Loom Knitting Hat for Beginners

Loom Knitting Hat for Beginners

Loom Knitting Hats for Beginners


If you can wrap yarn around a stick and pull one yarn loop over another you can knit a hat. May sound over simplistic but really that is all it takes.This Loom Knitting Hat for Beginners tutorial will show you how to easily and quickly create nice warm stylish hats without a lot of complicated terms or techniques.

Finding the right size loom is one stumbling block for a lot of folks so we will address that issue. The next one is, well now that I know how to loom knit, how many rows do I need for my 20-year-old brothers hat, my 4-year-old daughters hat and my 16 year-old neighbor. There is a simple, painless way to figure this out.

We start by choosing the right size loom

Choose the Right Loom

Loom knitting hat for Beginners

I am going to assume that you are using a Knifty Knitter, Boye, Micheal’s Loops and Thread,  Darice or a similar mass produced plastic based loom that you got at the local craft store, Amazon or eBay.

I have heard many times that to figure out the right loom just put one over your head. Well if that were the case the large 41-peg is for the man on the moon because no earthly human being has that big of a head.

The little guy on the picture is a 4-year-old. The 31-peg loom fits on his head but you need at least 36-pegs for the hat to fit. The 31-peg loom is used for babies and young toddlers no more then say 2-years,

There are just a few factors to keep in mind. Lets start with the chart below


Loom Size / Hat Size

Size Chart is based on Averages. The information is only a recommendation. Please use your own judgement in the final decision.

Note: Rows are based on 1 strand of thick yarn or 2 strands of light or medium weight yarn, e-Wrap Stitch and No Brim.
Chart Update: 10/2014
For a Folded Brim you may need 6 - 18 rows depending on the recipient. Note that to make the brim you fold the knitting in half.

1 inch = 2.54 centimeters
Hat RecipientAvg Head
Loom Size Hat LengthNumber
of Rows
AG Doll11 in / 27 cmSm 24 Pegs4 in20
Preemie12 in / 30 cmSm 24 Pegs4 - 5 in20-25
Newborn 14 in / 36 cmSm 24 Pegs5 - 6 1/2 in25-30
Baby - 1 yr.18 in / 46 cmMd 31 Pegs7 in25-30
Toddler21 in / 53 cmLrg 36 Pegs7 in25-30
Tweens & Teens22 in / 56 cmLrg 36 Pegs8 in30-34
Women & Lean Men22 in / 56 cmLrg 36 Pegs8 - 9 in32-40
Lrg Women & Men24 in / 61 cmX-Lrg 41 Pegs9 -10 in38-45


The Pattern with Pictures Tutorial: Click HERE


Loom a Hat

Different people have different ways of learning.  Above is a link to a post with picture and instructions on how to loom knit a basic hat.

Take you time reviewing the page and I recommend that you do that before you begin your project. Doing that will give you more confidence as you start your hat.


Video Tutorial: Loom Knitting Hat for Beginners

I always recommend that you watch the video completely before starting the project. Doing that will make the task much more doable because you’re going to feel a lot more confident. So sit back get some snacks and start the movie. 28 minutes later you will know how to loom knit a hat.

Below the video are the links I promised in the video.



Below are a few – see other at the end of this post

* For the Loom Knit Flower: Click HERE

* For the Loom Knit Pom Pom:Click HERE

* For the Flower Loom Flower:Click HERE

* How to Make Pom Poms: Click HERE

* How to Attach a Pom Pom: Click HERE


Loom Size

Find LOTS of Great Loom Knitting Books


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Comments: 13

  1. Kalliopi November 29, 2016 at 8:11 am

    Hi Denise!

    First I have to congratulate you on your website and youtube channel.

    I have the same problem as angela. The first time, I used a double strand of yarn (have already used this yarn with twisted stockinette stitch on a rectangular loom and got a nice fluffy and flexible scarf) and the hat had large holes and a bigger gap between the last and the first peg. The second time, I used double yarn for #6-7 needles, with the same result. Please help!

    • Denise Canela December 1, 2016 at 10:17 pm

      Hi Kalliopi – sometimes the first few hats are not to good but I promise that practice makes perfect. As for that first last peg issue – when you get to the second peg – pull on your yarn a bit – that tights the loop you left behind. What happens is that section is where you increase the row and ends up being a bit looser.

  2. iceman December 27, 2014 at 10:15 am

    On my hats I have nice size stitches all around but on the last peg I loom over it is bigger how do correct this

    • Denise Canela January 4, 2015 at 1:37 pm

      It should correct itself when take the hat off the loom..let me know

  3. Marquita December 1, 2014 at 9:46 pm

    I just want to take the time out to say thank you so much your videos are everything I tried the books, the other you tube videos but your video definitely broke everything down , im so addictive to looming now its unbelievable, I have so much yarn I have so many projects Ive started thats how addictive this is Thank You so much will be waiting for my videos for more projects.

    • Denise Canela December 1, 2014 at 9:54 pm

      Thank YOU Marquita !!!

  4. Angela T November 19, 2014 at 9:33 am

    Thanks so much for this video! I ordered the Knifty Knitter assorted looms and a Martha Stewart knitting & weaving kit & they were delivered over the weekend. I tried using the instructions in both books, and watched countless YouTube videos, but I just couldn’t get it right, until last night when I found your video. It was perfectly done for beginners like myself. I’d wanted to learn for years after reading the Kate Jacobs novels, but I was always too intimidated to try. I started using the Rainbow Loom with my children last year & I recently made rubber band dresses for all my daughter’s Barbie’s. I realized the stitches were so similar I could almost knit… Or so I thought! I’m so relieved I found your video, otherwise I may have given up entirely! Thanks again & I look forward to watching & learning much more!

    • Denise Canela November 19, 2014 at 2:02 pm

      Thank you Angela for taking the time to write this comment. I so appreciate it – you have no idea.
      Big Hugs Loomy,

  5. Amber November 19, 2014 at 1:29 am

    This was SO inspiring! Your video made me buy a loom tonight, can’t wait to try it out, thank you!

  6. Pali November 15, 2014 at 10:39 am

    Love this tutorial! So helpful for beginners! Have a great day!

  7. angela November 14, 2014 at 9:51 am

    I am a beginner at the loom hats and I keep getting a big gap an the stitches on the hat even though I do wrap all the pegs. can you tell me what I’m doing wrong.. thank you for your help.

    • Denise Canela November 14, 2014 at 11:54 am

      Are you using 2 strands of yarn as one – and is you yarn at medium weight?

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