Loom Pegs Replacements – A Product Review

loom-pegsLoom Pegs – A Product Review

I wasn’t even aware that you could buy loom pegs. I lose these all the time so I had to buy a pack and hope that they were exactly what I was hoping they would be.

Oh, the joy that is on-line shopping  Lucky for you I spend the money first, give you an honest opinion and hopefully help you make the right decision .  I must admit that on this round…

I did have high hopes for this product.


Loom-pegsPlease Don’t Glue the Loom Pegs

Some of you don’t care to know about this product because you plan to glue your pegs to your looms. I want to tell you that there is a good reason why those pegs come off. This is especially true with the Flower Loom.  Pulling the loom pegs off is the easiest way of releasing the flower from the loom. Can you use the hook, yes but that is not the best method. Some complicated patterns are almost impossible to do with out the ability to change the colors of  a peg or two. Can you still loom if you do? Yes but trust me, if you do glue you loom pegs you will regret it. As the old movie said, maybe not today or tomorrow but someday.

loomsThey Don’t Look the Same but They Are

All looms have their matching pegs, blue with blue and red with red. This may give you the impression that like the looms, the pegs are different sizes, but they are not. Regardless of the size of the Knifty Knitter, all the pegs are the same size with the exemption of the tiny pegs on one side of the Spool Loom . This is great, great and then great. The replacement pegs could be used for any loom. From the cute Flower Loom to the Extra-Large yellow loom.

Now this also brought up the question , why spend money on replacement loom pegs when I could just buy a whole loom and use it for parts ? I thought about that. I don’t know about you but I lose these a lot. I already have a loom with missing pegs and it’s very depressing especially because they’re getting harder to find.

5-4-2013_002My Conclusion: Loom Pegs?

The fact that they fit all my looms is a huge plus. I don’t need to buy six different packages. In all honestly that would have made them to expensive.

I like that they’re a different color from all the looms. This is more of a mental game for me but I believe it will keep me from loosing them. I big problem I now face with the extra red loom I’ve been using for spare pegs. I wish I could explain why. Suffice it to say that I’m a little different.

I like the little purse like packaging. It’s cute, which helps the product score high with me. It’s also resealable so I know that I will put the pegs back in their place. This again is another one of those mental games. I once heard an Organizing Specialist say, ”  A place for everything and everything in it’s place.” I wish she lived with me.

any whoo, I’m glad I bought them and plan to buy another pack as a back-up.


Knifty Knitter Loom Peg Replacements – A Product Review

The Movie

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Comments: 9

  1. terri July 2, 2014 at 1:07 pm

    Hi, my loom set consist of 4 round looms and the brand is from Loops & Threads. Knifty Knitter I do not think is sold anymore and the Boye looms are horrible because of the slit at the top underside of the peg (IMO). I am wondering if these pegs will fit my looms?

    • Denise Canela September 1, 2014 at 1:40 pm

      Hi Terri, sorry for the delay in responding I’ve been ill for a bit. Just trying to catch up.

      Yes, you can still get the Knifty Knitter – but I believe only on line. Also, I don’t think this little pegs will fit you Loops & Threads. I own the same looms although I have only used mine once – but I think the pegs can not be removed..and I believe they are thinner.
      If you’re just wanting to mark the loom – try tiny rubber bands or even pencil grips.

  2. laura February 10, 2014 at 9:22 am

    How to replace a broken peg

    • Denise Canela February 10, 2014 at 11:41 pm

      Take the broken peg out – put a new peg in. 🙂

  3. carolyn wiegman May 6, 2013 at 2:13 pm

    I had to write you and THANK YOU SOooo, MUCH for for this post. I hd gone couple times and bought new loom or my husband even made me 1 or 2 fron wood rods. OK, but just not right. SO AGAIN THANK YOU,,,
    and I really love your site.
    God Bless >’.'<

    • Denise Cenela May 6, 2013 at 5:56 pm

      Thank You Carolyn God Blesses me with folks like you.. makes all the work worthwhile.

  4. Linda Jones May 4, 2013 at 10:51 pm

    A couple of years ago, when I had a problem with my loom and lost a peg, Provo sent me several packages of these. I was astounded as I was just hoping in some way they had an extra peg. These pegs are wonderful to have on hand!!
    Regarding the gluing..I agree, don’t do it. For loose pegs take a smidge of paper towel, material, or cotton and place it over the whole push your peg down. This makes it much much tighter.

    • Denise Cenela May 4, 2013 at 11:05 pm

      Hey Linda! Glad to know I’m not the only one getting a kick out of finding that these exist. 🙂

      • Linda Jones May 5, 2013 at 3:23 pm

        You bet! I’d cry a river if I couldn’t use my old trusty KK’s. Have two sets now, my original from 2005 and one set I found at a garage sale-never used.. Of course I have LOTS of looms, LOL, but LOVE my kk’s and my flower loom..
        aka eljay

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