Loving with Looms 2014 Award

Loving with Looms 2014

Loving with Looms 2014

I am so happy to return this year with the 2nd Annual Loving with Looms 2014 Award. It is an honor for me to showcase people that use this art to help the hurting, the needy and the helpless warm their bodies and their spirits. This is very dear to my heart and I hope Every single person who visits this site will take the opportunity to nominate themselves or someone they know.

I will NOT be nominating anyone nor voting. I will not give the Judges nor the nominees any feedback. I do however, urge you to do so.

In this tiny effort I just want to say that everyone who is nominated has blessed someone, thank you for loving with your looms.

October 18 was chosen because it is the Sweetest Day holiday so lets not waste a moment. Be sweet and nominate. Then tell your family and friends to also vote.


Loving with looms 2014


Basic Rules

  • Charity knitting must be done with looms
  • US and Canadian Residents Only
  • Make sure your charity has some kind of website or Facebook page
  • You Must do Step 1 and Step 2 on THIS PAGE
  • 1 Person – 1 Vote

First Comment (by Kamrin White ) is an Example of How to Enter Someone Else

For more Terms and Conditions Scroll to the Bottom of the Page


The Prizes and the Award

Loving with Looms 2014


The Prizes (THREE Winners) – The Award (ONE Winner)

Rafflecopter will randomly choose 3 Prize winners. The 6 Judges will read the 3 winning blog post and decide who of the 3 Prize winners will be the Award Winner. This person will be announced on November 23, 2014.

The Prize Winners will Receive

The Award Winner will Receive all of the above and … 

  • A $50.00 Amazon Gift Card ! 
  • Award and Recognition for the winner and the organisation they represent every year for as long as the Loving with Looms Award exist.



Enter to Win Below – Ends 11/16 at Midnight

How to Use Rafflecopter Video : Click HERE

  •    The Raffle Widget: We’re using Rafflecopter to Randomly choose three prize winners. Some people have complained that it is difficult to use. I believe that it only “looks” difficult and if you will be willing to click on the little box (you can’t hurt it) you’d be surprised how easy it truly is. Non-the-less, I wrote a post with instructions that includes an easy to follow short video produced by the creators of the widget. If you need to contact me by email: denise@loomahat.com


a Rafflecopter giveaway



Terms and Conditions:

  • This award is open to US and Canadian residents only.
  • There is no age requirement but parental consent is needed to announce winners under 18 years To nominate a charitable loom knitter – you, yourself do not need to be a loom knitter you only need a valid email.
  • The Nominee must use a Loom for charitable giving.
  • The Nominee must give to a not-for-profit charity with a website or Facebook page.
  • He or She must be willing to have their full name and picture featured on this website and social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.
  • You will Nominate someone or yourself by writing why you or your nominee should win the Award and the name of the not-for-profit charity in the comment section of this page then confirm it on Rafflecopter. If you do not do BOTH actions Your Nominee CAN NOT win.
  • One person can be nominated an unlimited number of times as long as it’s not by the same person. Example: A classroom of 20 students can ALL nominate their teacher but on the reverse – the teacher can NOT nominate all 20 students. She can only nominate 1. (1 Person – 1 Vote)
  • The Judges can not nominate nor be nominated.
  • You can only win the award once. Pali Wilson can not be nominated again but someone from her group can be nominated.
  • You CAN be nominated even if you won any other prize on this site regardless of when you when that prize.
  • If there is a tie for the Award. The winner will be decided by the Rafflecopter order of winners.

