Knit with Two Strands of Yarn as One – Text, Pic and Video

Knit with Two Strands on a Loom

Knit with Two Strands

If you use a large gauge loom such as the Knifty Knitter or the Boye you will need to know how to knit with two strands of yarn as one. Many of the patterns written for loom knitting have this instruction within the notes. There is a good reason for it. The most commonly used medium weight of yarn is not thick enough when loom knitting unless you use a high-end, small gauge loom and for many folks those looms are not an option. So in this tutorial I will be showing you a few methods I use to knit with two strands.


Knit with Two StrandsLet’s Start at the Beginning – Why Knit with Two Strands

Have you ever seen a loom knit hat with large holes and thought, but why?  I do have to say that for some people this look is OK. The person in this picture has created an on-line tutorial that shows you how to make this hat holes and all. Personally I’m not a fan. I don’t like to see holes in my basic loom knit hat. It’s fine for a spring slouchy. But not a fitted beanie hat.If you are anything like me, you don’t have to settle for holes either because all you have to do is add a strand to your knitting when you loom. Easy as pie.

Image Credit:


Knit with Two StrandsWhere do You Get the Two Strands From and How do You Use Them

There is more than one way to get those two strands of yarn. I will tell about two ways. One is the simple way, just get two balls of yarn or two steins of yarn and bring the two strands together.

The other option is to get one skein and get a strand from the outside that is provided by the manufacturer and then get one from the top. You may need to check both the top and the bottom to find a strand. Although this method has the down fall that sometimes you get more than just that extra strand of yarn it is the method I mostly use because I just don’t have the time nor the resources to create two ball from ever skein of yarn I buy. Maybe you have one of those little machines that does it for you. That’s a whole other story.

Best thing is to watch the video below. I will show you how to pull the strands out of the top of the skein and how to knit with two strands.


The Video: How to Knit with Two Strands


I always recommend that you watch the video from beginning to the end before starting the project. This helps you feel more comfortable with the instructions and with the pattern. You can watch without distractions or concern that I am going to fast and you are not able to keep up with me. When you begin the project you can just have the video running in the background to help you stay in the correct order of the task.


If You Don’t Want to Knit with Two Strands


Knit with Two Strands1. Buy a Small Gauge Loom

A small gauge loom is a blessing from God. They make your loom knit projects loom amazing. I love loom knitting but I hate for my work to look “loom knitted”. There are folks that make these wonderful instruments. There is CindiLooms which are great. I use their looms often. Cottage Looms are beautiful individually handmade looms. The manufactures are here in the US which makes me VERY proud. Because they can make the loom when you place your order they can make the gauge as large or small as you like. Prices are reasonable for the caliber of product. I have to tell you that the pictures don’t do justice to the beauty of the wood and the craftsmanship.

For more information on these looms: Click Here


Knit with two strandsHats made on looms with small gauges tend to be tighter and have a more “knitted” or “crochet” then a”loomed” look.

Overall the patterns remain the same and what changes is just the number of pegs. So yes you are knitting more pegs but generally you will be knitting the same number of rows. This is why is can follow most patterns that were made for the large gauge looms almost the same without the need to make adjustments.

For a Free Pattern and Video Tutorial of this hat: Click Here


Knit with Two Strands


2. Buy Bulky or Chunky Yarn

If you have bulky yarn like Lion Brand Wool-Ease you don’t need to knit with two strands of yarn. And you may not have to give up your favorite brand of yarn. In fact most commercially available brands of yarn have a heavy weight version of their yarn.

For a listing: Click Here


knit with two strandsMy friend Karen Aiken in Canada does a lot of gorgeous knitting with Chunky yarn. She is my favorite example of knitting on a large gauge loom with bulky yarn. This is common place through out her website.

Best thing about her is she LOVES to take pictures. They are bright and you can see the thick stitches with great clarity.

She takes the simplest pattern and makes a treasure. Stop by and check out her site: Click Here


In Conclusion: 

Like everything else in life there is a time and a place for knitting with two strands of yarn as one. My point here was to make sure you knew how when needed.

