Knit Squares – Free Pattern

Loom-Knit-SquaresKnit Squares – FREE Pattern for a Perfect Square from Any Shaped Loom

Knit squares on any loom. A perfect square had been my dream for a long time. I had been asked by some students if I could teach them how to make a baby blanket. The best way to make any kind of blanket, throw, afghan on a loom is to knit squares together.  I had made a few that were great on the bottom, terrible on the top. After a lot of bad ones I finally got it.

The Pattern: Easy – Scroll Down to Bottom for Video Tutorial and a List of Charities That Need You Squares 

knit the world

Materials: Any loom with at least 23-pegs, yarn ( recommend worsted weight ) , yarn hook, scissors, yarn needle, crochet hook, measuring tape or ruler


Knit squares

Any Loom

knit squares

knit squares

knit squares

knit squares

crochet hook

Knit squares









Stitch Skills NeededKnit and Purl (Garter Stitch),  Crochet Cast-off

Video Tutorial for Stitches: Below


Important Note :  Unless you use very thick yarn it’s best to use two strands of yarn as oneYou will Knit (e-wrap stitch) the first and last peg on every row, even when you’re on a purl row. When you turn directions (you’re knitting a flat panel so you have to turn back and forth) you will skip (slip) the first peg (do not knit).


Cast-on: Wrap 23 pegs tightly

Row 1 : Knit all pegs – Recommendation: use the Flat Knit Stitch for the first row – any Knit Stitch is fine after that.

Row 2 : Knit first peg , Purl next 21 pegs , Knit last peg

Row 3 til End : Repeat Rows 1 and 2  (Garter Stitch: Knit 1 Row, Purl 1 Row) until you reach 8 inches. Use a measuring tape to measure your progress as you knit.

Last Row:  Crochet Cast-Off.


Knit Squares – Video Tutorial


Note:  For 8 inches you will need to knit between 27-31 rows depending on the yarn. See the picture below shared by Lucy Wallace for the Charity, Knit a Square

Knit a Square

Per Lucy: For the lilac and purple squares, I used two strands of the same colour. On the orangey coloured one, I used a strand of yellow and a strand of orange. I have also marked the photos to show the number of rows I knitted for each square to get 8 inches. You’ll see that the orange and yellow one needed more rows because the yarn was economy standard, whereas the lilac and purple yarns were thicker, so fewer rows were needed.

Projects you can make with Squares: Blankets, Lap Blankets, Throws, Afghans, Table Cloth,  Dish Cloths, Clothing like Shawls, Vests, Skirts and Dresses


Charities that Need Your Squares

* Help Me Keep this List Current and Long *


Knit Squares

Knit-a-Square: For HIV and Orphaned Children in South Africa

We invite you to join our warm and friendly KAS community. Together we work hard to help warm and comfort these children and we would greatly value your contribution to this knitting project for the AIDS orphans of southern Africa

For Website Link: Click Here


….. Loom Knit Group for Knit a Square: Click Here




Knit squares

Bridge and Beyond:

Collect squares for their “Welcome Home for Families Foundation” Project that provides homes to the Homeless in Ohio

Our mission is to warm those in need through knitting and crocheting, and quilting. Our hand-made items provide hope to those living outdoors and those in temporary shelters. We provide for Men, Women, and Children in Central Ohio all year-long.

For Website Link: Click Here



Knit SquaresLove-Squared

is a volunteer based organization making afghans for our country’s homeless children. Our mission is to provide some comfort, warmth and a lot of love to our homeless children. Starting local with Ohio and Michigan until we get enough people to help our country’s homeless children. For Website: Click Here




Find them on Ravelry; Click Here

The Lakota children and their families living on Pine Ridge Reservation need items like slippers, socks, hats, scarves, mittens, gloves, sweaters, and blankets.

These are things that most of us take for granted but the children need them just to make their daily lives bearable. The children come in all sizes and ages (newborn to high school ages)

Squares 6 inch, 8 inch and 12 inch
Leave a 12” tail on cast on & bind off for easy seaming

Please add some yarn and a tapestry needle to sew the squares together.

Place a notation on your package – For Elder Blankets.