Nominations will end on 11/16/2014 and the 3 Prize Winners will be announced 11/17/2014 before midnight barring any natural disasters or unforeseen issues. . The Judges will then consider what you wrote in the comment section of this page and vote for 1 of the 3 random winners. The Loving with Looms Award 2014 Winner will then be announced on 11/23/2014 before midnight barring any natural disasters or unforeseen issues. FEEL FREE TO LEAVE COMMENTS THAT HELP THE JUDGES WITH THE DECISION After 11/16

  • Meet Our Judges:

I want to thank these 6 ladies for agreeing to take of their precious time. I truly appreciate it. Two of the Judges did not want pictures included but none are anonymous. Click the picture college below to get more information on your Judges. Please hold off on leaving any comments for the Judges until the Nominations have ended on 11/16/2014. They will only decide on 1 of 3 people that were randomly chosen by the Rafflecopter widget after 11/16/2014.
Loving with Loom Judges 2014 college


Loving with Looms



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Comments: 59

  1. Debra Frazier November 16, 2014 at 9:21 pm

    I would like to nominate Brenda (bigbadbrenda) from Montreal. Brenda knits for several charities.

    She also serves as a moderator in the For the Children of Pine Ridge Reservation group on Ravelry. In this capacity, she not only knits for others, she encourages and inspires the members of our group (we are currently 972 members) to contribute as well.

    Brenda’s Ravelry project page features many loom knitted items gifted to people in need. It is my sincere hope that she win the Loving with Looms 2014 Award.

  2. Kristy C November 16, 2014 at 8:27 am

    I nominate my group Caps for Carti on Ravlery. I have started this group to help give back to the community I grew up in because Carti in Searcy gives so much to the community. I have recieved and made over 100 hats for the last year since I started the group. Thank you for the opportunity.

    • Denise Canela November 16, 2014 at 4:44 pm

      Hi Kristy, sorry but you must choose one person to nominate.

  3. Mona November 16, 2014 at 7:41 am

    I also nominate Brenda from Montreal, ‘bigbadbrenda’ on Ravelry. Brenda knits and knits for Pine Ridge Reservation through several Ravelry groups, one of which she moderates. Pine Ridge Reservation is one of the poorest areas in the US. Brenda is an inspiration for all of us.

  4. Anna Hennigan November 15, 2014 at 10:23 pm

    Hi Ms. Canela,
    I would also like to nominate Nancy Lambert from the group “Knitting Together” in Charlottesville, Virginia. I am the youngest member of the group and in the two years that I have known Nancy, she has become like a grandmother to me. Nancy is always endlessly patient with me and my knitting blunders, and she loves to teach everyone in the group new techniques for loom-knitting. Although we all work very hard, Nancy is incredibly dedicated. She always crafts the most hats each week and she always has great ideas about getting our hats to those who need them most. She really cares about the cancer patients we donate hats to at the UVA Children’s Hospital, the Flourish Boutique at the UVA Emily Couric Cancer Center, and Jackson-Via Elementary School, and other charitable organizations, and she always seems to find that extra time to knit hats for anyone she knows who seems to be cold. Nancy is a truly wonderful person who has spent her entire life working to help others, from teaching at our Charlottesville city schools, to tutoring those children who need an extra hand with their studies, and now to loom-knitting hats. All of us in the “Knitting Together” group would be honored and thrilled to have Nancy recognized for her talents and for her generosity in devoting so much of her time and energy to loom-knitting hats for those in need. We all have fingers crossed that Nancy will win the Loving with Looms Award for 2014!

  5. Laurel November 15, 2014 at 11:17 am

    I nominate Brenda. She knits for the children of Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. Poverty on the reservation is extensive and the climate is cold. She warms a lot of heads and hands.

  6. lora mount November 14, 2014 at 12:59 pm

    I would like to nominate Wendy Crater for this honor. She is our retired assistant principal and now a volunteer at the alternative high school in Victoria, Texas. She got us started
    loom knitting about four years ago. We donate hats to our homeless veterans through the
    local veteran ‘s clinic , to the kids at the Mid Coast Family Shelter, to the residents at Retama Manor South, the local nursing home we visit twice monthy and also to a small nursing home in Premont, Tx
    Teaching the students to make the hats and then watching them as they complete the
    project is so heartwarming, considering the background most of them come from. and the
    fact that no one has ever showed them how they can give back to the community.

