 1: How to Loom Knit Flower


1. I use the 12 peg Knifty Knitter Flower Loom.

2. Warp the outer peg. You will let it go around you finish your first few rows

3. Start wrapping the pegs counter clock-wise

4. Wrap all the pegs twice

5. When you finish both row bring loose string to the front and hold it down with your finger

6. Get your hook and start to pull the bottom two loops

7. Over the upper two

8. Keep doing this until

9. You have enough knitting to have reached the bottom rim of your loom

Part 2 : Loom Knit Flower



1. Finish your looming

2. Until you have reached the bottom rim

3. Pull the very last row of knitting

4. Push it in and up

5. Grab that last row of loops

6. Pull it over the peg

7. Keep putting the loops over the pegs

8. Go completely around

9. You should have had the same number of loops as you had available pegs

Now you have finished the brim of your flower.  You will start loom knitting again to create the middle.

 Part 3: Loom Knit Flower



1. Continue loom knitting until you reach the rim of the loom again

2. VERY IMPORTANT. Take the loose string and measure out about a yard. you should be able to go  1/2 way around the loom e with you loose string. Cut the string.

3. Get your yarn needle. Lay it on the dent of the peg.

4. Push it upwards

5. Pull the loop off the peg

6. Start to gather the loops to the left

7. When all the pegs are off. Your little hat will come off the loom

8. Grabbing the part of the loose strings closes to the hat Pull the loose string towards you

9. Close the hat

10 Flatten and Stretch the knitting

11 Curl the edges up

12 Continue flattening and stretching the hat until it looks like a flower

Now you know How to Loom Knit a Flower!

Video tutorial


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Comments: 15

  1. Marquee November 11, 2015 at 8:26 am

    Denise, Is the PDF for the Flat Flower available for sale somewhere?

    • Denise Canela November 12, 2015 at 9:29 pm

      Not yet my friend – Thank yo for pointing that out to me !

      • Marquee November 13, 2015 at 7:12 am

        I have the PDF for Flat Flower on my wish list, too! I;’m one of those who makes use of the PDFs as well as the video and often I’m not online, so…

        Thanks in advance, Denise!

  2. gladys July 13, 2015 at 2:18 pm

    Denise thanks for clear teaching. My problem I get some loose stitches in about the same area. I have finish more than 20 or more hats . They look good. I can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong. Help. Thanks

    • Denise Canela July 13, 2015 at 6:05 pm

      Hi Gladys – if it’s mostly that first row here is a possible solution: Click HERE

  3. Charmianne May 15, 2015 at 9:56 pm

    Thanks so much for the clear and easy to follow video tutorials. So many other video tutorials are blurry and hard to seefor people with vision difficulties but yours are great.
    Also you speak clearly and explain each stage so well that any beginner should have no problem at all following.
    Absolutely the very best on the net!

    Charmianne 🙂

  4. Maggie September 5, 2014 at 5:35 pm

    Perfect finishing! Just had a vision of a throw blanket with these on the edge. Thanks again!

  5. […] it is worth it. You can visit her site to get the pattern for both the hat and the flower, There you will also find the loom knitting the slouchy hat […]

  6. Ashley Perry September 17, 2013 at 4:37 pm

    Question. How do you attach the flower to the hat?

    • Denise Cenela September 18, 2013 at 10:11 pm

      I prefer to use a back-pin. Then I can remove the flower easily for washing or to change where I attach the flower.

      • Allison March 24, 2015 at 9:19 pm

        Hi Denise, what is a back-pin? A safety pin?

        • Denise Canela March 28, 2015 at 7:59 pm

          No they are not the same thing. The back pin is made to be added to art work. Here is an example. Click HERE . I use them in projects like this ONE.

  7. Sabrina de Bruin August 30, 2013 at 3:05 pm

    Hi, I just want to know is med yarn a double knit yarn of chunky. These hats are they made with chunky or double knit and if I use chunky must I still use 2 stands off yarn

    • Denise Cenela August 31, 2013 at 12:50 pm

      Hi Sabrina
      You don’t need to use two strands of yarn if you use chunky (number 5) yarn.

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