Learn to Knit – 10 Year Old Teaches Knitting on YouTube

Learn to Knit with Jackie

Loom Knitting KidsIf you ever wondered whether your kids could learn to knit, Jackie Alvarez has the answer, and it a resounding Yes.

This tiny hat knitting giant,  along with her mother, sister and even, get this, her father, tons of school and neighborhood tweens and teens have made hundreds of knit projects for relief organizations like Samaritan’s Purse, Relay for Life, other charities, hospitals and orphanages around the world.

In February of 2013 I recorded Jackie to create a loom knitting video tutorial just for kids.  You have to see her in action to believe that she is only 10 and is such an eloquent and effective teacher.. Watch with the kids. I promise that you will learn to knit and be inspired. I also assure you that you will have a lot of fun in the process.

I marvel at the picture above of Jackie at the tender age of 8 when she learned to make purses out of  her loom knitted hats . These have also found their way to many happy little girls around the world. She is as proud as she looks of her great accomplishment. I must say that I am TOTALLY proud to call her my friend.

You’re Going to Love Jackie as Much as We Do and

You and Your Kids will

Learn to Knit!



Looms are The Ideal Knitting Tool for Kids

Looms are made of  colorful , sturdy plastic. They are easy to manipulate and the amount of concentration needed to carry out the task is not as intensive with this technique as it is with crochet or regular knitting.

I personally will not keep knitting needles at my house. When my brother was 10 he sat on one of them. I won’t go into details.

A really great fact is that a child can finish the task of making a hat without having to learn how to read  patterns and having to count. They can if they want to later on but it is not necessary. To tell the truth, I don’t follow patterns to make my basic hat projects and I don’t like to count unless my design is complex or I’m making a pair of something like socks and even in that case there are methods to make it easier.

Read my article, Knitting with an Attention Disorder.  This information benefits anybody you don’t have to suffer from ADHD you can just be 12 years old and not be interested and that’s enough to lose interest in a loom knitting project. I just need to remember that the laundry is still in the dryer and off I go losing my place in my knitting project.


Looming is a Great Yarn Craft 

Yarn crafts are fun, cheap and easy. Loom knitting is a great one. That was the point of making the instructional video. To show that kids as young as 8 could make this craft that lends itself so greatly for charitable giving. By the way, charity begins at home – So junior can start with making Dad a Florida Gator’s hat (or what ever the favorite team colors are) ! They make great Christmas gifts, especially when paired with a cool scarf which is also very easy to make.

Once your child learns to loom knit a simple hat there are boundless other things to make,  This website is dedicated to just that. Showing you all the stuff your child or you can make when you learn to loom knit a hat.

We hope you have benefit from our story and our video. Please feel free to share it with your friends and loved ones. Both Jackie and I hope that you would be so kind and leave us a few words of encouragement, questions, or comments in the box below. It will certainly help me with the next Kids Tutorial and let Jackie know that all her hard work is well noted.

Thank You !

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Comments: 14

  1. Julie Landsiedel November 10, 2014 at 5:14 pm

    A great tip I learned when I was younger was to take a small piece of scotch tape and put around then ends of the yarn and then thread the taped end through the eye of the needle—goes in every time

  2. D.A. Fox September 21, 2014 at 1:49 am

    Hi Denise,

    Just a quick tip for threading the needle when you have yarn that won’t cooperate! Take a tiny piece/strip of paper no wider than the eye of the needle and about 2-3 inches long. Place the yarn in the center of your paper strip, and fold one end of the strip over the yarn, sandwiching the yarn in the center. Slide the ends of the folded paper strip into the eye and then just pull it through… it pulls the thread right through! If this is confusing and you need pictures of a short video snippet, just let me know and I can email it to you.

    • Denise Canela September 21, 2014 at 1:02 pm

      Thank You D.A. – Would like to post the pics and vid here or Facebook If you don’t mind providing them and allowing me to use them.

      • D.A. Fox September 21, 2014 at 6:00 pm

        Hi Denise,

        I don’t use Facebook, but I would be happy to email them to you to use if you’d like. Just let me know where you’d like me to send it or email me directly and I can just send it via a reply email. Hope it will be helpful! It has been very helpful to me.

        • Denise Canela September 21, 2014 at 7:54 pm

          Yes please… denise@loomahat.com.. mostly would like them for my knitting classes and if you’re ok with it – put them on this page. THANKS !

          • D.A. Fox September 22, 2014 at 3:24 am

            I emailed them to you! Hope they went through ok!

  3. Nicole September 19, 2013 at 5:14 am

    great tutorial enjoyed your sight

  4. S Morris August 28, 2013 at 1:37 pm

    I’m teaching my grandchildren 3, 5 and 7 how to loom knit. Their taking to it like ducks to water. Even the 3 year old is getting into it by wrapping yarn for pom poms. It was so great when the 5 year old asked if she could shut off the TV so she could concentrate on her knitting. She made a scarf in a day for her back to school outfit and was so proud. When i showed the girls Jackie’s video thyt were thrilled and inspired. They are huge fans of Jackie and eager to see more of her videos. It would be great if Jackie could do a kids page and more videos.
    Thank you so much for including children in your web site.

    • Denise Cenela August 30, 2013 at 6:18 am

      I really appreciate you taking the time to tell me about your little treasures. I so enjoyed making this video and love that it is a benefit to it’s intended audience. The video teacher, Jackie is awesome. She continues to make her little hats for the local hospital and her other beloved charities. I will share your post with her and her mom.

  5. E P Smith February 23, 2013 at 1:42 am

    What a Great demonstration. Miss Alvarez did a wonderful job. She even demonstrated the difficulties that adults sometimes have when doing these projects.

  6. Dorothy February 21, 2013 at 6:39 pm

    I see great things in Jackie’s future!

    • denise canela February 21, 2013 at 6:43 pm

      Thank You! I do too.

  7. francine leroux February 21, 2013 at 10:08 am

    nice to and good teacher,,,nice to see ……thanks….

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