Please mail to this address:
via United States Post Office:
Oglala District Service Center
P O Box 289
Oglala, SD 57764

Via UPS or FedEx
Oglala District Service Center
147 Main Street
Oglala, SD 57764



[Copied Directly from Website]
Refugees fleeing Syria urgently need our help. 
Help us make a difference today!
‘Lily’ is supported by businesses and individuals in Turkey, whether it be donations of yarn, Knitting and Crocheting or transportation of completed blankets to receiving agencies.
‘Lily’ has no paid employees.  All the good work is done on a strictly volunteer basis.
‘Lily’ wishes to thank all those private individuals and businesses which support us.  Without you, there would be no ‘Lily’ – Love In the Language of Yarn.  We work hard for the day when we are no longer needed to help keep Children warm.
I realise the cost of sending items by post especially to Turkey can be costly which is why we are asking for just 3 squares ( of course we’ll also accept more). If you could knit or crochet just 3 squares they would fit easily into an envelope and postage shouldn’t be too great! (mark the package ‘Knitting For Charity – No Commercial Value’).
It really will make a difference to a child’s life!
Dianne Jones – Founder of  ‘Lily’- Love In the Language of Yarn.
Address – ‘LILY’ C/O Dianne Jones
Türkmen Mahlesi
Ünlü sokak No 10 D4
We now also have a  branch in Jordan, the address to send squares to Jordan is
‘LILY’ C/O  A Mencke
P.O. Box  2842
Jordan, 11941
For Website: Click Here
Put Your Squares Together,  Make a Warm Blanket and Send it to Emily

Emily's Hat's for Hope

Per the Websites; About Us Page

Emily, from NJ, has been making a difference throughout the world, one hat at a time.

In December 2011, Emily (then 17) realized she could help the homeless & working poor in her community by knitting warm winter hats for them. She created Emily’s Hats For Hope Initiative.

Emily is looking for people who knit, crochet or loom who would like to help make winter hats, scarves, afghans, mittens, gloves or baby blankets for the homeless and working poor. For more info:  Click Here


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Comments: 32

  1. Ami larkins June 6, 2016 at 7:47 pm

    What size of crochet hook do you use to bind off?? I have used an 8mm and the edging does not look like yours. I am not sure how to upload a picture here so I’m not sure how to show you. I love all the different videos and such just need to learn how to bindo off correctly.

    • Denise Canela June 9, 2016 at 6:45 am

      Hi Ami,

      The size of the hook depends on the yarn. The label will indicate the appropriate size. As for the edging (cast-off) – I no longer use that method – here is a post on how I start and end my stitch patterns and it better explains what I use now. Click HERE

  2. Pamela May 12, 2016 at 4:05 pm

    Is there a way to download this video to my computer, so that I can view it while offline.

    • Denise Canela May 13, 2016 at 8:17 pm

      Only Patrons on my Patreon can download my videos: Click HERE for more information

  3. Ellen Kerr May 7, 2016 at 12:20 pm

    THanks for a wonderful tutorial on the knit &Spurs stitches! I just got a loom (a rectangle loom) and am blown away by all the different stitches you can do.

    • Denise Canela May 7, 2016 at 6:10 pm

      I LOVE Stitches glad you’re enjoying the lessons, God willing more to come – stay tuned and Thanks for the Thanks Ellen – Very much appreciated

  4. Alechia March 14, 2016 at 12:58 am

    Are you still doing this knitted blanket ?

    • Denise Canela April 8, 2016 at 9:28 am

      Hi Alechia – sorry about the delay in responding – was sick for a bit and didnt notice that I had 2 pages – No not doing blankets right at this moment

  5. Rachel Bayes January 1, 2016 at 5:38 am

    Hello, there .I am looking everywhere to see how to make 6 inch squares on a round loom. I can’t find any written instructions anywhere. How many pegs would I need, 18 ?I see how you calculate length with a length of yarn. thank you .Happy new Year. I think your videos and instructions are brilliant, thank you -just used your recomendation for making a flatter hat crown (draw string ) (video by someone else) It worked really well.

    • Denise Canela January 1, 2016 at 11:34 pm

      If you’re using the same loom , yarn and stitch – 3 pegs per inch should be about right

  6. Anonymous August 19, 2015 at 1:58 pm

    Denise, I am using your video and instructions for making 8″ squares. The problem I have encountered is that 23 pegs on my knifty knitter measures almost 10 ” with a tape measure. Am I missing something here? Also, I am not getting the 27-31 rows either. I got 38. Help please! Thanks.

    • Denise Canela August 20, 2015 at 7:45 pm

      Are you measuring the fabric while it’s still mounted on the loom?

      • Maggie August 20, 2015 at 11:38 pm

        I measured the width just before preparing to bind off.

        • Denise Canela August 23, 2015 at 6:42 pm

          Maggie the fabric does tend to contract. Plus not sure the thickness of your yarn or your loom but should not result in 2 inches more. On an average it’s 3 pegs per inch. Measure it once it comes off the loom. There are so many variables in knitting including the knitter. Some of use knit tighter.