I hope this helps. Leave me your thoughts and comments below.


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Comments: 33

  1. Annie December 11, 2016 at 8:52 pm

    Hi Denise! I’m about to start knitting a hat with bulky yarn and I had a question! I usually always knit with 2 strands of medium yarn and I have also knitted with just one strand of super bulky yarn before but now I just recently bought bulky yarn and I was wondering if I should use 2 strands or one strand? I hope this isn’t confusing the medium yarn I use has a 4 on it so I use 2 strands but this bulky yarn has a 5 on it so I don’t know if it’s thick enough to use a single strand or not?

    • Denise Canela December 11, 2016 at 9:19 pm

      Hi Annie – the answer to that is – it depends – not all bulky yarns are created equal. There are some specialty yarns that are just furry and are labeled as bulky. You really need to eyeball it – you know – is it bulky because of density or because of space. If it is truly bulky I would not knit with 2 strands as one.

      • Annie Hentz December 12, 2016 at 6:24 am

        Thank you for your reply! It’s hard to tell but I think my yarn may possibly be thick enough to use one strand. I don’t know if this helps but the yarn that I am using is Lion Brand Homespun yarn?

        • Denise Canela December 12, 2016 at 8:48 pm

          Annie – I tend to use this yarn more for shawls, throws or blankets – can be tricky for hats – doesn’t play well for detailed stitches. Either way – you only need 1 strand

          • Annie Hentz December 12, 2016 at 9:00 pm

            That is very interesting. Well thank you so much for all of your feedback Denise! I may rethink this yarn now and use it for a different project but either way you have helped me greatly! Happy Holidays!

  2. Linda Owens October 16, 2016 at 12:11 am

    How do you keep your two strands from twisting while knitting.

    • Denise Canela October 18, 2016 at 12:37 am

      Almost impossible if you’re using the e-Wrap version of the knit stitch. Otherwise you can use a Yarn Sleeve / Bra Or a yarn holder with 2 holes. Working on a pattern for that this month… so stay tuned

  3. Lizzy September 19, 2015 at 10:43 am

    Hi,i’m new to knitting and i just start to knit a scarf today after i watched your video. Your video is detailed and easy for me to follow up. But there ‘re still small holes even i use 2 strands, is it normal there’re holes or my step is wrong? And is it normal that both sides of scarf will curl whem i’m knitting?

    • Denise Canela September 21, 2015 at 2:52 pm

      Lizzy – Have you watched the video on making a Hat for Beginners? I think it may help you : Click HERE

  4. Sherry August 30, 2015 at 3:56 pm

    I personally prefer winding my skein in to two balls or cakes if I am using worsted weight yarn. A lot less hectic. Have you seen the looked that uses 4strands? The hats turn out really nice.

    • Denise Canela August 31, 2015 at 9:03 pm

      Wow – 4 strands sounds thick. I guess its like using a chunky #6 yarn.

  5. Anna March 16, 2015 at 2:38 pm

    Thanks for more great looming inspiration Denise. Once again you have given me a great goal to aspire too, great mentor that you are. Late to looming, but passionate to commit and leave a footprint.

  6. Barb R February 3, 2015 at 10:42 am

    I want to learn most all of the stitches on my looms. Do you have any advice for me. I just want to learn them all ! Thanks again.

    • Denise Canela February 6, 2015 at 8:16 am

      Hey Barb – Here is a playlist of my Stitch Videos – planning on a Stitch Series for this year. One every weekend. Make sure you subscribe to the blog and the YouTube Channel: Click HERE

  7. Maryanne January 31, 2015 at 10:50 am

    Is there a way to increase stitches on a 36 peg so that I increase to 72 or whatever amount of that possible

    • Denise Canela January 31, 2015 at 11:52 am

      < Duplicate > See answer on original question

  8. Maryanne January 31, 2015 at 10:49 am

    Is there a way to increase stitches on a 36 peg so that I increase to 72 or whatever amount of stitches

    • Denise Canela January 31, 2015 at 11:50 am

      Hi Maryanne,
      Yes, but it’s quite the task. Watch this video and you will see how you can add a whole other row of stitches over an existing row.. it is one way of creating the Flap-over brim: Click HERE

  9. Barb R January 25, 2015 at 8:22 pm

    If you use 2 strands to e wrap with can you still do the knit stitch and pearl stitch or any stitch? If I already started a hat and did the brim with one strand, can I go into using 2 strands? Do I need to cut yarn? Hat isn’t thick enough.