  7. Kris B. November 12, 2014 at 7:57 pm

    I want to nominate my 12 year old son who has autism. He loves to loom hats for the homeless and we mail them off. Hats for the homeless is a wonderful organization. He loves to knit and loom beautiful hats also we crochet some as well.

    • Denise Canela November 12, 2014 at 9:32 pm

      Kris, THANK YOU for nominating your son – What an inspiration ! Please tell us his name and when you say Hats for the Homeless, is this the charity you are talking about, Hats4theHomeless.org

  8. Connie Gaulden November 11, 2014 at 2:20 pm

    I knit and crochet for a prayer shawl ministry through my church. Some of my shawls, lap robes, scarves, hats are made for a specific person – others I make “ahead of time.” I pray for the person receiving it throughout the entire process, even for the ones that don’t have a specific recipient. This ministry has been a blessing to the people in our church – they are able to give something handmade to someone “out there” who needs our love and prayers, even if they don’t have the skills to make it themselves. We receive many cards and letters from people (literally from all over the world) letting us know how much it means to them that we prayed for them and took the time to give them tangible evidence of those prayers.

    • Denise Canela November 11, 2014 at 4:54 pm

      Hi Connie, what you’re doing is awesome. I would like to ask if you could please tells us the name of your church and the city or if you already have the website address and can post it here that would be great.

  9. Lisa Muir November 11, 2014 at 8:38 am

    I would like to nominate myself for the loving Loom give away. My school has a population of 600 students with 35% free and reduced lunch. As part of our giving back to the community, we loom hats and scarves for the homeless shelter called SOME which stands for So Others Might Eat. Wining the loom donation give away would help us continue on with our 6th grade community service. We thank you for considering my nomation.

  10. Lisa Muir November 10, 2014 at 1:05 pm

    Our 6th grade students host a loom club to loom scarves and hats for the homeless. This is a our second year of teaching 6th graders how to loom a scarf or a hat for community service. We ask for donations of yarn and looms from the entire 6th grade. We have donated to date 100 scarves and 30 hats. We are working on getting more hat looms.
    SOME.org is an homeless shelter in Washington DC. I refer our students to your site since it is very easy to use and it will work on their devices.
    Thank you for a great site!
    Lisa Muir

    • Denise Canela November 10, 2014 at 5:14 pm

      Hi Lisa, THANK YOU for the nominations and request for yarn and looms.
      Unfortunately, LoomaHat.com is just little ol me and as much as I would LOVE to send everyone yarn and looms, if I want to pay my bills this month I can not. But I can reward up to three people with a prize if they win the raffle. The rule is that you can only vote for 1 person so please come back and pick one person – that person can you or ONE of the students. For everyone to be nominated they would have to either nominate themselves or nominate each other. There is no age restriction – you just need a valid email in order to nominate someone.
      So 1 person – 1 vote.

      I hope you understand and come back – I would LOVE for one of these students to win. 🙂
      Lots of Hugs,

  11. David Hennigan November 9, 2014 at 4:10 pm

    Hello, Denise,
    Thank you for efforts to showcase the many ways people across the country, armed only with their knitting looms and yarn, are making a huge difference in the lives of so many. I would like to second the nomination of Nancy Lambert of “Knitting Together” in Charlottesville, VA. Nancy brings tremendous enthusiasm to the weekly meetings of the group, and is hard at work all week long with her knitting. It is great to have someone so committed to getting the job done!
    Thanks for considering this nomination!

  12. Dee Martin November 7, 2014 at 3:03 pm

    As a volunteer, I teach free crochet & knitting classes in San Bernardino County, California (which is largest county in the USA by area (bigger than 9 actual States), 12th most populous county in USA–homeless population increased by 39 % in 2007).

    One of my students asked if we could make hats & blankets for local Social Services, which sometimes must remove children without warm clothing from dangerous living condition on very cold nights. Others of my students volunteer with church groups giving food & clothing to needy..