          • Anonymous August 23, 2015 at 7:30 pm

            Ok thank you.. Will do that

  7. Patricia Wojcik August 16, 2015 at 6:53 pm

    I use your site a lot. Thanks for the free patterns and ideas.
    As you can see I have changed my address. Please send notices to my new e-mail address for my knitting news.
    Thank you.

    • Denise Canela August 17, 2015 at 8:15 am

      Patricia, I have no way of changing this information. I can only edit your role or delete your user information. If you don’t remember how you signed up I would suggest just registering again with the new email.

  8. Rusheeda February 12, 2015 at 3:41 pm

    Do you have a video on how to join the loom knitted squares together?

  9. Carolyn January 1, 2015 at 10:10 am

    Hi Denise! I was wondering if these knit squares need to be blocked before sending them off. Thanks for your help.

    • Denise Canela January 2, 2015 at 12:38 pm

      Most of the charities do not require that the squares be blocked – it does make sizing better.

  10. chrystal December 12, 2014 at 6:52 am

    do you have a video showing how to put these squares together to make a blanket? I’m new and clueless and really liked your video. also, I saw above where you mentioned an updated video that showed the end part of your video where your hands were “cut off” do you have that part yet? i’m not sure how to do the crochet stick and wanted to see clearly where you were gathering the “extra loop” to cast off your square. thanks so much for all your help.

    • Denise Canela December 16, 2014 at 6:31 am

      Hi Chrystal.. the best method to attach the square is called a Mattress stitch : click HERE for a list of YouTube videos.
      I haven’t done an update on this video yet.. sorry.

  11. Bev P November 10, 2014 at 1:38 pm

    Thank you for your tutorial on looming, After looking at numerous I chose yours as your finished project was so precise. This was my first project. I want to make a pillow cover.
    Can I assume that if I cast on the 21 plus 2 stitches for the 8″ square that I would cast on 42 plus 2 for a 16: square? Would I use the yellow circle loom? I want to do a 2 x 2 rib.

    • Denise Canela November 14, 2014 at 1:38 pm

      Seems logical but it doesn’t always work out the way and the rib stitch is very elastic. I would recommend that you do a swatch first.
      Sorry wish I could give you a definite answer to this question. So far my squares are alway 8×8 since all the charities I highlight here ask for that size.

  12. Edith October 3, 2014 at 10:33 am

    your video was helpful, but at the end when showing how to finish the square, some of your hand and needle is cut off…

    • Denise Canela October 3, 2014 at 11:23 am

      Yes I know 🙁 .. plan to make an updated version of the video.. I’ve learned quite a bit about recording since then. Hope you will come back and watch that one when I get its completed. 🙂

  13. Pat February 19, 2014 at 9:49 am

    Hello Denise my question is I am using a rectangular loom trying to make squares you did say you could use a round or rectangular loom. My question is do I still use 23 pegs for a 8’x8’square?

    • Denise Canela February 22, 2014 at 9:46 am

      Hi Pat, haven’t made a square on a rectangular loom. However if the gauge on your loom is the same as the round Knifty Knitter – it should be the same number of pegs.

  14. Amy February 4, 2014 at 11:41 pm

    Ok so I watched the video and did as I showed on the square 9′ x 9′ patches but at the end (bind off) I cannot see what u did and I am about to ruin what took me 2 hours. I’m new n slow but now I’m stuck.

    Can u help me?

    • Denise Canela February 6, 2014 at 11:07 pm

      Hi Amy, sorry about that. I have gotten a lot of complaints but it was a new camera and I wasn’t use to it. To you answer, you are basically crocheting the bind off by feed the yarn through the loop and crochet. You will do this for one two – three loops depending on how tight you knitted and then adding a single crochet stitch when the knitting tightens up to help loosen things up. You have to gauge that independently because I don’t have you knitting in my hand to gauge it for you. I don’t know if that makes sense. Comment again if not I will try to explain it differently.
      Let me know I don’t mind answering the same question til you understand me. 🙂

  15. Isabel Marant Sneakers October 17, 2013 at 2:53 pm

    Hey! I just wanted to ask if you ever have any trouble with hackers?
    My last blog (wordpress) was hacked and I ended
    up losing several weeks of hard work due to no back up.

    Do you have any methods to protect against hackers?

    • Denise Cenela October 17, 2013 at 7:53 pm

      Yes – I use a plug-in the trashes spammers and if one gets past them I make sure to remove URL’s to discourage their return.

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