How to Use Rafflecopter

How to Use Rafflecopter Includes Short Easy Video

How to Use Rafflecopter

Having give-aways is a large part of this website. It is something I love to do and if you have an email address you have everything you need to enter every one of them. I know that some folks don’t care much for raffles – I was one of them. With that in mind I try to use it to inform and educate about the product, give a real-life application, show how you can benefit others and ask for the awesome gift of feedback.

Your input makes more useful and relevant. Sometimes the comments are just as good if not better than the post. This is why it’s so important that I explain How to Use Rafflecopter.   More importantly remind you that you DO NOT NEED Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest only a valid email address.

I want to make sure that EVERYONE who wants to take part can without hesitation. In general people have two learning methods, audible and/or visual.  A video which is at the very bottom of the post covers both and a set of bullet statements and screen shots will cover those that like to read.


How to Use RafflecopterEn Easy Entry – Log in with Name and Email

Start off with logging in with either your Facebook login or your name and email address. If you loged-in you’re home free. Just follow the directions and the widget (the littler Rafflecopter box) will tell you what you have to do next. Below are some screen shots with examples and explanations,




VERY Important : The Request for Blog Comments


How to use rafflecopterThe first entry method and the one worth the most will usually be to leave a comment ON THE BLOG, answering a question – so scroll down below the post and leave your comment in the comment section THEN come back to the widget and click the green, “I Commented” button. See the picture to the left.

If you forget to leave your blog comment and you win you will be disqualified and we will pick a different winner who HAS left the mandatory blog comment!







The Anatomy of a Rafflecopter Giveaway - Infographic
Courtesy of: Rafflecopter


Video: How to Use Rafflecopter



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Comments: 12

  1. Mary Beth Wilson September 23, 2016 at 2:36 pm

    Thank you. I am losing my eye sight and will still be able to figure out how to do this blind or ask for help. This People one I have tried to figure out how to make on my own because O have made many hats and that size would have been perfect in the beginning.

  2. A. Baker-Drummond September 2, 2016 at 12:07 pm

    As I am a “newbie” to loom knitting my thought is by the time I work up to the bigger loom maybe I’ll even win this loom. But I am so psyched as i have been watching video upon videos on how to loom knit. It really looks pretty easy and lots of fun. In most cases i don’t ever win anything it’s always the friend, or the cousin, etc who gets the good luck. But any any rate I’d like to wish all those who entered this contest much luck……

  3. Renee Langley August 6, 2016 at 10:44 pm

    I am very unlucky at winning anything. When my ship comes in, I will be at the airport. That is my luck. Hopefully it will change, and I will win this loom. I have my fingers crossed that I am chosen.

    • Denise Canela August 7, 2016 at 8:41 pm

      You are too funny – that’s for my dose of giggles! Much luck Renee

  4. Evelyn Dindlebeck August 6, 2016 at 8:58 pm

    I will try most things a few times. This is my first try. I never win but like to try. Learning loom knitting has been fun and would love to win a free loom

  5. Isabelle Brazeau December 9, 2015 at 8:32 pm

    I just found this site and I would love to be able to win some prizes

  6. winifred carnley November 6, 2014 at 8:30 am

    I’m really not much past a beginner. Knitted a lot of hats on round looms to use up left over yarn. I really wish you’d give me a way to correct typos in a previous post.

  7. Susi Hennigan October 30, 2014 at 5:38 pm

    Hi Ms. Canela–
    I am thrilled that my first Blog comment ever is on your site. I am one member of a loom-knitting team in Virginia that was inspired by the words of wisdom (and loom-knitting guidance!) on your website to come together and knit hats for a number of worthwhile causes.
    Hi Ms. Carnley–
    I, too, am a bit intimidated by Rafflecopter and this process, but since this since this is for such a worthwhile cause–both in terms of creating a community of loom-knitters who can share their experiences, but perhaps more importantly, in terms of highlighting the efforts of individuals and groups who devote their loom-knitting efforts to good causes–I hope you and many others will submit an entry nominating someone for the Loving with Looms award.

  8. winifred carnley October 15, 2014 at 4:41 pm

    I like for Raffle entries to be easy. This is complicated.

  9. winifred carnley October 15, 2014 at 4:40 pm

    I like for rafgfle entries to be easy. This ios complicated.

    • Denise Canela October 15, 2014 at 5:06 pm

      Hi Winifred- have you tried it yet. You only have to enter you name and email once. After that the widget will remember you. I hope you will at least try. I promise that it looks more complicated than what it actually is. In fact the same thing you did to write this comment (your name and email) is the same thing you will do to enter the raffle.
      What makes it look more complicated are the additional entries and you don’t have to do those.
      I hope you will consider trying it – If you do come back and leave me a comment. I’m rooting for you girlfriend,

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