    I am unemployed & without income myself (on Food Stamps), so I can’t purchase yarn or looms to instruct students, although I have loom I learned on which someone offered to me when his female relative passed away. Being given tools & materials would help us assist others!

    • Denise Canela November 8, 2014 at 8:23 am

      Dee this is awesome. Love to see kids helping. Just a few things – are you loom knitting and can you tell me the name of the program. I did some research on the San Bernardino County Social Services and found this listing, Click HERE tell me which one.

  13. Carrie November 7, 2014 at 10:43 am

    I’m nominating myself but will share the honor with my sister who started loom knitting when she found out how much I enjoy the craft. We donate a good portion of the hats, scarves and mittens made to the homeless shelters in my local area. This year my sister and I along with our families will also go out and give “gift” bags of hygiene and snack goods and each will have a hat & scarf inside as well.

    • Denise Canela November 8, 2014 at 11:55 am

      Hi Carrie – could you tell me the name and location of the shelter and I will do a Google search for the website or if you already have a link then place it here.

  14. Denise León Valenzuela November 6, 2014 at 11:06 pm

    I learned to loom at Keep In Stitches (KIS) in my church. In my forties I had a stroke and other complications and spent a lot of time in hospitals and nursing homes. I received a loomed lap afghan from this group and it meant the world to me. Some years later when I was better, I decided it was time to give back. I’ve really enjoyed making all sorts of hats for babies and for homeless men, women and children from yarn donated to the church. I just moved out of state and am continuing to loom with yarn I buy and donate to KIS. I am thinking of starting up a new group in my new church, neighborhood or wherever I find volunteers.

  15. Ruth Griffiths November 5, 2014 at 4:56 pm

    I nominate Lynn Bice Lasseter, who has donated many hats to Heart of Florida Hospital and the Regency Center of Winter Haven. After she retired from teaching in 2011, Lynn made hats for First Presbyterian Church’s food kitchen. Lynn is one of the most generous, kind and giving person I have had the pleasure to call my friend. Thank you.

  16. FlowerInYourHat November 5, 2014 at 2:13 pm

    I am in junior high, and love to crochet winter and fashion wear for family and friends!

  17. Casey Bannister November 5, 2014 at 8:46 am

    I am nominating Lynn Bice Lasseter from Winter Haven, FL who assisted her students in making over 1,000 infant hats that were donated to Heart of Florida Hospital and The Regency Center of WH Hospital. After she retired from teaching in 2011 she began making adult hats for those served by the First Presbyterian Church’s food kitchen and has donated almost 250 to those coming in for food. She even finished a hat for one man who had heard about the hats and was waiting for her when she came that day. She has no assistance with the cost of yarn and has truly made hats a labor of love!!

  18. Shannon R November 4, 2014 at 1:00 am

    I just started knitting for the Washington State Special Olympics Scarf Project. My 14 year old niece Allison has Down’s Syndrome, so to support this group means a lot to me. I found the the link to their web site under Charities here on Loomahat.com!

    I’m also working on a prayer shawl for a friend who has breast cancer. I’m using Denise’s videos to help me decide which stitch to use. I want one that will look nice, but not increase my knitting time too much. I don’t want it to turn into a UFO!

    Another charity I’m looking forward to contributing to is Halos of Hope. I had never heard the term “sleeping caps” before. I love the idea of knitting hats for adults and children undergoing cancer treatment to help keep their heads warm while sleeping. The website even provides a list of approved yarns to use to insure the caps are super soft.

    With all of these projects, I could sure use more looms and yarn!

    • Denise Canela November 4, 2014 at 7:51 am

      Shannon, thank you for introducing us to Halos of Hope !

  19. Betsy November 3, 2014 at 8:22 pm

    I am looming hats, scarves, and/or ear warmers for the Washington state special Olympics. Have also donated many hats and scarves to a local cal homeless shelter.

