Liam’s Gift – My New Loom Knitting Book for Kids

Liams Gift – A Short Love Story with a Simple Pattern

Liams Gift

I started loom knitting because I wanted to knit for charity. Then I learned how to make videos because I wanted to teach other’s how to loom knit. Now I wrote a book because I want to inspire children, their parents, friends and family to loom knit for charity. Liam’s Gift is the first in a series called Loving with Looms. The series is name after my yearly Award to those that share love and compassion to others by knitting gifts with their looms.

I hope you guys will consider reading and sharing this little e-Book. It is a short story about little guy with a really big heart. At the end of the story there is a simple pattern with a link to the video tutorial for beginners. Watch the short intro – let me know what you think.



To Buy the Book: Click HERE



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Comments: 5

  1. Telma December 7, 2015 at 1:28 pm

    Y love this stitches DIY TUTORIAL, Y WANT SEE MORE Y LOVE. TOO MAC

  2. Peppy Brooks December 7, 2015 at 6:00 am

    Denise, how brilliant! Love it! A perfect gift to share with my grandbabies and you know what? Other adults will love this as well. Way to expand your horizons! Just downloaded it and am so excited for this new path for you. Looking forward to your next endeavor- keep up the AWESOME work!

    • Denise Canela December 7, 2015 at 7:06 am

      Thank you – you’re ALWAYS so nice. I really appreciate that your part of the family. 🙂

  3. Shannon December 7, 2015 at 1:33 am

    Oh Denise!! This is so beautiful!!!! The illustrations are gorgeous, and the story is heart warming. What a perfect way to reach today’s kids who do pretty much everything via the computer. Thank you for sharing the gifts and talents God has so greatly blessed you with, so others may find a way to share as well.
    At a time when it seems like our world is going crazy, it’s comforting to know there are still people who care about the welfare of others. I’m going to share your book with everyone I know!!

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