Loom Knitting with Floss – Free Patterns & Videos

Knitting with Floss on a Loom

Knitting with Floss


I know it’s hard to imagine knitting with floss on looms but you can. I have a few ideas I believe you and your kids will enjoy tackling.  The patterns are easy and the technique I call Color Burst is super cool.

Get your looms and favorite embroidery floss colors and let’s go to work .

Projects made by Loom Knitting with Floss

You can knit with anywhere for 1 strand of the embroidery floss to an endless amount of strands. Logically the more strands the thicker and tighter the stitch. This concept is familiar to loom knitters. We knit with 2 strands of yarn quite often because of our large gauge looms such as the plastic mass-produced Knifty Knitters and Boye. If you are not familiar with this technique: Click HERE


Loom Knit Shoe Laces – Knitting with 2 Strands

Knitting with Floss

The shoelaces were done using a Spool Loom but you can use any loom with 3 pegs. I happen to like that the Spool loom has a side with small pegs and they work best when knitting with floss.

I like this project for kids. I know my daughter would kill shoelaces as if they were free. Most kids are the same. Plus this is a way to get that custom color you’ve been looking to match with your special shoes.

For the Loom Knit Shoelace Project Pattern and Video: Click HERE



Loom Knit Friendship Bracelet – Knitting with 4 Strands

Knitting with Floss

Like the shoelaces, the Friendship Bracelet is made on a Spool Loom but unlike the shoelace I only recommend using that particular loom. If you don’t have it I suggest that you consider getting one. They’re well worth the cost and can be used for more projects than you can imagine.

This pattern will need knitting with 4 strands and if you watch the video you will see a really cool technique I use to help with this.

For the Loom Knit Friendship Bracelet Pattern and Video: Click HERE


Loom Knit Purse and Loom Knit Shawl – Adding Floss to Your Knitting – for Color Burst

Knitting with Floss

I love adding a Burst of Color to some of my loom knitting projects. It just looks like Fun to me. This is a very simple process. It is exactly like knitting with 2 strands of yarn except that one of the strands is floss instead of what ever else you’re using say wool or acrylic.

In some cases the color looks almost random like with the purse above.  But with others the color placement can look very deliberate like with the triangle shawl below.

For the Purse Pattern and Video: Click HERE


Knitting with Floss
The yarn and the stitch are going to play a big part in this. With the triangle shawl pattern I’m using cotton yarn and a Double e-Wrap knit stitch. With the purse I used acrylic yarn and en e-Wrap knit stitch.

Loom knitting with Floss

For the Triangle Shawl Pattern : Click HERE


Adding Detail to Your Loom Knit Project

Knitting with Floss

Embroidery floss and also be used to add detail to the knitted projects. In the picture above it was used to gives eyes and lips to these Comfort Dolls. It’s a fairly simple technique but it does take some practice.

For the Comfort Doll Pattern and Video: Click HERE


Knitting with the 2 Strands and Adding More Floss

You start and add more floss to your project by using the same technique. All you have to do is make a Square knot with the yarn and the floss. If the floss ends then make a square knot with the end of the floss on the project and the new floss.  Watch the video to see the technique.

knitting with Floss

Image Credit: Spinnaker Sailing


Well that’s just a few ways you can use floss in your Loom Knitting projects.

Loom Knitting with Floss Video

Watch the video completely for short clips on each technique.

To Subscribe to my YouTube Channel: Click HERE



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Comments: 8

  1. Bobbie June 15, 2016 at 5:20 am

    Denise I wonder if you can help me I want to cast off baby blanket done in a stitch ew2sts then wool behind next 2 stitches then ew2wool behind next 2stitches , hope you can understand this stitch but don’t know how to cast off with thanks

    • Denise Canela June 15, 2016 at 11:26 pm

      Bobbie can you give me a link to this pattern? – EW means e-Wrap and 2sts – means 2 stitches the

  2. Loretta June 6, 2016 at 9:32 am

    The friendship bracelets and shoelaces look really fun (and beginner-level easy) to do with the kids this summer and use up some of my leftover flosses 😉

  3. Liz Naczek May 10, 2016 at 8:53 am

    I absolutely love your ideas and videos. You were the first channel I subscribed to when I started loom knitting a couple of years ago. My question is what is the best way to center alpha beads on your friendship bracelets. I am doing 22 friendship bracelets for an upcoming Girl Scout outing with my daughters troop and I wanted to add their names to the bracelets.

    • Denise Canela May 11, 2016 at 11:02 pm

      Hi Liz, I answered this question on the YouTube channel but just in case – this is one of those techniques where it’s easier to show you then to tell you. Simply Intertwined did a video : Click HERE

  4. Karen Aicken April 17, 2016 at 1:42 pm

    Such a cool idea – you are always so generous sharing your talents. Thank you!

  5. Kat Pritchett April 16, 2016 at 10:33 pm

    I love this technique. I’ve never seen this before. I’m going to try it on my Comfort doll bodies. I think that metallic and color flecks will look great in the dolls clothes. I’ve gotten off to a good start for this years donation to OCC. My goal for 2016 is 100 dolls. Thanks for the blog and great ideas. I’ve only been loom knitting for a couple of years and you have been such a wonderful teacher.Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    • Denise Canela April 17, 2016 at 8:15 am

      Another OCC Sister! I love it when someone tells me they use my videos and patterns for giving and even better for a ministry that is SO never and dear to my heart.

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