  20. Anonymous November 2, 2014 at 7:21 pm

    I am nominating Lynn Bice Lasseter from Winter Haven, FL who assisted her students in making over 1,000 infant hats that were donated to Heart of Florida Hospital and The Regency Center of WH Hospital. After she retired from teaching in 2011 she began making adult hats for those served by the First Presbyterian Church’s food kitchen and has donated almost 250 to those coming in for food. She even finished a hat for one man who had heard about the hats and was waiting for her when she came that day. She has no assistance with the cost of yarn and has truly made hats a labor of love!!

  21. Dorothy Albright November 2, 2014 at 3:51 pm

    I am loom knitting for a fund raiser to cover medical costs for a 13 y.o. who is battling osteosarcoma. I also loom knit and crochet items for a non-profit girl’s group home where my youngest daughter lives. I am making a graphghan of the group home for them to raffle off to raise money.

    • Denise Canela November 3, 2014 at 4:44 am

      Hi Dorothy, would you please tell me more information about the group home so I can help find the website or if you have a link place in the comment section of this page.

      • Dorothty Albright November 3, 2014 at 7:21 pm

        My youngest daughter has been a resident there on three separate occassions. This last one has been for two years. They offer counseling, bonding, goals and opportunities for the girls that they might not get otherwise. They have helped my daughter and I out tremdously to help us bond AS MOTHER AND DAUGHER AND TO WORK THROUGH OUR PROBLEMS. sHE HAVE BEEN DRUG AND ALCOHOL FREE SINCE dEC. 2012 WHEN i SAID i HAD ENOUGH AND CALLED THE POLICE AND PROBATION ON HER AND HAD HER TAKEN FROM MY HOME. Since my daughter has been there she has been a high honors student in school, has volunteered every week at various agencies,and is going to be going to college when she graduates this year.

        http://ccysb.com/?page_id=88 Stormbreak which is the Girls Residential group home where she lives now.


        http://ccysb.com/?page_id=94 – Stepping Stone the next place she will be going when she graduates high school if she doesn’t want to come back home.

        • Denise Canela November 3, 2014 at 7:59 pm

          Dorothy, Thank you sooooo much for sharing this with us. I’m sure someone will find hope in your story.
          Big Hugs,

          • Dorothty Albright November 3, 2014 at 9:40 pm

            Thank you Denise!

  22. auntiegram November 2, 2014 at 12:48 pm

    What nice prizes! I loom for “Under the Bridge”. I deliver my hats, scarves, etc. to my local food pantry; and they pass my work on to the charity. It’s an anonymous donation from me. It’s a very satisfying way to spend my idle hours.

    • Denise Canela November 2, 2014 at 2:07 pm

      Hi Auntiegram, is that a ministry in Knoxville TN. I’m trying to find the website. If you could help me with the city and state of the charity or pantry that will help me locate the website or the actual web address to the charity or the food pantry.
      Thank you,

  23. Teresa November 1, 2014 at 10:35 pm

    I’d like to nominate myself if I can, I started loom knitting while recovering from surgery this past Christmas, I came home Dec 31st and was suggested to try loom knitting by a friend. So I started making caps recently after my second surgery that I’m donating to the Emily Couric Cancer Center at UVA. They gave me my life back after struggling for over a year, UVA helped me beat Cancer in the 90’s before ECCC was around, and treated my sister and brother who wasn’t able to beat it. Ty 🙂

    If not, I’d like to nominate Norma Johnson, I don’t know the organization that she donates to, but she is constantly making hats and donating them to an organization that is in need in her area. She is a wonderful woman! Ty.

    • Denise Canela November 2, 2014 at 7:39 am

      Thank you Teresa, your nomination has been noted. You are a brave soul. I’m so happy you shared your story here.
      Big Hugs to You,

  24. Laura November 1, 2014 at 6:12 pm

    hello, what a beautiful prize give away,
    I don’t as of yet donate much, as Iam still in the process of learning all the different projects, just got the hats done to my liking and do make a lot for my 4 kiddos as well their friends and within our family. For now, but I do have plans to donate to our children’s hospital as well as our kids elementary school.