    • Denise Canela January 25, 2015 at 10:08 pm

      Hey Barb, Yes you can knit the brim with just one strand and then continue the body of the hat with two strands. Here is a post on add yarn to your project: Click HERE
      Hope that helps,

      • Barb R January 25, 2015 at 10:21 pm

        Not sure what to do. Pull out yarn from other end of skien and add in? So this can be ewrapped twice to do whatever stitch to make hat thicker?

        • Denise Canela January 26, 2015 at 6:12 am

          You can pull from the side or another skein and then just start knitting with two strands as if they were one. Here is a video of a hat being made with 2 strands as 1.. Click HERE

          • Barb R January 26, 2015 at 10:34 pm

            I am a beginner but I have made some hats and scarves and you have helped me so much. Can you tell me how you make the yarn piece that is on you loom hook handle? Thanks so much

            • Denise Canela January 28, 2015 at 6:13 am

              Hey Barb,
              Yarn Piece? I have a rubber band grip on some of my hooks. Here is the link to that post: Click HERE

              • Barb R February 1, 2015 at 2:02 pm

                Why when I use 2 strands my hats seem to thin? I use 4 worsted because that was all I had. Maybe different stitch then ewrap? Thanks

                • Denise Canela February 2, 2015 at 9:55 pm

                  Barb the 2 strands should work well. What brand of loom are you using?

                • Barb R February 3, 2015 at 10:36 am

                  I mostly use darice but I also have boye brand looms. Is the peg count different on each brand? I wanted to use biggest loom but just seemed thin when I started out using 2 strands but maybe I need to go ahead with it. What is your advise? Thank so much.

                • Denise Canela February 6, 2015 at 8:22 am

                  Most of the mass produced plastic looms have the same peg counts. Here is a chart: Click HERE . To make the fabric thicker change your stitch – try the Garter stitch – 1 row of knit, 1 row of purl. Here is a post on the Knit and Purl it includes an easy to follow video : Click HERE
                  Hope that helps,

                • Barb R February 6, 2015 at 10:38 am

                  Thank you so much Denise, this helps a lot. How do you cast off when you use the 3 step stitch or heart stitch? Is it like putting peg 2 on1 knit off ? Is gauge size mean how many pegs or something about pegs? Thankyou and you are such an inspiration.

                • Denise Canela February 6, 2015 at 8:55 pm

                  Hey Barb – After doing a few rows of knitting for the edges I mostly use the basic bind off.. I do modify it a bit.. This post includes a video that might help: Click HERE .. As for the gauge that is mostly determined by the space between the pegs on your loom.
                  Hope that helps… and you are VERY welcome

  10. Josh Catchur November 4, 2014 at 11:46 am

    I recently saw a great tip on a Youtube video (I can’t remember whose it was) where they pass the 2 strands of yarn through the outer tube of an ink pen they took apart before starting knitting. This has been very helpful for me. I’ve even used it for using regular yarns with specialty yarns. It keeps them together, untangled, and I can use it to wrap pegs a little faster. It did take a little getting used to at first.

    • Denise Canela November 7, 2014 at 7:10 am

      Hi Josh, the first time I saw this was with Mickey from the Crochet Crowd. It does come in handy… But I can’t say that I’ve really given them a chance – maybe I should rethink this one. Provo Craft – the folks that make Knifty Knitter sell them in packs of 3, they’re called Weaving tools. Not much different then the pen tip – they just come in matching colors and you don’t have those nasty grooves that you get from pen tips – but you could always just use a straw.
      Well – Hugs my Loomy,

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