How to Make Pom Poms

How-to-Make-Pom-PomsHow to Make Pom Poms on a Loom

I learned how to make pom poms on a loom while researching different ways to make this easy but awesome little yarn craft.

I found a video with a person that said she was making yarn bows for gift wrapping. Within a few days the link wasn’t working and it seemed that the video disappeared. So I made some adjustments to her pattern and filmed my own video. To me this is a yarn pom pom that can be used as a yarn bow. How’s that?

Supplies Needed :

Flower Loom, Hook, Yarn, Yarn Needle, Scissors

You can click the picture to buy any of the supplies:

Loom Hook


Yarn Loom


Yarn Needle Loom


Yarn Scissors


Flower Loom

Flower Loom



How-to-Make-Pom-PomsThe Pattern: How to Make Pom Poms with a Loom

Note: I use three strands as one to make the project easier and faster.

1. Make a knot. Place it on the anchor peg.

2. Pull your working yarn completely across and wrap that peg half way.

3. Bring the working yarn completely across and half way wrap the peg to the right of the last one. You should see a criss-cross pattern starting to emerge.

4. Do this for every peg 4 times. You should have a total of 12 loops per peg.

5. With a 9 – 12 Inch matching yarn thread and a yarn needle feed the thread through your work. Leave a tail so that you can make a knots. You will need at least 3-5 knots

6. Pull the pegs off the loom.  Shake the pom-pom back and forth until it take the form you want.

You’re Done!


Video Tutorial:


Attach the Pom Pom to Your Hat


Step 1


Step 2


Step 3








Step 4


Step 5


There are More Ways to Learn How to Make Pom Poms


How-to-make-pom-pomsLearn how to make pom poms so that you can put them on your hats. They don’t always have to be the on very top.Some times think outside that box and consider the side of the loom knit hat.

Both can loom really good. Give it a try,

If you want to learn other ways to make pom-poms:  Click here

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Comments: 4

  1. gladys sanders July 13, 2015 at 2:34 pm

    Thanks for clear teaching. Problem . I get loose stitches in same place every time. What am I doing wrong.

    • Denise Canela July 13, 2015 at 6:06 pm

      Hi Gladys, so the question is being asked on the “How to Make Pom Poms” post. It the problem when you make pom poms or when you loom?

  2. Gorro de Bebe con Orejas - September 13, 2014 at 8:36 pm

    […] Este vídeo les enseña como hacer un gorro de bebe con orejas desde el primer pazo hasta el ultimo. También aprendes como hacer el punto Elástico 1/1, el bello punto Musgo o Santa Clara y como hacer un lazo con estambre. Lo único que no te explico es como hacer los pompones. Esos los puedes hacer con un cartón, tu mano , o el Clover Pom Pom Maker . Al final de esta pagina a un video de como hacerlas con tenedor. Bueno existen tanta maneras. Si quieres tengo un articulo en ingles con seis diferente maneras de hacer pompones. Si te interesa: Haz clic aqui […]

  3. loom knit minnie mouse hat January 28, 2014 at 8:15 pm

    […] 2 Pom Poms. I used the green Medium Size Clover PomPom Maker. If you are going to do a Loom Knit Minnie Mouse Hat for an adult you need the Large Size Clover Pom Pom maker.  I used these tools instead of something like cardboard or my hand because I wanted to make sure that both were exactly the same size. For other ways to make pom poms for free: Click Here […]

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