  25. Necie Hooper November 1, 2014 at 4:16 pm

    I am entering but on behalf of my church group, Goodnaz Hooks and needles. We provide hats and scarves for homeless, chemo caps to any CA patient we are aware of, we sometimes give monetary gifts to individuals who are in desperate need that we raised thru donations for our fiber items, we put a handmade hat in every Operation Christmas Child shoebox that our church prepares (this year our goal is 400 boxes), and assist with various other charitable events. The only charity that we have consistently donated to that has a website is Operation Christmas Child. If you need to verify that would not be possible since we put the hats in the boxes we make. However, our coordinator for the shoeboxes at church coukd verify info.

    • Denise Canela November 1, 2014 at 5:29 pm

      Thank you Necie, I love Operation Christmas Child – Here is a post of ideas for loom knit items for you shoe boxes, Click HERE
      Best of luck and remember that every member of your church group that loom knits is eligible to win. Every member even those that do not knit can nominate someone that does… they just need a valid email address to enter into the raffle widget. No age restrictions. This raffle has 3 Winners !
      Hugs for everybody – You guys are great – Stay strong I pray you reach your goal of 400 hats and then a few more.

  26. Raelyn Arnold November 1, 2014 at 1:03 pm

    Hi Denise,

    I entered the yarn giveaway, but then realized I’m probably not eligible since I’m helping judge the “Loving w/ Looms” award. Please, discard my entry.

  27. Faith Alkire November 1, 2014 at 11:01 am

    I loom hats and baby blankets for WVU’s NICU. so even poor premeis have something warm to go home in.

    • Denise Canela November 1, 2014 at 2:20 pm

      Thank You Faith !

  28. Amanda Atkinson November 1, 2014 at 10:28 am

    I donate blankets to a charity call Project Linus. They take handmade blankets for children that need a security blanket as they have been through a lot.

    • Denise Canela November 1, 2014 at 2:21 pm

      Thank You Amanda for all you do !

  29. Jeannette Booher November 1, 2014 at 8:57 am

    WOW! What a giveaway. I am trying to learn to knit.

    Last summer, I knitted some bags (not finished hats basically) and put inside another craft (finished, small cross) and gave them as reminders the church was praying for them, as 16 church members went to our church’s international mission trip, to Peru.

    I have also knitted finished hats, but have not gotten them to where they need to go.

    So, Peru is the only finished, complete project.

    • Denise Canela November 1, 2014 at 9:15 am

      Hi Jeannette, Thank you for entering the Raffle. Please tell us the name of your church.

  30. Debra Olson October 31, 2014 at 4:16 pm

    I would like to nominate myself as a member of Hats and Wraps charitable knitting and Woodlake Lutheran Church Prayer Knitters. As the only loom knitter in both groups.

    I made over 250 hats for charity last year, mostly childrens hats. They have gone to a variety of places, via my church and also People serving People shelter, and Volunteers Enlisted to Assist People (VEAP)

    Hats are also given our of my car when we see someone in need. Minnesota gets very cold so its great to be able to help on the spot.

  31. Susi Hennigan October 31, 2014 at 10:38 am

    I would like to nominate the entire “Knitting Together” team in Charlottesville, VA.
    Here’s why:
    “Knitting Together” is an intergenerational knitting circle and is a team of loom-knitters (family and friends) crafting hats for children in need. The group had its humble beginnings when Ruth (a founding member) first discovered knitting looms and with guidance from your website knitted her first hat. We were all amazed at the astoundingly beautiful result. (Ruth can do anything under the sun, but this first hat was truly amazing.) Ruth quickly taught all of us the basics and we were hooked! But we had no idea what to do with the hats we were creating–until we looked just outside at the elementary school children heading off to school each morning in our neighborhood, many of whom had woefully uncovered (and presumably cold) heads. So Nancy (another founding member of the “Knitting Together” team) launched a program with the elementary school to donate our hats to those kids in need.

    Our passion had suddenly developed a focus! We began meeting each Sunday morning to knit in earnest and to share stories of our lives (both to do with yarns, of course!) Many, many hats later, we discovered a wonderfully soft yarn for knitting baby blankets and clothes, and we found that the very small cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy at the University of Virginia’s Children’s Hospital loved the feel of this yarn on their heads–and we also learned that these children very much loved the big flowers, pompoms, and other embellishments we began adding to the hats, as well as the buttons featuring dinosaurs, silly animals and other creatures, and footballs that had become a staple on our hats. Our little group suddenly had another big mission!

    To organize all of our efforts, we drafted Anna (also a founding member) to keep us on track in terms of hats promised, and the yarn and other supplies needed, and making sure we had fulfilled any special requests. Our little team has begun to expand, and we’re looking forward to fulfilling the recent requests for holiday-themed hats for the Children’s Hospital!

    In sum, I respectfully request that the entire “Knitting Together” team be nominated for this award, and if not the whole team, then any one of its amazing members would be a great candidate.


    • Denise Canela October 31, 2014 at 4:39 pm

      Susan, Please return and choose one person from your group to nominate. He or she can represent the team.

      • Susi Hennigan October 31, 2014 at 6:41 pm

        Hi Denise–
        I thought I might have to make this difficult decision at some point! Though I do truly believe that each of the members of our knitting team would be a worthy candidate for nomination, I would very much like to nominate Nancy Lambert to represent “Knitting Together.” Not only has Nancy single-handedly knit so many hats for our group that we’ve all lost count (numbering in the hundreds, though!), she has devoted innumerable hours and a lot of her personal resources to help supply our yarn, loom, and other needs, has worked overtime to get our hats to the children who need them most, and probably most importantly, is just an all-around wonderfully kind, compassionate, generous, and amazingly-talented individual. We are so very lucky that Nancy devotes so much of her creative energy and her commitment to make a difference in this world to our “Knitting Together” group. Please accept this nomination for Nancy Lambert to be considered for the Loving with Looms 2014 Award.

        • Denise Canela November 1, 2014 at 2:26 pm

          Hi Susi Thank you so much for voting for Nancy, BTY everyone of the members of your team is eligible to win – Nancy can nominate someone else and they can nominate another member – every single person can nominate themselves or someone else in the team. Rember there will be THREE winners in this raffle. The more votes the better your odds
          Hey send pictures of the group. I would love to see this VERY special group of people
          Big Hugs my Loomy Sister,

          • Susi Hennigan November 5, 2014 at 9:37 pm

            Hello, Denise–
            Sorry for the very lengthy silence! I will absolutely send you a picture of our knitting circle–and I’ll include in the picture some of our latest creations, including the absolutely adorable pumpkin hat we learned to knit with the instructions from your site! I am working on the other (somewhat shyer!) members of “Knitting Together” to nominate either themselves or another member of the group . . . hopefully more on that soon . . . .In the meantime, though, it’s so exciting to see all of the amazing ways caring people are using their loom-knitting talents to make a difference in the world. It truly is quite inspiring!
            All best wishes,

            • Denise Canela November 5, 2014 at 11:21 pm

              Thank you Susi, you guys are awesome and I would love to showcase you

  32. Christina October 18, 2014 at 10:11 am

    That yarn looks cool. I’ve got to try some of that kind.

  33. kamrin white October 18, 2014 at 8:47 am

    I’m nominating Dunia Blanco from Florida for Loom Knitting Hats for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes.

    Dunia gets her whole family and many of her friends to knit. I would love for her to win so she can have more looms and yarn to make available to those she invites to loom at her house.
    Thank you.

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